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CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ADEPT EVALUATION FORM Early Chldhood/Elementary. Education ‘Cooperating Teacher/University Supervisor Candidate: _charos Hart Cooperating Teacher:_tatasha Mucay Sthook: _rookdsle Grade/subject:_2"/MMathemstic, Date: 20/28/2035, idtar Fina Completed by: _I0Saxon Cooperating Teacher ___X_ Univesity Supervisor intial Directions: This form iso be wed oso formate and summative ossessment of the condidate’s progress thoughout the cinco proce. The condtdate shoots be cssesed three (3) times: ofter 4 weeks, 8 weeks and ot the end ofthe placement. Rat the condidate on cock ofthe hey elements under eet stondord ot {Jalfous: Seale: (i) Unoceeptable/Devetopng; 2] Aceptcble/Iects; (3) Terget/tsceeds. Then give on overlroting in the hox beside the ADEPY Performance Standard. An explanation ofthese ratings leven on the reverse sie of tl form ace ‘ADEPT PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. TAPS 1: JONG RANGE PLANNING pone eyes ea 20] 1A. Obtains Student information RATINGS AS ‘based learn end developmental goals Se Bi hes appropriate stan Sa 2a ‘and implements instroctional units ELA, Se 22, | 1€2 idantifes and implement instructional units ~ Science z feel Sa 2.3 | 2C3 identifies and implements instrctional units= Mathematics 2.4 — [ACA identifies and implements insirutional units ~ Social Studies — 2.5 [ACS Identifies ond integrates Visual and Performing rts within insttuconal uate 2.6 | 4C.6 identifies and integrates Heath Education within Instructional units 27 [C7 Identifies and integrates Physical Education within instructional units 5 400 _ | 10: Develops appropriate processes for evaluating and recording students” progress @ achievement id | 16. Plans appropiate procedures for managing the anroam ES APS-25 SHORT RANGE OF INSTRUCTION So 2A, Develops Un Objectives i C . Develops instructional Plané eee : sc] 40 | 2c Uses student Perfomance Dat BES A SES [PAPS 3: ‘PLANNING ASSESSMENTS AND USING DATA. = SUEDE SLOT 3A Uses Varley of Azesamets : e 3, Administer a Vanity of Rese : q 2G. Uses Assessment Onto to Auten Grades ri FAPS 4: GH ERPECTATIONS SE 4, Elles, Malntates and Communists High Expectations for Achieverent 48, Establishes, Maintains and Communicates High Expectations for Participation 95 Si. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Ts see aan Uses Appropriate Srotepes : $8. aes Vay of Sates e 5 5c. Uses SuateesEecvey ‘APS _6: PROVIDING CONTENT FOR LEARNERS | 5 A. Thorough Commend of Discipline z | 3 [et Provides Aooropriste Contant ie ESR 2 a 6G. Content Promotes Learning : 72057: MONITORING, ASSESSING W ENTANEING. fe 7A. Monitors Usig Formal & informal Asessments = Z 7B, Uses nfrration to Gude istietion é 2 5 76. Proves instruction Feedback [APs 2 ENVIRONMENT PROMOTESTEARNINGEETTT z 1A, Safe &Condueive Physeal Environment 2 3B, Pose Afective Cina in Casroom a i fc teas Ce sting 3 = [APS 9:: MANAGING THE CLASSROOM. gee LS 2K rage ido er par 7 2 Tins Udi : 44 a | gS tb cranmon es [ble fc: arin biViget Revised Fall 2013 - ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY ‘SCHOOL OF EDUCATION PROFESSIONALISM “Unacceptable (1). The candidate collaborates wih Colleagues, administers, and other studea-ointed profesional, such #5 430A, Advocate for } agencies, busineses, and commucity children 2/0085, to determine the needs of borer students to plan ad provide ‘them with the apropetelaring cexpotences and assessmen 6e The candidate collborates wth cokeagues and ainitratre, but rnotother agencies to determing theneeds of his or her stodents ‘and to planand previde them wth the