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Splodgeracing 2015 and beyond!

Its been a great year in the MAX5 race series. Great tracks,
great blokes and great cars (and understanding wives!)
This is the second year that my car, number 11 in group B Mk1 Mazda MX5 has
raced in the MAX5 race championship.
No longer a Rookie the season started at a very wet Silverstone. When I say
wet, I mean torrential rain!
Qualifying went well 3rd in class.
Race 1 Launch control engaged and I flew past three cars before the first corner.
Going sideways more than forwards is interesting. So, leading the class and in
front of one of the faster Mk3 cars, Aston Martin racer, Chris, passed me! We
diced for well over half race distance until I ran out of grip/talent (delete where
applicable) , spun and the orange Satzooma car rearranged my bumper and
broke my exhaust. Carrying on a bit louder than before, I limped in 4 th in class.
Race 2 Launch control worked again passing all three Mk1 that were in front of
me and two Mk3s!
The race ran pretty much as race 1 but much, much wetter. We all slid around
but once again, I fell off! Getting back on track I battled back, staying close to
the top 3 until I came across a backmarker. Blue flags waving everywhere, I
opted to pass on the inside just before the start finish line and wallop! Oil all over
the track mixed with the rain and I rotated!
Fuming, I eventually drove off the grass and back onto the tarmac to finish 4 th.
Croft was a very different story. Still damp for race 1 which meant that I fell off
again! I only went wide on a corner but it lost my lead and I came second at
first! Scrutineering after the race showed that Skuzzle (Motorsport) was 15kg
underweight! No probs with me being 30kg OVER weight!
For race 2 I loaned Skuzzle 20 litres of petrol but he had a 10 second penalty and
had to start from the back. Great I thought just play it cool and even if I do
something stupid (and I did) I still have 10 seconds in hand. Unfortunately, the
10 seconds (which in real time were 3 seconds) was taken at the start of the race
so when Skuzzle came past, I assumed Id still come 1 st but was disappointed
when he got it.
Cadwell Park is always good for a laugh. We had two Guest Mk1s which seemed
to have twice the power as our cars! Anyway we discounted them and race 1,
even with a very fast rotation at the top of the Gooseneck, I came home 2 nd.
Skuzzle spun at the same spot as me a few laps later when a car spins in front
of you, you generally aim for the car and it will spin out of the way not in this
case! Skuzzles video shows him going backwards with me fully locked up on the
brakes heading straight for him! A quick flick of the steering wheel andI
missed him finally getting another 2nd place.
Rockingham was a laugh a minute! Guess what, it was wet! Race 1 saw launch
control eat up the Mk1 of Skuzzle and 3 Mk3s. Rain is a great leveller! Great

racing with more opposite lock than straight on! This one fell into Skuzzles hands
with his drifting skills so I settled for 2nd.
Race2 was dry. Advantage Mk3s The three I beat in race 1 shot past me on the
long straight. But I shot past Skuzzle. All went well until I had a semi rotation at
the hairpin and Skuzzle nipped through. 2 nd again .
Anglesea was, youve guessed it, wet! Race 1 was brill. Launch control worked
and I was past all Mk1s and 3 Mk3. Skuzzle used to drift cars so the wet played
straight into his hands here. I ended up 3 rd being passed on the next to last
corner by Satzooma!
Race 2 was dry and brill. Launch control on, straight to the front. Half way
through Satzooma mugged me and I came 2nd.
Well, I had to miss race 1 at Brands Hatch due to not being in the UK But..I
caught the Eurotunnel on Saturday night and was at Brands by 5.45am! Early
shower and a track walk then 3 laps behind the pace car to qualify and then start
at the back of the grid.
Launch control worked brilliantly passing 6 cars from the start! Never having
raced here before didnt help but after Sammy spun off, I came home 3 rd.
I dont like Snetterton! I was 50 the day before but didnt suffer too much! For
race 1 the launch control was a bit faulty so stayed static until a cheeky little
move a the hairpin gained me two places. I held a steady 3 rd (behind two
blisteringly quick Mk1s (Hmmmmm more than 105BHP???) until Skuzzle caught
me off guard and I slewed slideways for around 150 yards doing around 100mph
brown trouser time! Sammy slipped through as well so that left me a miserable
Race 2 was pretty much the same but I made up four places by the hairpin (sorry
Skuzzle and Sammy!). Same as race 1 but as my tyres went off (racing driver
excuse number 257) I couldnt defend against Skuzzle and Sammy soanother
Pembrey was the last race of the season with double points up for grabs. The
weather was bright and sunny and this was a sprint track. All I had to do was
finish both races and I had won the championship.
Race 1 was a laugh! New boy Jack held a steady 3 rd whilst Skuzzle and me had a
right tussle. He thought I would just tootle round and finish how wrong he was!
It was tooth and nail all the race with fractions of a second between us. Skuzzle
finally took the flag with me 2nd.
So, last race. Seemed a bit rude not to have some fun so, once again, Skuzzle
and me had a right ding dong! Changing places around 25 times over 20 laps
made great entertainment. Feeling generous and smug, I let Skuzzle take the
win and new boy Jack had 2nd. I slipped off the accelerator down the main
straight which gave Skuzzle 2nd in the championship he deserved it.
So thats it Splodge 1 appears to have been sold and Splodge 2 , a Mk3 has
been acquired!

It just remains for me to say a huge thankyou to all the people that helped me
throughout the year. I hope Ive done them proud.
Richard Smith

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