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Peter Kolchin American Slavery: 1619-1877 (Gill & Wang, 1993 NYC) “Slavery and Revolutionary Thought” Ww “Tue REVOLUTIONARY sR ako saw an increasing exp between the South as « whale, where slavery survived che challenge cot epi Inmay an remained Sn enttenced, snd the Noh where very [gad grve way to freedom, albeit severely restive freedom. Beeaute the Revolution was waged for “Uber.” and generated an fnormous amount af heroic about despossm, tyranny, jones iy and natural ht, ie inevably mised questions abou lay fry, questions that seemed ll the mere pertnenc in view of the ‘ltermined efor of saves to gain their own feedom, andi is n0 cident that ce United States was the fist country t take signi ican falhough ultimately limited) acon aginst the pecala ins tution, Paros commonly denounced ce “slavery” they aufered rhe hands of the British, and insaed that they would ater die than remain slaves although thee was corsidenble hyberboe in {bis theore—cleuly Patiow did not bebeve dar they were saves in the same sense their own chats were—the irony of fighting 2 frat for libersy a the same me that they held onehird of thsi ‘wn population as slaves was not lost upon ther, They might not ive liked the way Brish Tory auchr Samuel Johnson phrased the mater when he asked shotoncally, "How is ic that we hear che Tesi Reson oy Br lode yt fr ery among the dives of segs ta they See aly wae of ptm hein e Revlon er ner by v0 meas wed oe uetin ef arr. how hoarse shoes 00eg ‘Sie ined nd vein! feng ol save tooge tbolionsottscmeved inte Southwest ory ey rochertydoninactby Quakers td eeune popes met ime moved fer ule Ook eon end ee Scrcafon with war ey ged aa ior pate, ro inqtendon rin uncer inmeaiye Geos Wak initials ren snore the estate owes honor eed te anes hover tee weeny nee Tov tn ren tn ecued faced aa sees Many sped ih Phone Jetton tlre vs wen. bosh [ron adsense popes coed oe nal nd pect on Faded th Founding Fes oka se of tp aged venga sve’ gl demic. Rr chtien of he tlhe. canta they aie syed ener awl Simupeee, pretence ar welders aed ibsetoe poten ies» fonal sain the pr 2ikcon tered seme) tipping erste voce ons estat Sal hee teed sume @ fee aibogh ne Molina pve eee shee ss ha conned Treran cnet pec ow ted ge oxson iach ofthe ton on every Sng the Reco) © cated tthe rn ee In oper Sony tn ns epee {Fe Manns td Dee eed tetas tnt malig ear ung 7S and 9 or oes ec bmp (Pom 172 prs sco nan ‘santa ben ee Vga) fn ete oer Seon Nonh Cain wd he how sae of Ren flomped by bh pill ppaon fer ana eden ‘Eau fr ter srning tn eva es cle Son poving neyo ave oven ek ania of nev Ins bre te oral ofthe dvr Some mates maunined tris fo en fst ote nh Gee Wang on Tndoph and Rebar Cane Hs proved he wl fre Feed ofall elas, they sbaiag enna ene or sein Hane shez eomptaiom, hve, Dr vented most of Randolph's and Cart’ slaves fiom ever receiving {heit freedom, and Washington licked th legal authority eo free ‘he numerous “dower Negroes” belonging oh wil, Math, fom a previous mariage; of 277 Washington shaver, 124 belonged to George a the time of his death in 179, while 183 belonged to Martha) A smaller oumber of slavehelders often Quakers fo. lowed to the end the loge oftheir aclavery convictons and feed allthirslaves immediatly. Acts of pvatemanumision feed thu sands of blucks inthe upper South following the Revolution, snd forthe fis sme, especialy in Delaware and pars of Maryland, seemed to threaten the very survival of slavery in Delnware, eee: quae fal blacks were fee by 1810 (se table 2 snd section V, Below) Farther aorh, state acon was mote decisive, Because slaves in ‘the Noshem sates formed only a small proparson ofthe population and consisted a minor economie interers abolishing the peclar inctton nan eta that celebrated ery and natural igh proved selavely easy, although often painfully show. Dusng the the de- ‘ades following the outbreak ofthe Reveltionary War, every Nor fm state inated complete sive emancipation, The proces vated considerably, In some sates, emancipation was immediate: the Ver ‘mont consticuion of 1777 prohibited slvery, and soon thereafter Massachusets courts, reacting oa seis of feedom suits bought by blacks themselves, inrerpreced that state's consiution aout Inwing slavery, oo: a the sae’ chit juni puri 1783, “there an be no such thing ae perperalservicae of ational crestute."™ In mox Norther sates, however, especially those with significant slave population, emancipution was gadal, so ato provie elie shock to society (and the masters’ pocketbooks) a8 possible. Ace cing to Pennsylvania's law of 1780—the fim of five gaudueh ‘emancipation ats passed by Norther sates—all futurebom slaves would become fee at age wrentycight. New Yorks ln of 1799 feed future-born boys at age eweny-ight and girs a oveay-fve, New Jeseys act of 1804 (the lst emancipation acs of « Nother Sue) was similar, but provided that boys would ceive freedom at sage wen-ive and gis at rwentyone. Because these gradual ‘tmancpation laws freed no one acually in bondage atthe tine af thee pasag, and freed children subsequently bors no slavery only when they reached adulthood, the North cotsined «small number ‘of slaves welint te incteenth century. By 1810, however, about ‘i daron Rn @ thres-qutrs ofall Norter blacks were fie, and within «gene aon virally all woul be. Complementing he salon acs of individual Norther sates vs legishtion by Congress to rescee the geographical seope af slavery, Because the western tertories were largely unstled ex Sep by Indians), the movernene wo prohibit the spread of ster there did aot chllenge vested interests in the tne may the he ‘movement t abolish slavery in existing sates diy and secrved csomsdemble support fom those convinced tht slver, aeugh rong, could not be immediately ended in the Sout la 1784 Bill drafed by Jefferson, which would have barred slavery fm all the western teritorin after 1800, was defeated by a singe vote ‘Thee yeas inte, che Nonbwese Ordinance di abolish avery ‘ras ates aorth ofthe Ohia River kaown as the Nortwes: Teo Sto ncluging the present stats of Ono, Indiana Iino Mich igen, and Wisconsin. Te Aliican slave tade, viewed a8 deplonble even by many

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