appropiate earning cexperences and assessments ‘The candidat dos not “The candidate reglsryatends and 5A ontbutes to meetings tothe extent "1 | roe, achieves | that tis postibie and appropriate, nd Organizational | aetvelysupporsthe efforsef schoo! Goals ‘owgeizations and eatracurtalar 6a setvtes tht contribute tothe overall Tearing a6 development of student, “The canaidate attends facoty and ate level meetings, but not other schol eraniational meetings or cxracuticulr stv. attend meetings or partidpates in any ‘he candidate doesnot cetracariclr ates. 5.1 | zocaettective | the canauate's poten word and ‘communicator: | witen language are clear, correct, nd The candida’ spoken word and vrtenlnguegeare appropriate forthe target audience and consist, many Batant ror. ‘The candidate's spoken word and written language contain 3 communication ake pce ommurienion aes place, Gb _| Presentation | sprog forth target cence.” | th ret ade The codes commana ih The candle commune vith 5.2 | roc2etective | parents/uacdns ona regular basis, | Porents/evarians onan Cormantanee, | Ruwnsienesrsensseeions | rrmmenate panes | Theanine dee et Parental Comers angses more thn three) | SORE Rete pra concerns | commons wh 3 concen, andes more ion twee) | rer ostiec ferent | pormgoreans é 6b | Responsiveness ied f that ongolMé | foemats to ensure that ongoing The candidate comes wiv 5.1 | soo.exhinins | prtesionssetel and at aes, “The candidate complies with The candidate doesnot Bettis that promote coliaboraton forhis or er continue profesional Beouth. earn Collaboration sctvtes for adequate profesional ronan. erowrh, promote prefessoral srccnn: | pokes aa prsedres ane equate peers chalaré_| campy wih school pases Professional | chaacerticafaprofestonalin terms | diet ales, pales and and precedes and/or 3 ee of responsibility, initiative, time ‘procedures, and exhibits 2 ‘exhibit a professional 6b _ | Bekavor Imaragement appeal | prtessons demestor demesne sandr on ay of ork ToetAane | Tecandne ls efecive Te ie ee te 5.4 Ree practitioner who identifies his orher | or her strengths or weaknesses, a te 3 6 - professional strengths and weaknesses | and devises ptanstoaddcessthe | ently strengths or 1C_| Wenttcation | Eidcewese panteodstessthen, | Wen Sanne Te candidate saree sees on Tee cand se ot The cant oe 1 | avesnctive | pariptesinandcontbctes to : bce renee one partpatesin, and cntibtes 0 | pariptein aes to Al ‘Canciate demonsiaies a Tiled amount of he attutes ofthe standard Performance Indicates ‘that few competencies have baen demonstrated. Revised Fall 2013 ~ ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards beseotabye nda demorstats nos ote aberof thestandrd.Perommance nates thatthe ‘ormpetency as nen demonstrated ode ‘cles, cent or ein "Candidates rust recelve at east 2.0 overall to successful pass tis assessment THE SCORING GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT jects ‘aneldate ceronstvates al of he aiibter of the standard. Performance daly indiate thatthe competency has heen mostced incluing examples extension, and enrichment spiepueds OTOZ DAIWN/!3DV ~ €TO7 HIed Pasinay Ss axa Sunp seuoreut asou ue suopsauves ‘uopenumwo so fayen esos aepipues seus a ‘yooss pue uoseas unos wotaoud alleen 34, "pavensuounp ‘soe sieppues | ursuowadedue pur Rupwessiopunseopm ee sstenbope ae 8940819710 u xg pee uNGeGOUS SpaeUalRe jo sear" oye jo sesie ue ep Wwowaneeaus Peer opumiedie) joroices preps “Aaiusood aus equine ue Scenes a Jo 28pENC Sepsis 9g a aeuouiew Sees poseifopagedaze | yo a0.89p afexsame 15,009 J eBpaynou 01d 34u0re2» poe ENpazesd Ayiye mensvounp suesto Steppe) eeiensuoupe | + ow aa son put ‘spueiiopun svosermenpue) | chow