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To all the people of Burma,

Right now, the survivors from the storm Nargis in Irrawaddy and Yangon Divisions
are at their extremely worst situations. Beyond the disaster, people are suffering
from starvation, infectious diseases and lack of medical supplies. As time goes by,
the death rate from lack of aids is increasing much more than the death toll by the

The state Peace and Development Council cannot even organize the aids
affectively but also stubbornly denying the help from International Organizations.
Therefore, our requests go to the freedom fighters and people from the upper
regions of Myanmar who suffer less to show the desires of accepting the aids of
International Organizations without any exceptions directly to the government
and/or as people’s desire as a whole nation. .

Without any political acclaims, we deeply urge to request for the followings only,

1. Allow international to come in and help us

2. Allow international to come in and help us

3. Allow international to come in and help us

Democratic Front of the Patriots (DFP)

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