Classroom Management Philosophy

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Running head: CHAPTER TEN

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Felicia Martinez
EDU 1010
Chapter 10 Assignment

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My philosophy on classroom management is to make my classroom feel safe and orderly.

I would do so by displaying the classroom rules in a visible place for everyone to see. I would
also ask for any suggestions with my rules from my class to make them reasonable for everyone.
I believe that in letting your class participate in defining and making the rules will not only help
them be more engaged in the class, but help them understand the rules more. The same could be
said for the goals of my classroom. I would make goals to learn everyones names, to keep my
classroom clean and organized, and to have my class be friendly and accepting to all. I would set
out the goals of the classroom in an open and exposed area so that they are always visible. I
would also be encouraging and accepting to anything my students had to add to the classroom
goals so that they could help accomplish them. This way at the end of the year my students can
leave feeling proud and accepted for who they are. I would want my students to feel accepted
and respected in my classroom because they may not receive it outside. I would try to keep my
rules and goals simple so that they can be understood and accomplished easily. I wouldnt want
my students to feel overwhelmed by me asking too much, but I want them to know that I wont
tolerate being taken for granted or walked on as a teacher.
For the discipline methods in my class, I would set out a chart with a pocket for each
student. Each pocket would have three different colored cards, or maybe even colored Popsicle
sticks, each to have their own meaning. There would be a yellow for a warning and a time out, an
orange for a call home, and a red to be sent to the principals office. I do believe that time out is
an effective form of punishment because it gives the student time to think about what they had
done wrong, but I would also talk with the student about the situation before they were released.
This way the student doesnt feel isolated, ignored or even hated by their teacher but more of
guided. I dont believe in making the student stay in time out for long periods of time, but I

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would restart their time if they continued to not follow the classroom rules. I would take every
opportunity to show my students that I care about their wellbeing because I know what it was
like to feel that no one cares.
I would try to have extra materials on hand in case of emergencies or accidents for
precaution as well as lesson plans. I would make sure that my students knew what to do when
there was a substitute so that way my class isnt havoc or destroyed upon return. I would also try
to stick to a routine because I know that some students really need one. I often do myself as well.
Sticking to a schedule or routine makes it easier to stay organized, or at least it does for me.
However, once in a while I would make an exception to the routine and do a fun activity with my
class as long as they earned it. Maybe teach math from sitting on their desks or even outside. I
would want my students to know that it is okay to be random and fun at times because thats my

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Introduction to Teaching by Don Kauchak and Paul Eggen, Published by Pearson in Upper
Saddle River, NJ 07458

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