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Jessick, Moore 1 David Jessick, Patrick Moore Mrs. Raymond UWRT 1103-E01 5 October 2015 Multimodal Project After a long discussion on our family history, we were able to find some similaritieg in both of our family histories. Although some of our family history was not the same, we\fjund there was one common point between us which was the military. We found out that both of our ‘grandfathers were in the military and noticed that in recent times there are less and less young people joining them military. We decided that we are going to research and talk about why it seems that there are less young people joining the military today. (27 At 4008 (This is a problem that we feel needs to be addressed because many different things are ( 1pee affected by this lack of military. We are going to look at the many different things that could |. py { 2 5) “influence people today on whether they should join the military such as the reduction in military yy) NW spending and the importance of a college degree. We plan on multiple different modes of explanation to be able to explain our topic in an _ efficient way. We will use the linguistic mode by discussing our research as well as the visual iy mode by the use of a visual aid such as a PowerPoint. We plan on creating a PowerPoint to support our research for our presentation. By using a PowerPoint we will be able to present our 9 (material to the class in a different way than the traditional way of writing an essay. PowerPoint has many different ability’s such as the ability to incorporate different videos and images which bb Jessick, Moore 2 we will be able to take advantage of in our presentation. Using images and videos we will be able to convey our research across in an enjoyable and effective way. We can integrate our research into the PowerPoint by using different graphics and videos that will gain the attention of the audience and keep them interested about the topic. We feel that our plan will be able to convey our research to the audience in a way they are able to relate to and understand. Using PowerPoint we can show our research in many different ways as well as being able to reinforce the idea with our discussion of the topics. We believe that this is an important subject because in light of all the tension between the United States and the Middle East, our military may come into play in the near future. We have decided that both of us will do research the topic. David will research more specifically on why there are less young people joining the military today. Patrick will research about what the effects of less people joining the military are and how this affects national security and jobs in the civilian sector of the market. We will both will design and create the PowerPoint and decide how we are going to discuss the information that is presented on the PowerPoint. In the first few upcoming weeks we will begin to research our topic. If we are unable to find a sufficient amount of information about our topic we will broaden the scope of information that we will discuss. Once we have at least 10 different sources and feel that we have enough research to present to the class we will move on to designing and creating our presentation. In the presentation we will incorporate all of the information that we have collected in a way which we can easily convey the material to the class. Finally once we have the PowerPoint created we will proof read the entire presentation and review it to see if there are errors which we need to fix or if there is anything that needs to be added or deleted. AO jo

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