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Angela Suarez Lozano_S40031030



Angela Suarez Lozano

BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management


Angela Suarez Lozano_S40031030

1. DET Diversity Police Analisys and Recommendation...................................... 3
2. Information on:................................................................................................. 4

EEO and Affirmative Action ........................................................................ 4

Racial Discrimination Act............................................................................ 4

Sex Discrimination Act ............................................................................... 6

Disability Discrimination Act ....................................................................... 6

Angela Suarez Lozano_S40031030

1. DET Diversity Police Analisys and Recommendation

The Diversity Policy of the NSW department of education and training seems to, by
definition, include and protect all individual of society independently of their origin, age,
ideological or geographical background, sex, etc.
It aims to embrace workplace diversity and take advantage of it making it an asset, enriching
the current workforce situation by analysing and incorporating differences in capabilities
and ideas.
In addition, it is an ongoing process that is reviewed periodically to adapt to new needs. The
5 Year Strategic Plan 2012-2017 tries to provide all students with the appropriate
environment to fulfil their goals and reach their potential through quality teaching, focus on
closing the gaps and implement continuous improvements along all the stages of their
education. They also promote strong social partnerships. This demonstrates a big
commitment from the government of NSW to provide people of all ages and background
with the educational foundation and skills required to develop into adulthood in an
environment of equal opportunities.
I believe, the Flexible Working approach of the NSW public sector is the best option this
rapidly changing society which evolves and changes continuously. Technology and
telecommunications, social trends, competition, continuous appearance of new
international markets are some of the factors that forces employers and employees to
adopt greater flexibility.
The NSW Workforce Diversity Plan 2012-2017 focuses on respecting and valuing the vary
backgrounds and skills of individuals. It understands diversity as a strength as oppose to a
problem, but diversity also brings challenges. The Plans priorities are attract, recruit a
diverse work force, as well as, develop and retain it. From my point of view, this plan
represents a very valuable effort from the NSW public workforce, given that it does not only
promote a culture of fair and inclusive practices but to attract and retain a diverse
workforce as part of everyday business. In addition, the Plan meets the Anti-Discrimination
Act 1977 (Section 122J) requirements under which employees should be elected on merit,
under the same opportunities and free of discrimination and harassment.
Additionally, the Aboriginal Human Resources Development Plan 2012-2017 provides a
framework for increasing employment and development opportunities to Australian
Aboriginal. I strongly believe this is one of the biggest issues of Australian society and,
therefore, requires an enormous investment in term of time and resources in order to drive
change. Given the difficulty of the matter, an issue which origin dates from British
settlement in 1788, continuous reviewing of needs and effectiveness of implemented plans
is essential. It is the Australian government and societys responsibility to make this Plan
(and others related to Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders) to success.

Angela Suarez Lozano_S40031030

As per my little experience in diversity policies, I think the Australian Workforce Diversity
Policy contains the potential to success in its objectives, which seem to cover all relevant
conflictive areas of current Australian Workforce situation.
Nevertheless, as far as Im concerned these policies do not reach every sector of society and
a relatively high level discrimination, concentrated on specific minority groups given their
country of origin, color and/or background, remains present in the Australian society.
Therefore, to my mind a more assertive approach of policies implementation and awareness
is required. Other than that, I feel the WDP covers all relevant areas whereas rick of
discrimination exist and effectively encourages, promotes and protects both equity and
diversity in Australian workforce.

2. Information on:
There is an unavoidable need to respond to the cultural diversity of NSW. This response is
provided by the principles of EEO which aim is to ensure equity and diversity.
The main current targets of EEO in NSW are:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Target 2.6% by 2015

Woman: Benchmark 60%
People with a disability requiring workplace adjustment: Target 1.5% by 2013
People whose first language was not English: Benchmark 19%

In terms of reporting, NSW Public Sector agencies are required to report on their equity and
diversity achievements as part of their annual reports. This approach will ensure the EEO
principles are accomplished and/or corrective measurements are implemented when
EEO also covers mature workers (35-64) which is really important in the NSW workforce
picture given that its proportion is higher than employees under 35 years.


