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: indicates the topic of a sentence

: placed at the end of a sentence to indicate a

: indicates the subject of a sentence
: indicates a location
: indicates possession
: indicates a contrast between 2 items
: indicates time or frequency
: indicates direction
: indicates the direct object of a verb
: used to connect and list up multiple items
: used to connect and partially list up multiple
: used with to partially list up multiple items
: means too , either , also
: bothand, neithernor
: indicates the indirect object of a verb
: indicates the surface of an object where some
action takes place
: indicates the location of an action
: together with
: indicates an apposition
: indicates a starting point in time or place
: indicates a starting point in time or place but
more formal than
: indicates a limit on time, space or quantity
: indicates an approximate amount
: indicates an approximate amount
: indicates an approximate amount
: indicates a means or material
: indicates a choice or alternative
: indicates a point of departure
: indicates a route of a movement/motion

: indicates a point of arrival

: indicates an entering motion
: used together with a verb to express a purpose
: used when quoting someone
: indicates the name of something
: something like
: indicates a limit or scope
: indicates a comparison
: indicates a comparison
: indicates superlative
: indicates a comparison
: indicates a comparison in a negative sentence
: someone, something
: nothing , nobody , nowhere if used with an
interrogative word
: used with a verb to indicate a change or choice
: expresses an occupation or position
: indicates emphasis
: together with an interrogative word it means
anything , anyone , any time
: indicates a cause or a reason
: indicates a source such as a giver, a cause or
: indicates a person who gives something or who
provides a service

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