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• “Michael Joseph Jackson” was a soul gone to soon!
– He belonged to a family of eight, he was born and raised in Gary, Indiana to and
African American family…he had a loving mother Kathrine Jackson and a father that
will never be forgotten because as many new he strive and pushed to make his family
go all the way to the top “ JOESPH JACKSON.”
• “Joseph Jackson” believing that his sons had talent, he molded
Them into a musical group in the early 1960”s when they the
“Jackson 5”… Joseph Jackson was
Became formally known as the
Known as an abusive father, Micheal and his brother spent
Endless hours and nights cleaning up there acts!!!
• They recorded one single on there own, “Big Boy”
with the b-side “You’ve Changed,” but it failed to generate
much interest.
Working his way to the top!
• Michael Jackson did many things that helped
him work his way to the top…when he got to
the top he was known as the “King of Pop.” He
was did many side shows as a young man to get
his career started Joseph his father took this to
local clubs just to get the music out there!

– In 1971 his solo career began at this point he began to

break away from his brothers.
Solo career began!!!
Throughout his Solo Career!
• Michael Jacksons “THRILLER” was
his biggest selling album of all
times. (sold over 50 million copies
worldwide, was also the biggest
selling U.S. album with sales of 25
million copies.)
• By the end of the 1980’s M.J. had
more number one hits than any
other artist for the decade.
• But the biggest thing that I can
say is that Michael Jackson sold
over 100 million recored in his life
Michael Jackson has won many awards from his early Jackson 5 to He never let people get him down he always pushed himself and
the leading up of his solo career. Michael Jackson biggest got himself were he needed to be even though he didn’t have
competiton was himself and he always strives to improve himself. childhood he mad it to the top where he always wanted to be.
Dance Moves were SICK! ! !
• Michael Jackson was a great dancer
he could make dances up and he could dance for hours he proved to the
during the 1983 Motown Anniversary… Michael stole the show when he
performed the moonwalk to the first time in history. The moonwalk to
him was a simple glid backwards across the floor looking like he was
floating on top of water

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