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CNS 220 Final Project

Part 1: Personal Action Plan

If you have a dream, you can spend a lifetime studying, planning, and
getting ready for it. What you should be doing is getting started.
-Drew Houston, Founder/CEO of Dropbox
The purpose of this project is to integrate and mobilize your new skills, resources, experiences and
knowledge into a plan you can use to create meaningful action toward your personal and career-related
goals. This final project, your Action Plan, along with your Meta-Reflection, will allow you to consolidate
your new competencies and understanding of yourself, as well as options in the world of work that are
relevant to you.
Checklist to complete this project:
Answer the following prompts and complete the action plan on the following pages. Please complete
this electronically by filling out this document.
Complete a career coaching appointment with a career coach in the OPCD to review your action plan for
Write your meta-reflection based on the prompts provided after this action plan worksheet.
Please follow the prompts listed here and integrate 8-10 resources from our course as supporting
material, evidence for your plan, or new information that informs your future actions. You will start by
reviewing your progress and citing the experiences that have created impact and opportunity.
This project is a template you can use now and as your goals unfold, or shift in the future. Ive provided
this blank template for your Action Plan on Sakai and our ePortfolio website. Keep it and feel free to use it
in the future.


First, begin by answering these questions for yourself. Be as complete as you can, using a sentences or
two for each prompt:
I enrolled in this course for this primary purpose or because:
When I started this class, I was considering this/these options in the world of work:
At the beginning of our course, these were my initial assumptions/thoughts about myself and the world
of work as it related to me
I enrolled in this course because I wanted to explore potential careers I would like to do in the future,
which would then help me in determining a major to declare for next semester.
When I started this class, I was considering the option of working in television in the world of work. I was
determined in solely working in TV and was not very open to other options.
At the beginning of the course, I considered myself to be somewhat an artistic person and capable of
doing work in management.

Next, continue by considering the results of your self-assessment undertaken through our course. You
may wish to review the Self-Assessment section of your ePortfolio. Write a sentence or two to answer
these prompts:
What are the key points you have learned about yourself as it relates to your current ideas related to
career goals? Which projects, experiences or readings provided this learning? List 3-5 key learnings and
the rationale/or sources for class that help clarify this self-assessment.
1. One of the main key points that I learned from my self-assessment was the affirmation of my skill of
management and enterprise. I was able to figure out my strong skill sets by taking the Strong Inventory
test, which helped clarify my self-assessment.

2. One of the most insightful projects I did was the career genogram because it gave me an insight to
patterns that run in my family. This helped me understand as to why I feel inclined toward doing work in
a field of administration or management.
3. One of the things I also learned about was the type of career oriented person that I am. I enjoyed reading
about this through the book,
What has been the most valuable piece of information you have learned about yourself as it relates to
opportunities of value to you? How did you learn this as part of our course?
1. The most valuable information I have learned about myself is knowing that I do not have to limit myself to the
major I decide to declare upon. I can work in any field as long as I am willing and open to extend beyond comfort zone,
and realizing this has allowed me to lessen the stress that comes with what I will do with the major I choose.
Now, think about the exploration and research you have conducted and write a sentence or two to
answer the following for yourself. Again, you may wish to look at your Career Research and Exploration
section of your ePortfolio.
How did you explore and research career-related opportunities and options? How would you summarize
the resources/experiences that have been most helpful?
1. I explored career-related opportunities and options by conducting informational interviews and learning about
different online resources, such as O*Net Online, that would give me detailed information on different careers. The
informational interviews were the most helpful because I was able to speak first-hand with professionals in the fields I was
interested in. This gave me direct insight to the work that they do and how their career path unfolded for them.
What do you need to be doing now based on your class year at Wake Forest and the options you are
currently exploring? hint: take a look at the OPCD site (it lists activities by year and the explore careers
tab here: gives a timeline for specific career fields)
1. Based on my class year, I should be planning on deciding on a major because I will be
declaring one in the Spring. This is also a crucial time because I should be planning to do more
informational interviews, so I can gain more insight on different career fields. Also, I should begin
looking into internships that I could potentially be interested in, so that I may have a good idea
for what I want to intern for within the next year.

My list of key points and valuable personal learning is the following:

I learned to be open minded about different career options.
I learned how to conduct informational interviews and get in contact with professionals to do so.
I learned further upon my skills sets and careers that could compliment them.

