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CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ADEPT EVALUATION FORM Early Chldhood/elmentary Education Cooperating Teacher/ Univers Superson sin const: cooperating eh o Soret Gites fe] 5 Completed by: Cooperating Teacher University Supervisor inlet aterm Final Directlons: Thi form tobe used a 0 formative and summative essessment ofthe candidate's progres throughout the ofokal practice, The candidate should ‘be orserced thes (3) imee:ofter4 weeks, 8 weeks and atthe end ofthe placement, Rate the cndldate on each ofthe ke elements under each stondard 05 follows: Scale: (A) Uneceptoble/Developings (2) Acceptable/Atests; (2) Torget/Exceeds. Then gle en overal rating inthe box besiie the ADEPT Performonce Stonderd, An explanation ofthese rong is given on the reverse side of tls form. wave | ACeT "ADEPT PERFORMANCE STANDARDS RATINGS, TAPS 1: LONG RANGE PLANNING E To [20 | 4A, Obtains Student information Se | 34] 48 Fstablshes appropriate standard-baved learning and avelopiental gals 5a | 2] 4C4 Wdentities and implements instructional units - ELA x Sa | 22 4€2 Wenties and implements instructional unis = Seenee 3 Sa__[ 23 | 13 identifies and implemants instructional une Mathematics 3 a | 1c eeniies and implements instructional units = Soe tudes 3 25 — | 1€5 Identifies and integrates Visual and Performing Arts within instructional uals 2 2.6 | 1C6 identifies and integrates Health Education within Instructional units Ba 3h F237 [467 tents a integrates Physical Education within nstctonal unt Se} aio 40: Develops appropriate processes or evaluating and ecordng student progres achievement sc 34 4E. Plans appropriate procedures for managing the classroom 3 : TAS 2: SHORT RANGE OF INSTRUCTION Sp £0 J 2A. evelope Unt Objectives : ~ Se_| 3.4 — | 28. Develops instructional plans = z 9 5c | 40 | 26 ses Student Performance Data 3 TAPS 3: PLANHING ASSESSMENTS AND USNG DATA Zz 3e__[ 40 [3A Uses a Variety of Assessments z - 3c 4.0 | 28. Administers a Variety of Assessments Z 1 Sb__| 40] 3c. Uses sessment Data to Asgn Grades. : 70S 4 HIGH EXPECTATIONS Se] 3a ah Etats Manas nd Communkates igh Drpedatins or Ahevement z b c_| af a. Eas, Martane al Coninmuicates ih Epectations Yor ParCelpation TT APS: WSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES wh, SA, Uses Aporonrate Svatgles : fee as sett Sens 2 q a SC_Uses Strategies Eectvely “APS_6: PROVIDING CONTENT FOR EARNERS = GA. Thorough Command of spine Se 3, Provides Appropriate Content _ 9 Se {Content Promotes Learn [AS 7: MONITORING, ASSESSING & ENHANCING "3b “4.0 | 7A. Monitors Using Formal & Informal Assessments 3 3b [£0 | 78. Uses information to Guide nsreton 3 3c [40 — | 76 Provides instruction Feadback 70S 8: VIRONMENT PROMOTES LEARNING Te | 34 [ 08 Soe & Conducve Physeal Environment te 34 ‘88. Positive Affective Climate in Classroom 7 q te] 34 | 4c Cretes Culture of eareing 7S 3 MANAGING THE CLASSROOM Teo | 24 98, Manages Student Behavior Appropriately SZ 1c | 38, Marimurn Use of nssuctona Tie 4 te [34 | 9c: Manage Non irstuctionsl Routines Candidate's Signature pg Lng __ate_/O1I/. (S evatuator's signatuy e Revised Fall 2013 ~ ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards Miarrse “CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION PROFESSIONALISM ‘APS 10: PROFESSIONALISM Faerie eather | THeCanddat colaborates wth stented poesia, chs | Teton agendrio amin | The cane dosnt 0A. Advocate for | agencies busnese, and communky . 2on a sencs sesasconmuny | Srcejctnorirsfens | cobisaermeaianes, | “2 aroun to determing ine needsafhs | ydteplanand pede then with | sdminsatorsoragences, | ‘them with the appropriate learning {the sppropriste torn Pehla pect experiences and assessments The candidate regulary attendzand 108, Achieves J Situs to mestings tothe ertet | The candidate attends faculty and | The candidate does not trite gg se spree ls | 10. eff ‘The candidates spokan word and Communicator: | writen language are lar, corect,and Presentation ‘2pproprite forthe target ausence. ‘The candidates spoken word and written language contain fhatitis possible and appronrate 2nd | sage eval meetings, but notother | attend meetings or forthe wget audience an const | 94 ween nes Organizational J actively supports the efforts of shoo! | hoo organizational meetings or | participates in any less than Sears bared Sai tare curiae actives, ‘entscutriulr ets, facthities that contribute tothe averal_| C#"#eurcular activites, actu et The andidate communicates with parens/avardianson an learning and development of students Intermittent asl, responds Tho candidate docs not appropriately to parental concerns, | communieate with and usesat east tree (9) diferent | parents/quardans. formate to ensure that ongoing ommuniaton ake place “The candidate communiates with roc.zetfective | parents/uarclans on a egulr bas, Communicator: responds appropriately to parental Parental conceens and uses more than thee 3) Responsiveness | varled formate to ensoe that ongoing ‘commonication takes plbce aetna ‘policies, and procedures and is. adequate professional, school and | comply with school policies: cee eeeretinicmams [sietecmmeena | Semone scram |Satestencem” | Sones ee professional strengths and weaknesses | and devises plons to address the denttfication _and devises a plan to address them. identified. socanane | poponrnecovau Sitsrane | etree Professionat Demesnor and Behavior ‘The candidate doesnot Ident songs oF weaknesses ‘The candidate seeks ou, ‘The caniate doesnot Paripatesin, and contioutes to | partkpate in acts to Bethe for adequate profesional | promote profsseral srowth. frowth. Se ‘Candidates must recelve atleast 20 overall to successful pass this assessment THE SCORING GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT Tondioatedemonstatera imiedarmount ofthe | Candidate demonsvales mostolthealvibuiesat | Candldste demonsatesal ofthe atloses ofthe avibuesof the standard. Performance ndcates the standard. Performance Indicates that the standard, Performance cealyincates thatthe that few competenles have been demonstrated. | competency hasbeen demonstrated incuding | competency has Been mastered, focludng examples extension, or enrichment examples, extension, and enfhment. Lik qI 142 Revised Fall 2013 ~ ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards

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