Section Three PT 1

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Artifact #2: SMART Board Author Presentation

This artifact is being presented because it is a great alternative mode of instruction.

Although it is technology based, it differs from the first artifact in that it is structured as a lesson,
and therefore it provides the students with an engaging tool for learning. This SMART Board
lesson was put together for the purpose of teaching students about a specific author (at their
grade level). This is something that can be done regularly in the classroom, at least once every
month to encourage the students desire to read and to engage them in learning literacy. This
mode of instruction promotes students multiple intelligences, which stems from Gardners
theories. Gardner emphasizes that children learn in different ways, namely kinesthetic, auditory
and visual, and as educators we need to be accommodating all of those in order to create a
fruitful learning environment for all students. The SMART Board author presentation walks you
through different activities that the students can participate in, and it becomes a collaborative
learning segment where students are learning not only from the teacher, the lesson, but also from
their peers in the classroom because they are able to present their strongest suit. Artifact Two is
full of interactive activities, and it is highly connected to a number of curriculum skills, including
Literacy (English Language Arts), Mathematics and Science. It is an exemplar of integrated
curriculum, and students will be able to actively participate throughout this learning segment.
This artifact covers various different standards across the board, including the New York
State (NYS) Learning Standards, specifically Standard 1 under English Language Arts which
states Students will listen, speak, read, and write information and understanding. As listeners
and readers, students will collect data, facts, and ideas; discover relationships, concepts and
generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically produced
texts. As speakers and writers, they will use oral language to acquire, interpret, apply and

transmit information. This artifact also aligns with Standard 2 under Mathematics, Science and
Technology Education, informing us that Students will access, generate, process, and transfer
information using appropriate technologies.
Artifact Two also supports Standard 7 under the INTASC Standards which establishes
that The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals
by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and
pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context. This is decidedly one
of the most important things for an educator to be able to attain because it will ensure progress
for all the students in the classroom to learn and gain understanding at their own pace, and in
noticing that some students are in need of extra assistance, the teacher can make arrangements to
support that childs needs. This artifact also represents the Ontario Ethical Teacher Standards of
Care, Respect and Trust. More importantly, it speaks to Principle 1 under the NYS Code of
Ethics for Educators, Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and civic
potential of each student. It also encompasses Principle 3, Educators commit to their own
learning in order to develop their practice. I bring this up because using the SMART Board
requires training, and it is important for educators to continually challenge themselves and
maintain relevant practices in the realm of education.
Considering that this is a technology-based mode of instruction, this artifact also makes
connections with several ISTE Standards. The first is listed under the standards for teacher, 1a.
Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness, and 1b.
Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital
tools and resources. The books that the activities are based on are relevant to real-life and they
are delivered in a way that the students will be able to connect with and grasp the knowledge

easier. This artifact also covers a number of Ontario Curriculum Standards and New York State
Common Core Standards, all of which can be found in the images below. The SMART Board
presentation covers a number of standards which all contribute to Claims 1 through 3 under the

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