Science Lesson Plan Erosion

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Lesson Plan Form - LBS 400

Revised 08/05/14



Grade level(s):


Shelby Hall
4-ESS2-2: Make observations and/or measurements to provide evidence of the effects of weathering or the
rate of erosion by water, ice, wind, or vegetation.
I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):
What are students learning? Underline content type.


Given text on erosion, students will know that water erodes bare soil most easily by creating drawings of
how water erodes different soil samples in their notebooks.
DOK/ Level of Cognition: DOK level 1 Recall and Reproduction
III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence): What lesson comes
before this lesson? What lesson comes after this lesson?
Before: Lesson on the water cycle
After: How can we prevent mudslides
Unit: Water Cycle
A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activity): Ask students: What do you think happens to water
when it rains? Have students turn to partners and say answer.
Anticipatory Set: Read story on how erosion shapes landscapes.
Student friendly objective: By the end of our lesson you should know that water erodes
landscapes differently by drawing how water erodes each type of landscape (dirt, grass, and
Purpose: So students can know how landscapes are changed due to water erosion.
B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology with Student Activities):
Step #1: create chart on page 23
a. input: everyone please turn to page 23 in your science notebook and turn your notebook
sideways (making three boxes landscape wise)
a. model: show how notebook should be positioned on docu-cam
b. Student response: look around room to see if its done
Step #2: students draw grid
a. Students please draw two lines vertically to make three boxes on your page
a. T model: show how three boxes should look on docu-cam

b. Student response: have students hold up notebooks to show their three boxes
Step #3: label boxes
a. T input: Next, please label boxes 1,2, and 3 in the left hand corner of your box
a. T model: show on docu-cam
b. Student response: students show with thumbs up that they are done
Step #4: read page#___ on how water erodes sand
a. T input: students, in box 1, please label sand next to where you wrote the number 1 and
beneath the title draw how sand is eroded when water runs over it
a. T model: show teacher notebook and can have sand erosion picture from book on docu-cam as
b. Student response: please share with your partner what you have drawn
Step #5: read page#___ on how water erodes grass
a. T input: students, in box 2, please label grass next to where you wrote the number 2 and
beneath the title draw how grass is eroded when water runs over it
a. T model: show teacher notebook and can have grass erosion picture from book on docu-cam
as well
b. Student response: please share with me what you have drawn
Step #6: read page#___ on how water erodes soil
a. T input: students, in box 3, please label soil next to where you wrote the number 3 and
beneath the title draw how soil is eroded when water runs over it
a. T model: show teacher notebook and can have soil erosion picture from book on docu-cam as
b. Student response: please share with your partner what you have drawn
C. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection): Students will write a reflection on which
sample is eroded most easily by water and why.
D. MATERIALS & RESOURCES: book on how water erodes earth samples, science notebook,
document-camera, colored pencils,
V. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Methods for Obtaining Evidence Of Learning):
Formative: show teacher, share with partner, thumbs up/down/middle
Summative: (at the end of the lesson) class, please hold up a finger for which type of land water erodes
most easily 1 is sand, 2 is grass, and 3 is soil
Instruction, Practice): none
VII. HOMEWORK (if appropriate): none

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