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Caleb Trantham Lynn M, Raymond ; UWRT-1103-E01 8/31/2015 f WP#I C Reading has always been a struggle fo can remember back in kindergarten and first grade being putin the lowest reading group, this greatly hindered my confidence in myself. I also struggled with writing, failing most of the assignments. My spelling was atrocious as well. I needed some help, so parents discovered a program called the Sylvan Learning Center. There they helped me in reading comprehension, spelling, writing, and other areas. I attended for'3){f..00. years and had major improvement. I then transferred to a private school were my level was still below their standards. I studied hard and went to many classes at Wake Forest to continue to aygfage private school level. But, I wasn’t done. I took honors and AP classes that would ‘challenge my reading and writing skills. This led to many failures at first, but eventually granted me with success. I developed a love for reading, especially for historical novels. Rickenbacker was a pivotal book in discover my love for historical novels. I became an avid writer, writing in spare time just to clear my head. I of course could not have done this on my own. My parents, teachers, and instructors at Wake Forest and Sylvan deserve recognition. I don’t want to stop getting better, that’s why I choose to come to UNCC. t’s an opportunity to continue to improve my skills and acquire new ones. A person is only done improving when they stop. peo nowadd dotake Liho 7 ye | und) KO-OMEL OUI 8 WAL Oh ODL Bon’ forged coon OY | JOU nox WP. : dialogue nacack WI © Caleb Trantham Lynn M. Raymond UWRT-1103-E01 8/9/2015 we: The first book that I read and enjoyed was a huge mile maker that shaped me as a literate person today. I remember in the freshmen year being assigned a huge book report that was about (S}ages. struggled with finding a novel that I would enjoy and sil ful6ill the instructions of the assignment. Luckily, my dad suggested Rickenbacker, an autobiography of Eddie Von Rickenbacker. At first I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to read it all, since it was over four hundred pages. However, I immediately fell in love with the novel, it meshed my love for history Une last NOMD, +0 ULe LIS NOUry into a great story. I could feel whatf2ddie Went through in the battles and discovery. He became a very inspirational figure for me, I wanted to do something great like him one day. My favorite quote from Eddie Von Rickenbacker is, “The four comerstones of character on which the icture of this nation was built are: Initiative, Imagination, Individuality and Independence.” 1 could not put the book down and finished it in less than a week, which I had never done before. 7). gd O; From then on I actully loved to read. This ofcourse started slow, but Rekenbacker started the / 7) % pt fire. I started reading books like Broken, Tim Tebow: Through My Eyes, Let's Roll, and many logit P other great novels. Thisbleed)over into my textbooks as well, inevitably developing a love for leaming and a passion for growth, I still am not the best reader, but that doesn’t matter as long as Tenjoy it and inevitably devour the book. = Coes “vat py ey 0k any. FLMAUA WINN Yo OL Oorled 1D Mod o lose pho Si0Ss 7 Caleb Trantham Lynn M. Raymond UWRT-1103-E01 9/16/2015 The Challenges That Effect My Literacy Narrative There is such a tremendous difference between writing casually and academically. It is quite a challenge to switch between the two. I find myself casually abbreviating words and using text language in my academic writing. For example, I might write I8ter, LOL, and many other forms. | typically have to review my papers many times to fix these errors. [ usually write the paper first for my content, then I beef up the word choice and get rid of the casual talk. Talso struggle with spelling do to my lack of looking up words. Now a days we have spell check and even grammatical check. I find myself relying so heavy on these programs to roduce error free work instead of trying to learn from them. Don’t get me wrong, these programs are quite beneficial, but in order to inerease to advantages I must as the question why and research. Due to my laziness, I often spark note assigned books. This is so easy to do and shrinks the amount of reading to a page while keeping the important content. [ can say that I haven’t I spark noted The Secret Life of the Bees. Spark notes should be used as a study guide not as the book itself. Technology is not the cause of my laziness or difficulty, but is has impacted my literacy narrative on multiple levels. At the end of the day, I feel that technology is more beneficial then not because I can always change myself to be more productive. Caleb Trantham Lynn M. Raymond UWRT-1103-E01 9/30/2015 A Man of Impressive Skill ‘My great great grandpa was a pretty famous man in the mountains of North Carolina. What made him famous was the size of his family. He had over 56)biological only the confirmed number, many people believe he had upwards of 70. You ildren, That is ight ask how a ‘man could hayéso many children. He had an abundance of wives, four officially fnow. He had to have mrre due to the large number of