The Racial Discrimination Act (RDA) is a statute that was introduced by the Australian
Parliament in 1975.
According to RDA, racial discrimination in Australia stands outside of the law boundaries
and overrides inconsistent States and Territory legislation.

Angela Suarez Lozano_S40031030

Racial discrimination is when a person is treated less favourably than the rest in a similar
situation because of their race, colour, descent, background, etc.
For example, if a proprietary refuses to rent a house to a person due to their racial
background or skin colour, this is considered direct discrimination.
It is also racial discrimination when there is a rule or policy that is the same for everyone but
has an unfair effect on people of a particular race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin
or immigrant status. This type of discrimination is known as indirect discrimination.
For instance, if a company states that employees are not allowed to wear hats or other
headwear at work, this is likely to have an unfair effect on people from some racial/ethnic
backgrounds such as Muslims, so would be considered as indirect discrimination.
It is against the law to discriminate in areas such as:

Employment (section 15) - e.g. when seeking employment, training, promotion, equal
pay or conditions of employment;
Land, housing or accommodation (section 12) - e.g. when buying a house or when
Provision of goods and services (section 13) - e.g. when buying something, applying for
credit, using banks, seeking assistance from government departments, lawyers, doctors
and hospitals, or attending restaurants, pubs, entertainment venues;
Access to places and facilities for use by the public (section 11) - e.g. when trying to use
parks, libraries, government offices, hotels, places of worship, entertainment centres,
hire cars;
Advertising (section 16) - e.g. advertising for a job stating that people from a certain
ethnic group cannot apply;
Joining a trade union (section 14).

The Racial Hatred Act (RHA) is an extension to the RDA active from October 1995. Its goal is
to prohibit offensive behaviour based on racial hatred or racial vilification(section 18C).
The RHA covers public acts which are done, in whole or in part, because of the race, colour,
or national or ethnic origin of a person or group when reasonably likely in all the
circumstances to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate that person or group.

The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is responsible for administrating The
Racial Discrimination Act.
The Commission also attempts to raise awareness about the obligations that individuals and
organisations have under the Act.
The Australian Human Rights Commission is opposed to the exemption of the Northern
Territory National Emergency Response Bill 2007 from the RDA.

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From June to August 2009, the Government held consultations with Aboriginal communities
in the Northern Territory. In June 2010, as a result of these consultations, the Australian
Parliament passed legislation to reinstate the operation of the Racial Discrimination Act in
relation to the NT intervention.
Therefore, The Racial Discrimination Act aims for an Australian society driven by equally and
where everyone is given the same opportunities.
The Act gives effect to Australias obligations under the International Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, to which Australia is committed.


The Sex Discrimination Act in force from 1984 defines discrimination related to of sex,
marital status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy against the law in a various areas of
society, such as work, accommodation, education, the provision of goods, facilities and
services, the activities of clubs and the administration of Commonwealth laws and
The Act has a focus on erasing two relatively common types of discrimination in certain
areas of public interaction: firing of employees with family responsibilities and sexual
Furthermore, the Act aims community understanding of men and women equality, in terms
of rights and capabilities.
The rights and responsibilities of pregnant and potentially pregnant workers in the
workplace were clarified by the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Pregnancy and Work) Act
The Act also covers the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against
Women which came into effect 1981. It was ratified in 1983. The Act also gives effect to
parts of International Labour Organisation Convention 156 which concerns workers with
family responsibilities.


The Australian Parliament created The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) to defend
the rights of people with disabilities in certain areas such as housing, education and
provision of goods and services.
This is not the first Act in Australian related to disable people, different of antidiscrimination acts were in force in the state legislatures before 1992, some of them from
the early 1980s. All States and Territories except Tasmania and the Northern Territory had
anti-discrimination laws in place, and these two places had legislation under consideration.

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Complaints made under the DDA are made to the Australian Human Rights Commission
which also handles complaints relating to the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, Sex
Discrimination Act 1984, Age Discrimination Act 2004 and the Human Rights and Equal
Opportunity Commission Act 1986.
According to the

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