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Antoine, Caleb, Fred

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Antoine Sieredzki,
Caleb Trantham,
Fred Last-Powell
Prof. Raymond
Semester Long Proposal
Our project aims to study the topic of the traverse to America. Each of our ancestors
originate from different countries; France, Ireland, Poland, United Kingdom, and Germany.
Many of these ancestors had different reasons of coming over. Our main reason of this study is to
compare the differences between eras. Antoines mother, for example came to America from
France for completely different reasons than Calebs eight time great grandfather. We believe
that the different reasons between generations will have interesting results.
We plan to approach this project by researching our histories and the common history
around the suspected time of departure. Through studies from diaries or personal accounts,
extensive notes will be made to ensure accuracy in our findings. We hope to explain in a power
point or through some sort of similar presentation.
Project Plan
We plan on researching this project as efficiently as possible. Some of our histories have
already been researched, which eases up the task. We plan on splitting up the studies to our own
families because that seems like it would make the most sense. We will use historical accounts
on the internet or through the library, as well as any family and personal oral accounts of stories
passed down (or stories in general). Any other source or reputable information will be used when
found (our planning process has not been discussed in great detail yet). We hope that resources
we find are free or have free trials.

Antoine, Caleb, Fred

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Our proposed plan is appropriate for our topic because it ensure the most accurate
information that we can find. Our audience should care for our topic for it could apply to their
family history, and is an integral part to Americas history. With a broad origination of ancestors
we hope to connect with other students family origins. We hope that the information is also
interesting and is presented in an inclusive and immersive way.
Roles and Responsibilities
Each of us will be assigned our own familys history. This ensure equality in the amount
of information we should acquire. This is not set in stone, however, and if someone is struggling
to find information regarding their specific families, we can find alternatives by using a little
broader generalizations. After the research aspect we will then begin creating the presentation.
This will be done similarly; each creates the parts they researched. Similarly, the presentation
will be split by each researcher.
Our timeline will be composed of two main parts. The first half of the project will be for
research and the second part for the creation of the presentation. This ensures equal and adequate
time for each aspect of the project.

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