Karisma - September 2015

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Official Newsletter of

St. Peters Charismatic

Prayer Community (KNK)
Vol No 6/September 2015

St. Peter Apostle Mission Parish, Hoppers Crossing, VIC Australia 3029 Ph: 9749 4300
Email: thomage@yahoo.com Helping to build the Body

of Christ Facebook a/c: Katawan N. Kristo

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with you!

KNK Miscella-News

KNKs Music Ministry

Our Music ministry has been busy these
past few weeks with the outreach
programs. We were privileged to lead
Praise and Worship on Wednesday the
2nd September - the first day of the Fruit
of the Spirit Seminar at St Christopher's
Church in Airport West, where Louiza the
speaker for the day shared an inspiring
discourse on 'Love'.
The following week on Thursday the 10th
September, we were called to minister
with our gift of music at a special prayer
meeting that was held at St Mary Mackillop
Church, Keilor Downs in support of the
good works done in the Philippines for the
poor by the Holy Spirit of Freedom
Community. We were truly humbled at the
sharing of the two young ladies who
travelled late last year to the typhoon and
Philippines. Their love for God's people,
their desire to serve Him by showing love
and compassion to the needy and sharing
their time and talent in building the
Kingdom of God, touched our hearts and
kindled our spirits. We returned that night
with renewed faith in Christ's Mercy and a
joyful heart that we are all called to witness
His love through our lives.
In our own parish we were blessed to sing
at the Requiem mass for Norma Lord - a
woman of great love for Jesus and who
touched numerous hearts, (too many to
count), with her love and compassion, God
rest her soul. We Praise God for the grace
he bestows on us each time we say Yes to

Him and pray that we continue to offer

ourselves in service for His greater Glory.
Testimony of Gods Amazing Love!!
On Saturday the 14th November at our
prayer meeting, we have a special
testimony by Jonathon Lobo.

Dont miss this awesome opportunity to

listen to a mighty testimony From Death
to Life from the very person who endedup dead in a hospital-emergency on the
15th of March 2015 with a massive cardiacarrest.
Doctors gave up hope when all efforts to
revive him failed and almost gave up and
declared him dead saying He wont
survive; before God stepped in to restore
him and create something beautiful in his
life. Listen to his experience, the mighty
miracles that unfolded, the signs and
wonders that preceded and, above all,
what God revealed to him during that very
moment of truth
Please attend, and invite friends and loved
ones to witness Gods wondrous love.



By Josephine Thomas
In our May issue a month
before the 20th Anniversary
of our Prayer Group I had
lamented about how 2015
has been, and continues to
be a year of roller coaster for me - times of
great joy, times of deep sadness, times of
overwhelming faith, times of such barren
I had also shared what I
realised about this time of wilderness - The
thing though is how we overcome these
seasons of wilderness - this is where
'The Body of Christ' manifests its
calling. When I can't pray, you pray for
me and vice versa - in that prayer is
strength that keeps us within the flock
and we overcome and the full Body
25th of July 2015 was that day when we
the Body of Christ rejoiced as the St Peters
Charismatic Prayer Community - a day of
great joy indeed! In Adoration, we praised
and worshipped our awesome God for the
twenty wonderful years he has blessed our
prayer group with. In the Eucharist we
gathered around His table with joyful
hearts knowing that we are redeemed by
sharing His Body and Blood. Redeemed
and set free we gathered for fellowship
after Mass enjoying each other's company
and the bounty that our God provided us
Mila, one of our benefactors, had baked a
beautiful cake that summed up our journey
from the beginning as a prayer group that
gathered in a room in Praise and Worship,
which has now been led to the Altar of
God, gathering week after week in
Adoration. All Praise, Glory and Honour to
Abba Father, Jesus our Lord and the Holy
Spirit for this wonderful journey that we
have all been blessed with. I was filled
with gladness that two of our three former
leaders were present to celebrate with us
and honour us by cutting this cake. We
keep Jim and Lito our former leaders and

their families in prayer and ask the Lord to

bless them abundantly. Fr Bert being in
the Philippines, could not be with us, but
we know for sure that his heart was with us
on the day. We pray healing and comfort
for him, that he may have the health and
strength to continue his ministry as priest.
Fr Fabian Smith who was celebrating the
10th year of his ordination during the same
time, joined our celebrations and
concelebrated Mass with Fr Pius. Miriam

