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OCTOBER 21, 2015


Public Law 94-142 passed in 1975.
It assures a free public education to every student
who has a disability in every state.
There were four purposes:
Assure that all children with disabilities have
available to them a free public education which
highlights special education and similar services
designed to meet their unique needs.
Assure that the rights of children with disabilities and
their parents are protected.
To assist states to provide for the education of all
children with disabilities.
To assess and assure the effectiveness of efforts to
educate all children with disabilities.

This law guarantees that children with disabilities
receive a free appropriate public education. Theres
more than just giving access to education for
students with disabilities, the law implements for
improved results for these students and the
performance of programs to ensure their steady
progress. Guidelines established by the US
Department of Educations Office for Special
Education Programs call for improved performance
of students with disabilities, aligned with the No
Child Left Behind Act.

Known as the individualized education program.
This plan outlines long and short range goals for the individual
Includes a description of the instructional services that will be
provided to meet the goals as well as the assessment
techniques that will be used to understand the students
The form is usually completed by the general education teacher
and the inclusion teacher.
Others that usually have input into the childs program include the
schools psychologist, school administrators and the students
parents or guardians.

John F. Miller provides special education programming
and services for students with special needs for
ages 3-22.
This school believes all students have the ability to
learn and should be given the opportunity to reach
their maximum potential and develop as mush selfsufficiency and independence as possible.
All students who go to John F. Miller have
individualized education programs and these
programs will be delivered in the least restrictive
educational environment appropriate to meet their
individual needs.
All students are provided the opportunity to
participate in an educational environment which
preserves their dignity, treats all students with

Helen J. Stewart is a special education school who
serves students with significant intellectual
disabilities and other secondary disabilities who
range in age from 6-22 years old.
Students from all over Clark County attend Stewart for
specialized instruction in daily living, functional
academics, vocational, communication, behavioral,
and transitional needs.
All students have an IEP.
Stewart has speech therapists, a physical therapist
and occupational therapist working with students.
This school has an indoor swimming pool, cardio
room, a barn with farm animals, sensory room,
computer lab, daily living skills room and a
greenhouse facility. They are used to enhance

Miley Achievement Center is a specialized
school that serves students from the age of
3-21 who are affected by emotional and/or
behavioral disorders.
Mission: Ensure all students who have serious
emotional disturbance will benefit from their
education academically, socially and
vocationally by receiving direct instruction
and community experience.
Miley offers pre-school, elementary and
secondary curriculum, following Clark
Country School District standards.

Variety school is a charter school that was
obtained in October of 1950 from Variety
Clubs International ( a nonprofit
There are 4 wings, 18 classrooms, a library,
health room, administrative offices and other
staff offices and work rooms. Also a gym,
indoor swimming pool, playground, two
blacktopped areas for sporting activities and
a mobile trailer for art classes.
This school accommodates 130 to 160 full time
They serve physically handicapped children,
students with cognitive deficits, students


Homebound Instructional Services provides instruction

to general and special education students who are
ill or injured and cannot attend school.
Services are provided for a minimum of 15
consecutive school days as determined by a
qualified physician.
Homebound has full time teachers and teachers who
are under contract to teach as a CCSD school
during the day and provide services to Homebound
students after duty hours. The teachers travel to
the students residence and provide direct, one on
one instruction for elementary students and those
with specialized educational needs as determined
through an IEP.
Students in grades 6-12 receive direct instruction

Least Restrictive Environment is the
requirement in federal law that students
with disabilities receive their education
with students who are nondisabled and
that special education students are not
removed from regular classes unless
education in regular classes cannot be
achieved satisfactorily.

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