My plans for growth are:

Improve my LinkedIn profile.

Prepare myself for interviews.
Build a resume.

Options in the World of Work: Career Action Plan

November 24, 2015
Please type your action plan goals below and provide the rationale (the reason you plan to do this) and
course-related source for this goal. Excellent action plans will draw on 8-10 different sources from class
(e.g. projects, experiences, readings, lectures, resources). It is important to anticipate barriers to
reaching your goals. This may be as simple as time limitations during finals week. If we can identify
barriers or obstacles, we can also identify resources that will help us overcome these obstacles so out
momentum on reaching the goals is not diminished.
Step 1: Self-Assessment
Based on what you have learned about yourself, the world of work, values and career related interests,
list your most important information about yourself (column 1). I also expect you to describe the

rationale and source of this learning (e.g., Strong Interest Inventory, Career Genogram, Values Lecture,
journal entry, etc.).
Self-Assessment/Career Related Knowledge

Course Citation/Experiential Source

I learned that my career path style is Strategic Survivor

I realized I am a strategic survivor because a strategic survivor

description held the same reasons for why I am in school
Job vs. Career lecture in class

I learned that my theme code for the Strong Inventory test is a


In taking the Strong Inventory Test I was able to figure out the skills
that are my best suit and others that arent.
Strong Inventory Test

I learned that I am aiming in a career field where I would like

to work with people

Through the skills and values lecture in class, I was able to distinguish
the key values that I find important for myself and was able to
determine which
Skills and Values Lecture in Class

Step 2: Short-Term Goals for the Next Thirty (30) Days

In Step 2, Im going to ask you to set some short-term goals based on what youve learned about
yourself above. These goals may be based on information you received in an informational interview,
from your job shadow, perspective gained at an OPCD workshop, data you explored on particular careerrelated web sites or from our readings or experiences. Example short-term goals might look like:
Apply for 10 different marketing related internships before April 30th. Rationale: I need to build
professional experience on my resume before junior year (source: informational interview with alumni
contacted through LinkedIn as part of Informational Interview Projects).
Arrange 2 Job Shadows in hometown for June. Rationale: increasing my network gives me more access to
hidden job market (source: Job Shadow Preparation Presentation).
In this table, list two (2) short-term goals for next thirty (30) days and action steps to reach them. Include
a date to complete the goals and action steps (column 1). You should support your goal with an
appropriate rationale/source from the course or your exploration that explains your reason or motivation
for the short-term goals (column 2).
Short-Term Goals for the Next Thirty (30)
Rationale/Source from Course or Exploration

Goal 1: Prepare a Resume (By December 10th)

1. I need to be able to keep a record of the stuff I am

involved with on campus and be able to provide
something tangible to my future interviewers/employers
alongside a LinkedIn profile

Action Step a. Write a rough draft of my resume

(By December 2nd)

1a. Class lecture on the importance of LinkedIn

Action Step b. Visit the OPCD office for review

(By December 4th)

1b. Skills and interest lecture in class

Goal 2: Arrange a job shadow at the Full Frame

Documentary Film Festival in Durham to take
place during Winter break (By December 20th)
Action Step a. Research and obtain information
on someone via LinkedIn whom I can conduct

2. This will allow me to further explore the industry of

filmmaking and help me determine if this would be
something I would like to intern for.
2a. Job Shadow presentation in class

the job shadow with (By December 1st )

Action Step b. Email the individual and express
my interest in job shadowing. (By December

2b. Informational interview #2 with Ms. Jones

Now that youve spent some time identifying your short-term goals for the next thirty (30) days, I want
you to think about any potential obstacles you may encounter in the process of reaching these goals and
completing your action steps. Additionally, please identify resources you may use to overcome these
obstacles (e.g., identify the tools, information, planning and/or people who can help you).
Potential Obstacles to Completing ShortTerm Goals
Resources to Overcome Potential Obstacles
1. An obstacle for my job shadow would be for the
person to not email me back.

1. I could find a second person who could serve as

another option I could job shadow for

2. Another obstacle for my job shadow would be

not being able to shadow during winter break.