Markis and Mary Crawford, brought us

blessings from CCR. Deacon Charles,
Adrian, and many others from various
prayer groups graced us with their
presence and blessings. The Welcoming
Group blessed us with a big urn - making
sure we serve hot cuppas after our prayer
meetings, perhaps reminding us not to be
lukewarm in our faith. All those who could
not attend - priests who have been there
for us through the years, prayer group
members, former CCR leaders, all sent
their blessings and prayers. It was a
wonderful day of celebration and the
greatest blessing of all came as a surprise
gift from Fr Pius to us from Rome. In this
twentieth year when we start off with a new
name, we were given a Papal Blessing
from Pope Francis - what more can we ask
for as we continue our journey of faith and
service!! All I can say now, on behalf of
our prayer community - to our God and to
all these people of God is - THANK YOU,
On 11th June 1995 a few were chosen to
begin this ministry to build His Kingdom the Katawan Ni Kristo Prayer Community.
Twenty years hence, we have grown and
the Lord has been faithful in fulfilling our


vision for the prayer community to become

a multicultural prayer group - as is the
Body of Christ. We are many but one in
Christ. I have been with the group since
May 2005. Our family was new to the
Charismatic Renewal, but in the last ten
years, the Holy Spirit has been at work
purifying us and teaching us to be true
followers of Christ. When we stumble, the
Body of Christ lifts us up with prayers and
support and so we journey on... Our faith
is stronger and we can testify with
conviction that Nothing is impossible for
our God. Ten years ago, we would have
been of a different view, but that is what
the Holy Spirit does - He opens your eyes
to the truth - to the awesome power of our
Triune God. Then we know for sure that
we serve a Living God.

Katawan Ni Kristo - as the name suggests,

was started for the Filipino community of
our parish in June 1995. Our parish then
had the Rosa Mystica Prayer Group that
gathered for Praise and Worship on a
Wednesday night. What I was made to
understand is that the elderly who had
migrated from the tropical Philippines
found it difficult in the winter months to
attend prayer meetings in the night and
hence Jim Lizardo and a few others
approached the parish priest to start this
prayer group that will meet on a Saturday
afternoon. Hence KNK as we are fondly
known, was born. The English translation
of the name of this prayer community is
"Body of Christ" - so even though the
prayer group was started for the elders of
the Filipino community, it was open to all
and the prayer meetings were in English.
The Trinity at work, we grew and over the

years became a multicultural prayer

In January 2008, I was called to be the
Servant Leader of this prayer community.
Jim Lizardo was the first leader from 11
June 1995 to 28 February 1997, followed
by Bert De La Pena from 1 March 1997 to
21 June 2002; who has since become an
ordained Carmelite priest and lives in the
Philippines. When I joined the prayer
group, Lito Alinea was the leader. He had
taken this role on 22 June 2002 until the
end of 2007 and the ministry was given in
my hands after that. Being the first NonFilipino Servant Leader, it was like
receiving a confirmation that the vision of
the previous leaders had come to fruition
for the Lord was uniting us all as Christians
- not Indian, Australian, Irish, Srilankan,
Filipino, Gentile or Jew - we may be from
various nations but we come together in
this land where the Lord has drawn us to
build His Kingdom as one - as Christians.
Which better place to be in than with St
Peter - Matthew16:18 And I tell you that
you are Peter, and on this rock I will
build my church, and the gates of
Hades will not overcome it. So with St
Peter, our rock, we offer ourselves as the
little bricks to build the 'Church' following
Paul as in Roman 15:7 'Therefore
receive one another, just as Christ also
received us, to the glory of God'. - we
glorify God together as one Body of Christ
in all that we do as members of KNK,
which in this 20th year of service, will
henceforth be known as St Peter's
Charismatic Prayer Community (KNK)
so no one will have the doubt whether they
need to be from the Philippines to attend
our gatherings.
After taking up leadership, many from the
parish made known to me through their
conversations the fact that Rosa Mystica
was a gifted prayer group and that perhaps
it was a mistake that KNK was formed.
They attributed the formation of KNK to the
closure of Rosa Mystica, I was told that
many members have left the renewal
because of their hurt and disappointment