aepipor agi some $0059) Beppe cae retdojouoon pu ayn sro | ea eee me pati = png or af poynouy mou 30 Aoro>= puesta cme. ae usin suo steed Aunbuy at Recs papieaes “aometepipues | PUR 30UR!E jo sd20U00 Sun aud su. paiensuowep | ayy ‘pavensuowsp | ‘22u2:2sjo aunjeu zen ‘sannzedsiod eres IeBor pue euossed ui eouans rreai pace: | ABojouypan pue aouass ut sane apumaduioa mos suo3uos jo 32p2pnouy ‘wane ag jo a8paqnou so voiBapayertanae Jes0iTop ageiseze stud Supe soos rere emcee’ Pouca stad oar aeons a : cavum Suunp seyneasyo ae ‘esas spipue> ous, ‘pmensvounp Asienbope ou poessiouse | ,., amnaennun sue atendug yas jo ses beiedebori acd ve poets Semuaiecino> '20009 a5n pu ‘puessiepun ‘mouy data pue sue 33enzue) ug 0 95n ur aouaedco ye syensvowap Bowmoduoo may Bonsop ae cust 95/5064 ‘oilap pedo pssieporaione se aenswouap osu eoxessvouap a soso oteppueD ‘Slate ik ane Stoz ‘ez sqo20~— —:aeg JeAAT ape yes a0 — 9p ane so eHERBRNT BRFQRS | mare o0 1g Joos sayy cep ipues ‘ra6WeL (9) pur rayqeidaoy AuBiHE wiosy ofeos ou Sujsn p1epuers wuaiuoa 242 uo seiepipued ain arey NOLLVINGA AYVLNIWIT3/GOOHCHD ATYV3 ~ LNSWSSASSY 3D037MONN LN3LNOD Spiepueis OTOZ DAIYN/IIDY— ETOZ I1ed Pasay ymunasg om ' Wey RTT Fae VWOPrE ; WET. 5 Tren TRG os awa Supnp seumeus 10 hayes esas mep1pue> 34 petenssowo9 ‘Amenbope 278 voneanp9 srr .seunew | sauopnye himuawef2 40} ay Jo Jaen dauByserspuyaieppues pm St eeeen sem aepipue apveyua pu seras ay Aunjeay ‘xn “Passsouop su'pmeasiounp | E ‘guaispuossme | fueptoy 90 oneanee oe uonenpS snnoe 150) aso {21000 Teomysyo sere a, sie woneage ea vononpe estas sease eet ese Lg esas | __aludsoseee nn | SEUORENEE IIE |e oud pu wowonow (° vasepnteramuonsana | sigaceiouantis | atogpciponan | MEmermmtonnunn | REOET! | yeangaon ps tuenn oe suse ajo ipayouy | aim ag osdpameuy | URE RIP SEP | oe ee poe | cee picel: aeriecan anisvayesdiuo9 nen suOLop pvaiBopanecae | 0p ameane ‘wos ensuoweR Pf etenacinen " suesoyeeppue | fxg neasoousp ‘ote end sneppeD sacar mEMpUED eaUKTS POE RSE | sorduiexe ajgeuns Burpnou) cee puesoyiuers ogee, Semen eres | aap seuseu pe en Seecacas “gye0u poo8 on arnau yoo seus Suxprony‘seooan ge Ames | aryouy epost 25250 SEPIPUED LL | pais pape oem pUED sips jo sanzeid pue weuidoranap -e sapnyouy srepipues ayy, rerio nceat, | “Parensuowen Apienbope | ‘BIE © sPu8 eDIP POTensuoup heros Pe 2 “sayentvounsp suapmis 30 saasunoddo Maes | _sieaieayjorenean | INO cnn seer veneanpo qu se pgs apustdog upaiga sooumedoy news algns 49 ut dosu0> Joes exper sapumtneay simu an jo etponoun -ystcs ot s0 open usin spay > 2 spueysopun "unio ai oper vant sieroe nf 595M pue “Spusiopun Oy ema nasceteumact | NC atopaneene | /98 Suosarensvouop | wot joxtpamon Tae svessuowsp a 2pjpuD ay—uonneonpa yileoH, svosse sepa suas aeppuey | pews esensuowap suc] a0ppueD vost SteppUE) SUS Bae “wou “voor ae soonenis poe sade organs ‘oure seysieu yo aoe sieaieu 9p fek aso Useept -auapms Leweurae Buowe Supnout eyane jo Aen ‘esos steipues aad ens ae Gigudnie ines a aerenies Tropmou sieppues og. | SSBPAPMISTEPPLED MuL | Tenens | AINBERSR Sut oieppues | “HWE asp suns |, eaeroreipee 2a | “parensuowap Aseda: | PEREEVOWeD Asrenbops 3 pmeNELOUEP 1 40} epoui Atewsd se se ensin pareasuosiopdpuesuca sre sue ogo seo:e Mn patensuowep ase sue aresues jo seni ou piesue aise Jesones ot pue “eves “:saus uep srormponaues | Sierenumnauoy | SA7MESMTIMLS | re mmuewaucn | yeztveenpnnas | Tunes ea sen oo our saci epimndiny | RIMES | atm | eee sounwdun | ISS ee : nanos vazzeimmon | WME auoetzananr | SG came | Mueatrancot | yetnaganes | guaica eta umn pu Spuctepun senovantucomenriany | ea0ispxtacace vecrmenwowe? 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