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Joan Njeri Njoroge, MD of Engen Mauritius is a leading light.

Awarded the CEO Global Africas Most Influential Women in Business &
Government and Titans of Africa accolade -located within the Chemical,
Pharmaceutical and Petrochemical sectors - Joan is top of the global arc of
women in the Oil and Gas industry.
With only 11% global boardroom representation in the Oil & Gas sector, Joan
represents the future for women determined to rise beyond the historic
narratives of gender as a determinant for success. Her example coaxes the
biases out of the equation as Joan herself observes how women can actively
determine their success.
I believe that there are many opportunities for women to climb up the corporate
ladder but because of the narrative on womens role in society and a great fear
of making mistakes, women normally hesitate to put themselves forward even
when they are clearly the best suited for a role.
The merits of this argument are indisputable, but equally so, a supportive
corporate environment and encouraging peers cannot be underestimated.
Says Joan: In my formative years at Engen, I had the privilege of working with
great leaders who saw my potential and greatly influenced my direction. When
somebody believes in you, you do everything in your power not to let them
down. These leaders played more of a mentorship role than that of a manager.
Joan attributes her curiosity and sense of adventure to her accomplishments that
have been reinforced by academic achievements, including an MBA, and Engen
leadership awards, including Leader of the Year for Engens International
Business Division in 2013 and the 2014 Engen Outstanding Leadership Award.
Says Joan: I am someone who is not afraid of change and therefore normally
open to opportunities that present themselves. I am a firm believer in trying out
new things and if it doesnt work out at least I know I tried. This is a philosophy I
apply to both my professional life as well as my personal life.
Oil and gas companies by their nature have to adapt to change and anticipate
problems, and leaders in this space should equally be capable of heralding
change and innovation. This is perhaps why Joan is also so well suited to the
What I enjoy most about my current role is how dynamic it is. You never know
whats going to happen tomorrow. You make plans and then Oil prices crash or
currency fluctuates, or the competition does something that requires immediate
reaction and you have to quickly come up with a new plan.
Joan continues: We have to keep innovating if we are to remain relevant. It is an
exciting having to think outside the box all the time. I also love that I have the

ability to impact young peoples lives. I always encourage my young colleagues

to aspire to be more and to keep learning. I am a product of a company that
invested in my development and I try to do the same for those who I see
The inspiration and influence that Joan represents will be realised in the lives she
touches through her example. Through her ascendancy, Joans position as MD
and her encouragement of others, a template of possibility is created. It serves
as prototype to other young women who may have averted a career in the Oil &
Gas Industry and steered clear of notions of leadership prior to Joans example.
Joan explains: Like many young girls my dream was to be air-hostess so that I
could travel the world! It had never occurred to me that I could become an MD
and be able to travel to wherever I wanted. .My aspirations were limited to the
examples that were available to me at the time. Growing up I didnt know of
women in senior executive roles. I therefore didnt aspire to such a position as I
didnt realise that it was even a possibility.
With global competition for talent and skills fierce as ever, good leaders are in
particular demand. Fighting to find and secure the best young employees means
that globally businesses cannot afford to cut out 50% of the talent pool. In
emerging markets, critical skills are hungered for by CEOs who require a bigger
pool of qualified, experienced employees from which to draw future leaders.
I take my responsibility as a role model very seriously as I want many young
girls to understand that they can be whatever they aspire to be and that they
should never limit themselves to anything below their full potential. I and other
women in similar roles represent possibility for them. The old narrative is slowly
being chipped away at and the more role models we have for our young girls the
faster the right balance in gender equity will be reached.
Asked about her proudest career achievement thus far, Joan remarks about the
cohesion she has brought to the team at Engen Mauritius.
There were some staff morale issues after we acquired a competitors business,
but a year later we won Engen Affiliate of the Year.

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