at what happened. I started praying,

"Lord, I do not know what to say to all
these people, please give me the wisdom
- I do not want our prayer community to
divide but I want it to build your Kingdom.
How can I bring them all back to the prayer
group Lord, how can I heal their hurt?"
Those were the early years of my
experience with the Charismatic Renewal
when I constantly forgot that the Lord is in
control, not me. Over the years I have
learned to listen to the promptings of the
Spirit. In those days when I was praying
for 'what I want of our prayer community
and what I need to do'; the Lord made me
hear a preacher on the radio - the words I
heard that morning changed my attitude to
what I had to do, being the leader of this
prayer community.
The preacher said, we are called as
leaders, preachers, musicians - whatever
we may be, to fulfil God's plan for His
ministry. So when we take charge of our
ministry let us not forget that it is God's
ministry not ours. Hence, for however
long we are called to be in a particular
ministry we give it our best, when the
Father thinks our work is done here, then
we should be obedient and leave to where
He is leading us. If the ministry we have
left behind has to continue, it will do so,
only if it is the Father's will, if not - He is
God, He begins and He ends, our duty is
to embrace the change and continue to
serve Him in the new ministry He has for
us. This made a huge change in the way I
perceived my calling and my prayer
changed as well, "Lord I Praise and Thank
you for KNK, please Lord forgive us for the
hurt we may have caused knowingly or
unknowingly to our brothers and sisters of
Rosa Mystica and unite us Lord with your
love and mercy. Give us a repentant heart
for the hurt that was caused and give those
who were hurt a forgiving heart O Lord that
they may join us once again and glorify
your Holy name as we join and sing your
praises as One Body of Christ."
While the old me who wanted to fix
everything and looked to achieve

milestones would have gone to each

member of Rosa Mystica and said, "I am
sorry that the former leaders and members
hurt your feeling, I am saying sorry for
them, so please set aside your ill feelings
and come to our prayer group and let us
Praise our God together"; the new me,
who is constantly struggling to allow the
Holy Spirit to take course of every thought
and action, has, with the Grace of our
Almighty, surrendered this intention to our
Triune God, praying constantly for
reconciliation and reunion. For now I know
that the formation of any ministry for the
Glory of God is not a mistake and that the
beginning and ending of anything in our life
is to fulfil God's purpose according to His
will. This does not always coincide with
our plans and our will, but if we yield to
Him, He makes all our paths straight. He
will surely fulfil our heart's desire and fill
our church with a people of Praise as we
gather week after week.
I am finalising this article to send it to the
editor on this Wednesday the 23rd
September 2015, when we celebrate the
feast of ST PADRE PIO. Just before I
continued work on this article, I read the
excerpt on our Melbourne Archdiocese
CAM news about Padre Pio and wish to
share from that news the portions that
drew my attention.
Padre Pio had an intimate relationship with
God through his intense prayer-life. He
wrote in a letter:
I no sooner begin to pray than my heart
becomes filled with a fire of love; this fire
does not resemble any fire of this lowly
earth. It is a sweet and delicate flame
which consumes and yet causes no pain.
It is so sweet and delicate that it satisfies
and satiates my spirit to the point of
insatiability. Dear God! The most
marvellous part for me is the fact that
perhaps I will never comprehend it until I
get to Heaven.
When I read this, I wished that each of us
receive the grace of praying with such
intensity and love and nurture an intimate


relationship with God. I then lifted up this

intention in prayer to Jesus for our prayer
The great simplicity of Padre Pio shines
forth in these famous words he spoke to
those who sought his guidance:
Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is
useless. God is merciful and will hear your
St Padre Pio, pray for us!
There is so much more I can write about
the journey of our prayer community, but
the essence of it all is - Prayer. We plan
each year our ministry in the prayer
community, in our humanness we worry
about how we will bring it all about, and
when worry overtakes, we submit
everything to the Holy One in prayer and
our ever merciful and loving God always
hears our prayers and helps us journey
through - year after year. With this hope
and with grateful hearts, we continue to
pray and ask for the intercession of St
Padre Pio on this his feast day.
We Praise and Thank God for the twenty
wonderful years of blessings, we pray for
strength to continue, the grace to embrace
change and the wisdom to be obedient to
His will no matter where He leads us to
minister His love and build His kingdom.
We pray for our current Spiritual Director our parish priest, Fr Pius and all our priests
who have guided us through the years,
that the Precious Blood of Jesus will
protect them and strengthen them in
pasturing the flock. We pray eternal rest to
all our former members, good health and
strength to our benefactors and all others
who have been, who are and those who
will be members of our prayer community
- that the Lord use us all as little bricks that
will build a huge Church here at St Peters
for the Glory of our Triune God.
To all of you - core group leaders, various
ministries of KNK and all the members THANK YOU - for being ever present and
available to serve.

