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Dead End part 1 Greyson Flores

Its been four years since the apocalypse started. Two years since we started living
in Sams club. We were living in a public bunker until They got in. The infected,
brainwashed by disease, only to be killed again in some other horrible way. It had all
started that one hot summer day. I remember it all like it was just yesterday. Me and
my sister, Meghan were inside when the police arrived. Ding dong! Followed by a
sharp knock. My father appeared out of the kitchen and opened the door. Hello
officers how can I he-
Mr. Sandston we need you and your family to head to a public bunker now!
A wha-
Youve seen the news right? Asked the officer who looked to be about twenty five.
My father rushed over to the couch, grabbed the remote, and changed the channel
to channel twelve. My mother stood in the doorway of the kitchen, worried. The
television flickered and the news showed on the screen. The headline read 2.1A
Virus released I looked up at my father who seemed to be as white as a ghost.
Dad whats happening? I asked, franticly. Dakota, Meghan get in the car!
What, daddy? said Meghan who was only about five at the time.
Get in the car!
Meghan started to cry. I grabbed her hand and rushed her to the car. A few minutes
passed and our father came out of the house with four backpacks for each of us.
Him and mom got in the car, handed us the backpacks, and sped off. Downtown
was pandemonium. People ran throughout the streets. Buildings were on fire. The
dead lay in the streets with heartbroken family members sobbing. I closed my eyes
and plugged my ears. It was too much. After what seemed like hours we finally
reached the bunker. We hurried in. There were others in there as well. A family with
two boys, one my age one Meghans age. That would be good for her. An old couple,
a man with a beard and a grey hoodie, two girls who seemed to be about fourteen
and twelve, and a young woman who seemed to be about thirty. This is what life
was going to be like for a long time.

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