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Lobna El Shirbiny

Yara Hossam Interview

Persons Present: Lobna El Shirbiny I

Yara Hossam - S
El Shirbiny: Good Evening, this is Lobna El Shirbiny recording an interview with the
AUC Graduate, Yara Hossam for my JRMC 2202 Multimedia Writing Class.
Good Evening Yara.

Good Evening Lobna

El Shirbiny: Please introduce yourself.


Uh, hi Im Yara Hossam. Im 22 years old and Im an AUC Graduate.

El Shirbiny: Can you please spell your first and last name?

Yes, Its Yara and last name Hossam.

El Shirbiny: Okay so, what was your major at the AUC?


I was a Business Administration major as well I specialized in Finance and

Economics. Thats it.

El Shirbiny: So, when did you graduate?


I graduated very recently, actually in spring of 2015.

El Shirbiny: So, as an AUC graduate, can you tell me about the most beneficial things
that youve learned at AUC?

Yeah, being a business major, throughout my years at the AUC, I learned a

lot of presentation skills. Um I learned a lot, you know, after having many
many presentations, learned trial and errors and the right way to present an
idea and a thought that I may have. Working under pressure of course of
course, you know, being in college you have a lot of deadlines. Um, as well
as, you know, throughout my also Finance courses, I learned about

Lobna El Shirbiny

Yara Hossam Interview

investment banking, uh, all the different, you know, uh, all the different, you
know, departments and things like that. I mean when I started working, I
didnt even learn that much, uh, like I just, you know, like had like friends
and things like that, uh, but thats it. I didnt really learn that much, um, I
learned more when I was in school, also I was, you know, a head of a lot of
clubs in the AUC and I went ahead and, Im sorry?
El Shirbiny: Oh so, do you think that the joining clubs at AUC was beneficial to you?

Uh, yeah, I definitely was. I was a head of a lot of clubs, um, and I learned to
socialize and, you know, being able to socialize and being able to, you know,
talk to people, you know, understand people, um, that was really beneficial
to me and it really helped me out a lot, um, in work and, you know, on the

El Shirbiny: Okay so, do you think that AUC graduates have more privilege than other
Universities graduates?

No, I mean, no like being an AUCian is not gonna, you know, get me my
dream job for example or something like that. Um, like small companies
maybe, you know, theyll look at the AUC, but they still look at, um, you
know, if you have a good maybe GPA, your work experiences and things
like that. I mean, yeah, big companies, as well, like if you apply to them, um,
they go ahead and they look at your, um, GPAs and, you know, how you did
in school. Um, Im not gonna say that, you know, youre gonna definitely
get the job, but, um, I was an honor student, as well in the AUC and its
really hard for me to get a job, uh, specially in Egypt, with everything being
connections only, um, its really really hard, um, but I mean you work with

Lobna El Shirbiny

Yara Hossam Interview

El Shirbiny: So, do you have any connections for getting a job or where did you work

Uh, well actually I interned at a couple of companies, uh, when I was

actually still in school. I interned at Blom Bank. I interned at CIB. I was a
research intern at the Egyptian Exchange as well I was a junior Investment
Analyst at the Multiples Investment Group and right after I graduated, I part
timed at the Ministry of Planning and Administration Development. Um,
those are basically, um, the things, you know, I worked at, um, but I mean
like trying to find a job now, I was actually working at that place, uh, the
Ministry of Planning and Administration Development after I graduated and
they, um, you know, leg me off, um, they like didnt, I guess they, uh, they
just like didnt have, whats it called, um, they didnt have space or
something like that and as I told you before its connections really, um so,
Im actually still looking for a job right now, still unemployed so, [laughs]
Im still, um, Im still looking for something. I really do want to work with
my major, uh, I dont wanna go back to school again for like a different
major or something like that so, I have to, you know, try to work with that
and see what Im gonna do, but hopefully, you know, in the near future, Im
gonna find the job and Im gonna work hopefully without a connection
[laughs], but we all know that its gonna be with a connection here in Egypt.

El Shirbiny: I hope so [laughs], you would find a job easily.


Yeah, hopefully, I will [laughs].

El Shirbiny: Okay, it was great talking to you, Yara, and I hope you will find a job easily

khalas (means, in Arabic, finished?)

Lobna El Shirbiny
El Shirbiny: Yeah, thank you!

Yara Hossam Interview

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