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Rebecca Mattison

Edu 4300
Chapter Three Reflection
It wasnt until I reached middle school that I learned that most teachers make up their
own lesson plans. Since I have not begun teaching and Ive only been in classrooms to either
learn or observe, I didnt have much prior knowledge about lesson planning and technology
integration. I can remember lesson planning and technology integration being used effectively by
my 7th grade history teacher. To study for an upcoming test my teacher used a smart board to
display test questions while each individual student received a remote control that allowed us to
choose letter choices A-D or answer true or false. Technology was integrated in her lesson plan
through the use of the smart board and remotes. My teachers lesson plan was planned
effectively because she made sure that each student had a charged/working remote and she wrote
the test questions ahead of time. The components of a systematic instructional design process
include design, plan, and act. I will use those three components in the future when I become a
teacher to ensure that I am able to teach my instructional units in a timely manner and without
flaws. Since I plan to work as an elementary school teacher, I will have to also use the DID
model along with DPA system to plan my lessons. The DID model will allow me to make sure
that my lessons can be adapted to suite each individual childs socioeconomic level, learning
style, cognitive style, or special needs. The DID model also allows my lessons to cover certain
objectives and standards set by the state. For example, in the state of North Carolina students in
second grade should be able to provide an opinion or information about a topic. Since the DID

Model provides teachers with a stem plus three additional key components (target performance,
assessment method, and criterion for success), I would be able to design a lesson plan that met
the given criteria. Step three and four of the DID model provided me with knowledge about
different learning strategies and technologies that can be used to support the information taught.
As a teacher I will use technology resources such as videos, ipads, and smartboards to help teach
my lessons. After my lesson has been taught and I feel that my students have successfully
learned the objectives and concepts I will use revision and assessment methods such as test,
quizzes, games, and homework to gage whether my lesson plan was effective. Using the DPA
system and the DID model to help plan the integration of technology in your lessons can ensure
that there are no complications. Just last week while in my Spanish class the projector would not
turn on and because the teacher had no other way to get a new projector he released the class. In
order for technology to be used effectively to help teach a lesson it must be tested out prior to the
start of class.

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