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APS 4: High Expectations

Each teachers on the high school wing was assigned a month to decorate a bulletin board in the
hallway. I decided to have the bulletin board math related. This board is an interactive game.
The question states, How well do you know our arent functions? The objective of the game is
to match eh graph tot e function and the name of the functions. My favorite part of this board
was creating the graphs with string.

My cooperating teacher created this wall at the beginning of the year. It displays all the students
work. This set high expectation for the students.

This is the word wall I created. The posters words that are position together to make a shape.
Underneath the word wall is a place to display student work for each class.

I created this door for American Education week. The quote is very personal to me, and being
that I interned for NASA for two years, I made it my theme. Each footprint has students life
aspirations written on it. The astronaut cut out is my favorite part because you can put your head
in the helmet to take a picture. I also attached all the African-American astronauts to the

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