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Action shots of the band The slug is telling the audience the The over-sized pull quote replaces

e replaces a heading. It The magazine is known for

performing make the pages contents and form of the page. maintains the house style, e.g. font and colours and keeping readers updated on
exiting. The band are never makes the reader want to continue reading. the front line of the rock
looking at the camera in the scene. This reputation is
images, which gives them a fulfilled as KERRANG! list
‘natural look’ by not new songs with a mini-
breaking the forth wall. review, whilst
simultaneously keeping the
feature band on-side by
advertising their songs.

The images are in greyscale.

This makes the double page Underneath the big pull
spread look a whole product quote, KERRANG! boast to
and suggests the audience their audience that MCR
like a retro style. The layout invited them to their
also looks very masculine recording studio. This makes
and ‘straight edge’. readers see the brand as

A drop capital has been

used to signify the beginning
of the interview.

Cheeky quotes are in subtle

captions in varied corners of Page number, date and
the images. This is for a issue number is a typical
comedic effect to appeal to convention of the
the readers sense of magazine industry to
humour. feature these in the bottom
right corner.

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