confirmed children. The people used to say that he was poor/s dirt, but he was the most handsome man you could see. They also said he had a way of tpfking with women. He would bounce around from town to town visiting his family. He named some of the children in the same year the same name. This of course has made the population of ‘Trantham’s in North Carolina a quite large number. There is a family reunion near Ashville where hundreds of Trantham’s meet. The name Trantham in the mountains is pronounced differently based on which mother you had. There are Tran-Thams, Tran-Tims, and many others. ll are spelled the Say) There was an article a few years back that told my great great grandpas story, going to bring it to class. I wonder how much I look like him and if | am a smooth talker. (this is 100% true, I will bring the article) Caleb Trantham, Lynn M, Raymond UWRT-1103-E01 10/5/2015 ‘Names, the Door to Family History In many cultures names are based of people or relatives know in the past. Many times those names are deemed important based on the history of the individual before. Since many people leave legacy%s, there is hope thatthe future generations will make as much ofan impact as the past generations, This leads to naming the young after the old, An example would be Muhammed, in Muslim culture this name is important to their religion, and therefore they rename many of their children Muhammed. The impact can be quite immense. For example, if » ~yYouare kin to George Washington and your last name is Washington often culture set higher standard for the family because of the impact of the historic leader. For me, my first name Caleb comes from the bible. The meaning is often confused with dog, but with further research of the Greek translation, itis the attributes of a dog. Meaning loyal and trustworthy. My parents gave 17 me that name inthe hopes that I would be a Grelesy trustworthy leader who put all his faith in God, Most of my relative have biblical names as kind of a tradition. Also, Trantham, my last | 7 name is symbolic. The Trans came from Germany to England in the 1500 or 1600°s. The gvelt near the Thames River, so they changed the name to Trantham. With just a litle research about your name or family name, you can discover quite a bit about your family’s history. The more names you know the further back you can get. Names are one key to unlocking your families history. Caleb Trantham Mrs. Raymond UWRT-1103-E01 10/18/2015 ac i’ An English Exposition ot no wi (Tie Tag s three names Union Flag, Union Jack, and Royal Union Flag, James IV of Scotland inherited the English thrown and wanted to unite England, Scotland, and Ireland. The cross in the middle is a part of the original flag of England called the St. George’s Cross. The white and blue background incorporated the Scottish flag known as the Saltire or St Andrew's cross. Over the course of history the English people have fought for their lives to save their flag. From the European wars to World War I, much English blood has been spilled. Since 1606 the flag has been used, but it was not officially adopted until 180}-{“Union Jack”) » 4 “God Save the Queen” was written in 1619 and believed to be written by John Bull. It. 9, & ‘was adopted 1745. wan changes from king to queen and he to she according to who is in’ 2 power. ("Symbols of Monarchy") ? youca wi rat © (estan have to be 18 year old and of good charts ¥ou also have to speak English : fluently and life in the country for 6 years. ("Citizenship and Naturalization") ; ing Henry the IIX is a notable monarch for my family. When King Henry the Vill created the | Church of England, he killed and stole from a lot of Catholics within his empire. One person he stole from was a distant grandpa of mine. My relative was a wealthy land owner who was Catholic. When exploration started, my relative fled to America in hopes of freedom and a fresh start. wit & kee oy. Cag Cc — Works Cited Aan and Naturalization." Naturalization. Web. 19 Oct. 2015. ‘Symbols of Monarchy." The Official Website of the British Monarchy. The Royal Household. Web. 19 ct, 2015. “prion Jack." The Official Website of the British Monarchy. The Royal Household. Web. 19 Oct. 2015. Caleb Trantham ‘Mrs. Raymond UWRT-1103-E01 10/18/2015 An English Exposition WHE Zi hN The English flag has three names Union Flag, Union Jack, and Royal Union Flag, James IV of Scotland inherited the English thrown and wanted to unite England, Scotland, and Ireland. ‘The cross in the middle is a part of the original flag of England called the St. George’s Cross, ‘The white and blue background incorporated the Scottish flag known as the Saltire or St Andrew's cross. Over the course of history the English people have fought for their lives to save their flag. From the European wars to World War II, much English blood has been pilled. Since 1606 the flag has been used, but it was not officially adopted until 1801 aan “God Save the Queen” was written in 1619 and believed to be written by John Bull. It was adopted 1745. The apthem changes from king to queen and he to she according to who is in power ("Symbols of Monarchy"). gy WY <> In order to become a citizen, there are certain procedures one must complete. You have to be 18 year old and