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Production of my magazine.

I started creating my front cover using in design. I added the cover lines
which I planned out onto the left and right columns. I added the masthead,
however I left it blank because I was unsure of what colour would suit the
page. Leaving it blank enabled me to think about the composition of the
page and helped me decide what colours will go where within the page.

After deciding the colours for the masthead, I added more articles
to fill up the page and make it look more interesting. I added a puff
which states free beats earphones inside worth 55.I added this
so that it would grab the readers attention and so that it will make
the front cover more interesting.

Once I had chosen the colour scheme for the masthead, I

noticed that it was placed in front of the models face. I
decided to go into Photoshop and place that masthead behind
the models head. Not only is it a typical convention of hip hop
magazines, it also gains the model more attention and will
emphasise his importance more.

After adding all my articles and features of my front page, I was able
to create a bold page. According to my audience research many of
the responses wanted to see a bold masthead with bold articles, this
was achieved in my production.

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