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Fifteenth Senate

Minutes Monday 12 September 2005

I. Call to Order
A. Meeting called to order at 8:42 p.m.
II. Roll Call
Senators in attendance: Allen, Bartle, Brady, Ellingwood, Johnson, Kienow, Reed,
Chair: Horsey.
Recorder: Horsey, Reed.
Guests in Attendance: Sharon Bumala, Brian Gilliland, Emad Karama, Robert Pietz,
Jenell Johnson, Casey Herrick
Excused absence: None.
Unexcused absence: None.
III. Motion to Approve Agenda
Sellers moves to add By-Law Amendment 15.01 to Section 13, Reed seconds.
IV. Motion to Approve Minutes
V. Reports
A. President Watters: Putting up confirmations.
B. Vice President Horsey: None.
C. Director of Legislative Affairs Mueller: Legislative events to come. Contact with new ideas.
D. Information Technology Director Tornow: Updating website and lanyards. Contact with new
E. Activities Director Kimiyo Kanekoa: Need help advertising upcoming events.
VI. New Business
A. Senator Confirmations (3)
Brady moves that confirmations be tabled until next meeting, Sellers seconds. Carried.
B. Senate Pro-Tempore
Stacey Johnson, Douglas Brady and Jenn Reed nominated for position. Plurality vote, Senator
Reed elected.
C. Director Confirmation
1. Public Relations
Brady moves that confirmation be tabled until next meeting, Kienow seconds. Carried.

D. Bill 15.03 – Anthropology

Bill sent to Finance Committee. Johnson moves that bill be reinstated to the agenda and
reconsidered, Sellers seconds. Carried. Ellingwood moves that all of Section 1, except
references to Dr. Wihr, be removed, Allen seconds. Carried. Reed moves that all dollar
amounts in bill be changed to reflect cost of Dr. Wihr, Sellers seconds. Carried. Sellers calls
the question. Bill passes 5-1-1.

E. By-Law Amendment 15.01 – Deadlines

Brady moves for a second reading, Kienow seconds. Kienow calls to question. By-law
amendment passes 7-0-0.

VII. Announcements
A. Open House, September 13, 2005.

VIII. Adjournment
B. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:30pm.

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