of good character. You also have to speak English fluently and life in the country for 6 years ("Citizenship and Naturalization" King Henry the IIX is a notable monarch for my family. When King Henry the VIII created the Church of England, he killed and stole from a lot of Catholics within his empire. One person he stole from was a distant grandpa of mine. My relative was a wealthy land owner who ‘was Catholic. When exploration started, my relative fled to America in hopes of freedom and a fresh start. : Works Cited . _Chizenship and Naturalization.” Naturalization. Web. 19 Oct. 2015. _2Shmbols of Monarchy-"The Official Website ofthe Bish Monarchy. The Royal Household, Web. 19 et. 2015. ‘Union Jack." The Official Website of the British Monarchy. The Royal Household. Web. 19 Oct. 2015. vw Caleb Trantham Mrs. Raymond 11/11/2015 UWRT-1103-E01 The Processes of Creating Dynamic Ideas. The topic of my semester-long project has had some change to the original ideas. The overall topic, immigration from Europe, has remained the same. Since two people of the group are second generation immigrants to America, we have chosen to incorporate the reasons behind immigration to the United States today. Their parents have clear and interesting reason why they decided to come to America. We also, due to my heritage, are going to talk about the original settleps’ This will stretch back to colonization during the 1600’s to today. ‘We have discussed a possible compare and contrast of the two main topics. This would show how the reasoning has changed over the years or hasn’t. Many new ideas were given by the group activity where people went around commenting on the different ideas. Some of those ideas were, incorporating other immigrants from around the world, talking about refugees, and involving the effects immigration has on the United States. From that exercise, we have decided to incorporate opportunities immigrants have in the United States over their home counties and the effects immigrants have on the United States economy, culture, and politics, These topics have been incorporated to diversify the topic chosen. This will allow us to write a great paper with tons o! nformation of immigration. The overall topic remains the same, immigration from Europe to the United States. Hou. Caleb Trantham Mrs. Raymond 11/11/2015 UWRT-1103-E01 The Processes of Creating Dynamic Ideas. ‘The topic of my semester-long project has had some change to the original ideas. The overall topic, immigration from Europe, has remained the same. Since two people of the group are second generation immigrants to America, we have chosen to incorporate the reasons behind immigration to the United States today. We also, due to my heritage, are going to talk about the original settlers. We have discussed a possible compare and contrast of the two main topics. Many new ideas were given by the group activity were people went around commenting on the different ideas. From that we decided to incorporate opportunity immigrants have in the United States over their home counties. A few minor topics have been incorporated, but the overall topic remains the same. During colonial times and through the early 1900's, ships were used to transport immigrants to America. This was not a safe journey, but a journey for opportunity. Many like Martin I, my 6" great grandpa, were fleeing persecution and looking fora restart to their lives. He met his wife on the ride over to ‘America. need Svarse ato, Tris sa depiction oa boat ride aver to America. t would not months to complete the voyage. The Passengers lived in poor living conditions, often having to each moldy bread just to survive. Disease and spread throughout the boat. Many people died on the voyage alone, never to see America. neck Soarse fyfo Ellis Island is a historical place when it comes to immigration to America. It is where many immigrants came to become citizens in the United States during the early 1900's. Thousands have come through Ellis Island to receive citizenship. heed Sourse 19 Caleb Trantham Lynn M. Raymond 11/9/2015 UWRT-1103-E01 ithe With color Family Tree Review Over this weekend, I was able to go home and visit my family. This opened up an opportunity to talk with my family about my semester long project. They asked about how far ‘was able to trace my roots and if picked up any cool stories from my research, Then they began to ask yhat I was going to include in my semester long project. I told them that I stopped at EngJ4nd in the sixteenth century. They challenged me to go back further and to account for the \ fe the Trenthem’s had in England. This idea intrigued me, and I will most likely go back farther. Dad was able to give some insight on the topic since he had done a family tree project in college as well. My mother asked me if I had done much research on the wives of eat Trenthem. This made me realize that I hadn’t. I probably will also add more research on the wives of the ‘Trenthem’s. I was able to acquire some great constructive criticism and new ideas from my family. They never surprise me with their insight and knowledge. I will need to continue my research through ancestry to get the information I want.

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