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DECEMBER 1, 2015

DT&L Bytes
Digital Teaching & Learning @ Pine Creek High School

Presenting just
became more

App Highlight

Students use Nearpod to present

on European Trading Empires
In Sue Leggieros World History class,
students were exploring essential
questions relating to European trading
empires and their expansion and sharing
their findings.
Students first collected their background
information by taking Cornell notes. Next,
they turned to their iPads to research
primary sources, maps, images and
Students combined these materials plus their own essential question into a
Nearpod to share with the class. What makes this more interactive with the
audience are the inserted activities. Students could insert a drawing for the
audience to complete, a quiz, a poll, a survey and more. These items can be
inserted at any stage of the Nearpod to check for understanding and participation.
How fun is that?! (The photo is from one of her classes working on the presentation.)





Thursday, Dec 10

Thursday, January 28,


Thursday, December
3rd and 17th


A Digital workflow
Use Showbie to
post assignments
and easily grade
them paperlessly.
Upload Word files,
PDFs, PowerPoints,
videos and audio
files. Scan, take
pictures or upload
directly from
Google Drive.
Students can do the
same! Materials are
distributed instantly
to students. Student
work is collected
instantly. Visual cues
let you know what
has been worked
on and even what
was done late. Add
written or oral
comments to the

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DECEMBER 1, 2015

Yes, you have resources!

You asked for it and theyre available!
You requests were heard! After the October 9th Professional
Development day, staff members asked for continued training,
additional resources and ongoing support regarding iPads and
digital learning. Most all of those requests have been met or are
in the initial stages development, but still accessible.
Professional Development opportunities:
iPad Workshops: 1x most months, app specific
Digital Study Halls: 2x per month; bring your needs, projects and questions
PD Credit: sign up on the Spot for Digital Learning to Support Effective Classroom Instruction, course


My website ( g

Teacher g Susan Murray-Carrico): go to the Digital Teaching and Learning page

for videos, tutorials, this newsletter, our Cohort blog and more! Or, go directly to

Google Drive: look for the PCHS Tech Info and Trainings folder for tutorials and handouts

Support from your DLC (Digital Learning Coach):

I can help you with iPad basics, curriculum ideas, project ideas and more
Want to try something in the classroom? Let me come in and help with the digital end of things so that you can

focus on the content

Have an idea that youd like to share with the staff? Let me know!

DT&L Bytes Newsletter shared at and monthly alongside the Creek Chronicle
Subscribe by emailing me ( to receive a hard copy


The 5 Finger Pinch
Are students on a site, app or page outside of their assignment? Pinch the screen with five
fingers (bringing them together) and it closes the app.

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