In conclusion, I repeat what I wrote in the

previous article: "Trust in the Lord and
do good; dwell in the land and enjoy
safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your
heart." (Psalm 37:3-4)


By Anita Dsouza
This month we celebrate
the solemn feast of the
Nativity of the Blessed
Virgin Mary on September
8 which is a celebration of
Redemption of the entire humanity when,
after a long period of waiting, she who was
to be the Mother of our Saviour was born.
This year we started the Novena at St
Peters in preparation for this feast. This
brought back memories from my childhood
days in India where there is great devotion
to Mother Mary. We had similar novenas
at our church in Mumbai and on the feast
day we would collect the best of flowers
and we would offer the flowers to Mother
Mary after a procession and prayers which
was followed by mass. We also have a
church in Mumbai called the Mount Mary
Church and the feast of the Blessed Virgin
Mary is celebrated on the first Sunday after
8 September, the birthday of the Virgin
Mary. The feast is followed by a week-long
celebration known as the Bandra Fair. The
Fair draws thousands of devotees and
pilgrims including non-Christians who pray
to Mary in thanksgiving or requesting of
favours. I would go there every year with
my family and attend Mass at the Mount
and then proceed to the fair which was
famous for traditional sweets and have
wonderful memories of this devotion to our
Lady. While growing up in Mumbai I also
used to attend Novenas every Wednesday
to our Mother of Perpetual Succour. Over
the years my devotion to Mother Mary has
grown. Now at St Peters Parish we have
the Healing Mass every 1st Saturday of the
month which is dedicated to the


Immaculate Heart of Mary which I like to

In light of all this I would like to focus more
on who Mother Mary is to
us and of her role in the
Christian faith.
The Blessed Virgin Mary
occupies a unique place in
the history of salvation. The
Most Blessed Trinity has
reserved for Mary the
extolled to any creature.
Through her generous fiat
(Be it done!) to Gods will,
salvation has come into the
world. For this reason,
heaven and earth rejoice at
her birth.

Dear friends, Let us celebrate with joy the

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary by
calling on her and being close to her in
personal prayer, by praying the Rosary
often and let us do it with
love, devotion and affection
to our Blessed Mother in
heaven. As St Josemaria
Escriva says Love our
Lady. And she will obtain
abundant grace to help
you conquer in your daily
Happy birthday to our
dearest Mother in Heaven,
Thank you for all the
maternal love and concern
you have shown us. Help us
to follow the way which
leads us to your son, Our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

Sacred Scripture does not give an account

of Mary's birth. Nevertheless, the
apocryphal Protoevangelium of James
provides and reflects the development of
Christian piety which maintained that Sts.
Anne and Joachim, in spite of their
infertility, prayed for a child and their
prayer was granted together with the
promise they received that the child will
commence God's plan of salvation for the
The Blessed Virgin Mary was born without
Original Sin because she was conceived
without Original Sin. We call her
preservation from Original Sin her
Immaculate Conception.
In the month of August, dedicated to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Catholics
reflect on the Blessed Virgin's complete
submission to the will of God. Mary is the
model of Christian life. By following in the
footsteps of Mary, we can grow in faith and
deepen our understanding of Church
teaching, and we can trust God and
embrace His will, even when we do not
fully understand His plan. If we were to live
our lives as she did, we would be assured
of our place in heaven.

