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Dear Ms.Tunnels,
Im reading the 1st book of 39 clues The
Maze of Bones. I think the theme for my book
is dont let people bully you. I know this
because in the book Amy and Dans cousins
and other family members bully them all the
time. Also in the book Amy and Dan had a vial
and then one pair of their cousins came and
pretended to poison Dan and then said will
you make a trade? so then he said the vial
for your brother and the cure and then Amy
gave him the vial because he thought the vial
was the clue but it wasnt Dan had the real clue
in his pocket the whole time.
I think this is the theme for 39 clues The Maze
of Bones because in the book Amy and Dan
Cahill are always being bullied by their own
family members.

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