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"Articles: Human Trafficking Estimates and Statistics.

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Estimates and Statistics. American Thinker 2014. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.
Clark, Gaye. WORLD Magazine 31 Aug. 2015. Print.
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"Federal Government Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking." Federal Government
Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking. 27 Sept. 2012. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.
"11 Facts About Human Trafficking." 11 Facts About Human Trafficking. Do Web. 11 Nov. 2015. <>.
Harper, Kathleen. "108. Exploring the Hidden World of Human Trafficking in Our Own
Backyard a Look into the Fastest Growing Illicit Business Thats Alive and
Thriving in North Carolina." Elon Human Rights and Social Justice Writing
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"Homeland Security." Human Trafficking. Homeland Security.Web. 30 Oct. 2015.
"How to Identify a Human Trafficking Victim." United Sates Conference of Catholic
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"Human Trafficking FAQ'S." NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services. Web. 30 Oct.
Kara, Siddharth. "Preface." Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery. New
York: Columbia UP, 2009. Print.
Pasquarella, Natalie "Human Trafficking Happening in Charlotte." 9 Investigates: Human
Trafficking Happening in Charlotte. < >9 WOSC,
Charlotte, 10 May 2012. Television.
"Sex Trafficking: The New American Slavery -" CNN. Cable News Network.
Web. 30 Oct. 2015.

Soderlund, Gretchen. "Running from the Rescuers: New U.S. Crusades Against Sex
Trafficking and the Rhetoric of Abolition." NWSA Journal Volume 17 (2005): 6487. Project Muse. Web. 9 Nov. 2015.

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