The Popes Letter in view of the

extraordinary jubilee
An encounter with His mercy
2015-09-01 LOsservatore Romano
The Extraordinary Jubilee opening on 8th
December 2015 will be a true moment
of encounter with the mercy of God,
Pope Francis stated this in a letter sent to
Archbishop Fisichella, President of the
Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the
New Evangelization, in which he indicated
several key points for experiencing the
Holy Year as an occasion to touch the
tenderness of the Father in a tangible way.
The Following is the English text of the
Popes letter to Fisichella, which was sent
in Italian.
To My Venerable Brother
Archbishop Rino Fisichella President of
the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of
the New Evangelization


With the approach of the Extraordinary

Jubilee of Mercy I would like to focus on
several points which I believe require
attention to enable the celebration of the
Holy Year to be for all believers a true
moment of encounter with the mercy of
God. It is indeed my wish that the Jubilee
be a living experience of the closeness of
the Father, whose tenderness is almost
tangible, so that the faith of every believer
may be strengthened and thus testimony
to it be ever more effective.
My thought first of all goes to all the faithful
who, whether in individual Dioceses or as
pilgrims to Rome, will experience the
grace of the Jubilee. I wish that the Jubilee
Indulgence may reach each one as a
genuine experience of Gods mercy, which
comes to meet each person in the Face of
the Father who welcomes and forgives,
forgetting completely the sin committed.
To experience and obtain the Indulgence,
the faithful are called to make a brief
pilgrimage to the Holy Door, open in every
Cathedral or in the churches designated
by the Diocesan Bishop, and in the four
Papal Basilicas in Rome, as a sign of the
deep desire for true conversion. Likewise,
I dispose that the Indulgence may be
obtained in the Shrines in which the Door
of Mercy is open and in the churches
which traditionally are identified as Jubilee
Churches. It is important that this moment
be linked, first and foremost, to the
Sacrament of Reconciliation and to the
celebration of the Holy Eucharist with a
reflection on mercy. It will be necessary to
accompany these celebrations with the
profession of faith and with prayer for me
and for the intentions that I bear in my
heart for the good of the Church and of the
entire world.
Additionally, I am thinking of those for
whom, for various reasons, it will be
impossible to enter the Holy Door,
particularly the sick and people who are
elderly and alone, often confined to the
home. For them it will be of great help to
live their sickness and suffering as an
experience of closeness to the Lord who in

the mystery of his Passion, death and

Resurrection indicates the royal road
which gives meaning to pain and
loneliness. Living with faith and joyful hope
this moment of trial, receiving communion
or attending Holy Mass and community
prayer, even through the various means of
communication, will be for them the means
of obtaining the Jubilee Indulgence. My
thoughts also turn to those incarcerated,
whose freedom is limited. The Jubilee
Year has always constituted an
opportunity for great amnesty, which is
intended to include the many people who,
despite deserving punishment, have
become conscious of the injustice they
worked and sincerely wish to re-enter
society and make their honest contribution
to it. May they all be touched in a tangible
way by the mercy of the Father who wants
to be close to those who have the greatest
need of his forgiveness. They may obtain
the Indulgence in the chapels of the
prisons. May the gesture of directing their
thought and prayer to the Father each time
they cross the threshold of their cell signify
for them their passage through the Holy
Door, because the mercy of God is able to
transform hearts, and is also able to
transform bars into an experience of
I have asked the Church in this Jubilee
Year to rediscover the richness
encompassed by the spiritual and corporal
works of mercy. The experience of mercy,
indeed, becomes visible in the witness of
concrete signs as Jesus himself taught us.
Each time that one of the faithful
personally performs one or more of these
actions, he or she shall surely obtain the
commitment to live by mercy so as to
obtain the grace of complete and
exhaustive forgiveness by the power of the
love of the Father who excludes no one.
The Jubilee Indulgence is thus full, the fruit
of the very event which is to be celebrated
and experienced with faith, hope and


