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Division of Work

This principle of tells us that the whole work should be equally distributed into
different parts and each employee should be given only one part of the work
according to his abilities and strengths.
When a particular individual performs the same job repeatedly, he will become an
expert in doing that certain part of the job. If this happens, employees will become
specialized wherein output can increase because they become increasingly more
skilled and efficient.

This principle only tells us that whoever accepts authority also accepts
responsibility. Authority and responsibility should go hand in hand. It is not proper to
make a person responsible for any work in the absence of authority. In the words of
Fayol, The result of authority is responsibility. It is the natural result of authority
and essentially another aspect of authority and whenever authority is used,
responsibility are automatically born.

Discipline can be established by providing rational supervision at all points, clearly
explaining different rules that should be followed. According to this principle, a
successful organization requires the common effort of workers but also a manager
can be a good example to his subordinates by also disciplining himself.

Unity of Command
This principle is concerned with taking command from one boss. This creates
efficiency and prevents problems. Just think how hard and inefficient it would be to
answer to more than one boss who each has different management styles,
expectations and priorities that conflict with one another.

Unity of Direction
This principle is concerned with the direction of the efforts of the employees of one
division towards the achievement of the objectives of that division. It also helps in
establishing co-ordination and uniformity in the activities as well as in the
organization. It also reduces the duplication of activities in the organization and thus
helps in minimizing the wastage of resources.

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