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Lesson Plan #2

Instructional Method: Discussion/Debate

Lesson Title: Organic Vs. Conventional Farming
Learning Targets:
I can utilize information I have learned in class about the different farming methods and
apply them to make an educated opinion on why I favor one over the other.
I can define and describe organic, natural, conventional, and GMOs
I can identify and explain the standards used by the USDA to certify organic food
Standards Met:

FPPS.02.03.a-Define and Describe Organic, Natural, Conventional, GMOs

PLSC.02.04.b-Identify and explain the standards used by the USDA to certify
organic food
PLSC.02.04.d-Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of organic production



Start by writing the word organic on the white board and asking every
student to add on by using a phrase, word, or commenting on anothers
Once students have personally reflected on the word organic on the
board they will get into a line facing one other partner. With their partner
they will be asked:
If we were able to feed the world in sustainable way using organic
farming methods, would you change your view on organic methods?
After discussing with their partner for 3 minutes students will rotate 3
students to the left and discuss the next question for 3 minutes.
What are the best ways agriculturalists can advocate for their preferred
farming methods in the most factual way?
After students have talked with partners about these topics, show the below
quote on the board.


Student must take a stance on whether they agree with this quote or not.
After students discuss this topic for 20 minutes they are asked to return to
their seat
At the end of the period have students reflect on one activity they did
during the class (Chalk Talk, partner discussion, or discussion on quote).
At the end of the period students should turn in their one paragraph


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