Furthermore, the Jubilee Indulgence can

also be obtained for the deceased. We are
bound to them by the witness of faith and
charity that they have left us. Thus, as we
remember them in the Eucharistic
celebration, thus we can, in the great
mystery of the Communion of Saints, pray
for them, that the merciful Face of the
Father free them of every remnant of fault
and strongly embrace them in the
unending beatitude.
One of the serious problems of our time is
clearly the changed relationship with
respect to life. A widespread and
insensitive mentality has led to the loss of
the proper personal and social sensitivity
to welcome new life. The tragedy of
abortion is experienced by some with a
superficial awareness, as if not realizing
the extreme harm that such an act entails.
Many others, on the other hand, although
experiencing this moment as a defeat,
believe they have no other option. I think
in particular of all the women who have
resorted to abortion. I am well aware of the
pressure that has led them to this decision.
I know that it is an existential and moral
ordeal. I have met so many women who
bear in their heart the scar of this
agonizing and painful decision. What has
happened is profoundly unjust; yet only
understanding the truth of it can enable
one not to lose hope. The forgiveness of
God cannot be denied to one who has
repented, especially when that person
approaches the Sacrament of Confession
with a sincere heart in order to obtain
reconciliation with the Father. For this
notwithstanding anything to the contrary,
to concede to all priests for the Jubilee
Year the discretion to absolve of the sin of
abortion those who have procured it and
who, with contrite heart, seek forgiveness
for it. May priests fulfil this great task by
expressing words of genuine welcome
combined with a reflection that explains
the gravity of the sin committed, besides
indicating a path of authentic conversion
by which to obtain the true and generous

forgiveness of the Father who renews all

with his presence.
A final consideration concerns those
faithful who for various reasons choose to
attend churches officiated by priests of the
Fraternity of St Pius X. This Jubilee Year
of Mercy excludes no one. From various
quarters, several Brother Bishops have
told me of their good faith and sacramental
practice, combined however with an
uneasy situation from the pastoral
standpoint. I trust that in the near future
solutions may be found to recover full
communion with the priests and superiors
of the Fraternity. In the meantime,
motivated by the need to respond to the
good of these faithful, through my own
disposition, I establish that those who
during the Holy Year of Mercy approach
these priests of the Fraternity of St Pius X
Reconciliation shall validly and licitly
receive the absolution of their sins.
Trusting in the intercession of the Mother
of Mercy, I entrust the preparations for this
Extraordinary Jubilee Year to her

Official Newsletter of St. Peters Charismatic Prayer
Group (


Karisma is published on a quarterly basis. It contains reading materials

directed generally but not necessarily limited to its members.
Comments, suggestions and articles for publication are welcome. The
editor has the discretion to edit or not publish any article submitted
based on Karisma guidelines
Contact the Editor at:
Email: anitadsouza@bigpond.com
Ph: 0411 772 320

(Author unknown)
I did not know His love before, the way I
know it now.
I could not see my need for Him, my pride
would not allow.
I had it all, without a care, the "Selfsufficient" lie.
My path was smooth, my sea was still,
not a cloud was in my sky.

It was not easy in the storm, I sometimes

wondered why.
At times I thought, "I can't go on." I'd hurt,
and doubt, and cry.
But Jesus never left my side He guided
me each day.
Through pain and strife, through fire and
flood, He helped me all the way.

I thought I knew His love for me, I thought

I'd seen His grace,
I thought I did not need to grow, I thought
I'd found my place.
But then the way grew rough and dark,
the storm clouds quickly rolled;
The waves began to rock my ship, I found
I had no hold.
The ship that I had built myself was made
of foolish pride.
It fell apart and left me bare, with
nowhere else to hide.
I had no strength or faith to face the trials
that lay ahead,
And so I simply spoke His name and
bowed my weary head.
His loving arms enveloped me, and then
He helped me stand.
He said, "You still must face this storm,
but I will hold your hand."
So through the dark and lonely night He
guided me through pain.
I could not see the light of day or when I'd
smile again.
Yet through the pain and endless tears,
my faith began to grow.
I could not see it at the time, but my light
began to glow.
I saw God's love in brand new light, His
grace and mercy, too.
For only when all s elf was gone could
Jesus' love shine through.

And now I see as never before how great

His love can be.
How in my weakness He is strong, how
Jesus cares for me!
He worked it all out for my good, although
the way was rough.
He only sent what I could bear, and then
He said, "Enough!"
He raised His hand and said, "Be still!"
He made the storm clouds cease.
He opened up the gates of joy and
flooded me with peace.
I saw His face now clearer still, I felt His
presence strong,
I found anew His faithfulness, He never
did me wrong.
And now I know more storms will come,
but only for my good,
For pain and tears have helped me grow
as nothing ever could.
I still have so much more to learn as
Jesus works in me;
If in the storm I'll love Him more, that's
where I want to be!




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