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Smalley 1

Natalie Smalley
Professor Raymond
UWRT 1103-E01
03 November 2015
Visuals of the History of Television
This is a picture of the first television
ever invented. It was created in 1927, and
first demonstrated for the general public on
September 7, 1927. Philo T. Farnsworth is
credited with inventing the television,
however there is a lot of disagreement about
Figure 1: First Television Soure: Kidz

this. Vladimir Zworykin invented the

Iconoscope, the technology used in

televisions, in 1923. Without this technology being previously invented

Farnsworth would never have been able to invent the television.
This is a picture of the RCA
630-TS, the first television to be
mass produced. It became
available in 1946 right after
World War II, and was very
popular. The cost $435, very
expense at the time. Prior to this
only the wealthy could afford the
Figure 2: First Mass Produced Television Source: TV

television. This mass use of

television opened up the industry of television stations. In 1947 the World

Series in broadcast for the first time, also television shows, Howdy Doody,
Kraft Television Theatre, and Meet the Press air for the first time.

Smalley 2

The first flat screen was invented in

1946. It was invented by Donald Bitzer
and Gene Slottow, professors at the
University of Illinois, and graduate
student, Robert Wilson. The quality of the
first flat screen was very poor and didnt
compare to the other televisions of the
time period. The design was improved
upon by Larry Weber and in 1997 mass
production of flat screens was started by
Figure 3: First Flat Screen Television Source:
This Sleek TV of the Future Predates The

Panasonic Company.

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