2. I could always open look for other opportunities, such

as River Run, while I am in school

3. An obstacle in preparing my resume would be

the timing I have set it up to have it completed

3. To overcome this obstacle, I would have to do some

planning and dedicate at least 15 minutes a day to work
on my resume

Step 3: Long-Term Goals for the Next Three (3) Months

Now, in Step 3, I want you to set two (2) long-term goals and actions steps to help you reach them.
Example long-term goals might look like:
Join the Executive Committee of Wake and Shake. Rationale: recruiters like to see leadership on a
resume (source: Internship Presentation in Class & OPCD Job Search Workshop)
Conduct informational interview with attorneys in my county by end of August. Rationale: explore law
schools that may network or offer recruiting options within my home state/region to determine top
choices for law school applications (Source: Graduate/Professional School Panel information)
Take Computer Science course next semester. Rationale: basic programming important skill for one of
my industries of choice (Source: informational interview #2 with alumnus at Red Ventures)
Long-Term Goals for the Next Three (3)
Goal 1: Conduct at least 4 informational
interviews with people in the film and TV industry
(By March 1st)

Rationale/Source from Course or Exploration

1. This will allow me to build further connections with

people associated in this field and will help guide me in
the ways I need to prepare to be in this field.

Action Step a. Look for professionals via

LinkedIn (By January 5th)

1a. Informational Interview lecture in class

Action Step b. E-mail them to set up an

informational interview (By January 30th)

1b. Informational interview #1 with Ms. Snedeker at

the School of Law

Goal 2: Research summer internship

2. I would like to go further in depth in exploring a career

opportunities (By March 1st)

I am interested in and help me decide if it would be

something I would like to do

Action Step a. Search Handshake and other

online resources to explore and find different
opportunities (By January 15th)

2a. Job Shadow experience with Ms. White

Action Step b. Visit the OPCD office to obtain an

interview prep and review my resume (By
February 1st)

2b. How to find an internship lecture

Just as you did with your short-term goals, I want you to think about any potential obstacles you may
encounter in the process of reaching your long-term goals and completing your action steps.
Additionally, please identify resources you may use to overcome these obstacles (e.g., identify the tools,
information, planning and/or people who can help you).
Potential Obstacles to Completing LongTerm Goals
Resources to Overcome Potential Obstacles
1. One obstacle in conducting my informational
interviews would be if some of them turn out to
be off campus

1. I would have to plan ahead and make sure I am able

to request for an Uber to meet the professionals or do a
phone interview

2. An obstacle for the informational interviews is

being able to find the people, but not being able
to contact them because I wouldnt know their

2. I would use the different online resources on the

OPCD website, such as Career Shift, to look for their

3. An obstacle that would come in applying for an

internship, would be not being prepared for the
interview process

3. I would visit the OPCD office to conduct a mockinterview to help me prepare

Accountability Partner (with whom will you share

this plan):

Adwoa Asante

After you have completed the Action Plan and had it reviewed by a career coach in the OPCD, take some
time to write up your meta-reflection for the course using the prompts on the next page.

Part 2: Meta-Reflection
Now that you have a clear action plan developed for yourself, the second part of your final project
involves taking a step back and thinking about all that youve learned, in class, as well as through
your career research, exploration and experiences.
To begin your meta-reflection: Review your progress

First, take a few minutes to review the readings we used from the beginning of our
course (Path Finding, Road Trip Nation, Luck Is No Accident). Now, think about the career beliefs
and interests you had as you entered the course.
What did you believe about the world of work and specifically, your engagement with or vision for
yourself in it? You have explored a host of perspectives, had real experiences and gained
competencies that may have been new or refined though this course. You have documented your
progress and gained skills with the construction of your ePortfolio.
What do you notice about your ePortfolio and what it says about your growth and preparation?
Then, look at your ePortfolio. Review your results from the Strong Interest Inventory, re-read
your first informational interview and compare it to your last. Review your job shadow or activities
What do you notice in the difference between the way you conducted or synthesized information
early in the course and how your thinking has evolved?
What was the process you used to select your informational interview subjects or areas of
What kinds of activities items might you now be considering?
Think about how youve changed. What changes do you notice in your thinking as a result of
creating your ePortfolio and your experiences in class? What do you notice in your ePortfolio? How
do these examples demonstrate that you have learned (made a measurable change) as a result of
this process?
Now, here are the questions to guide your written reflection:

Describe how focusing your attention on exploring the world of work, has impacted your thinking?
How do you see your own growth and changes in your perspective? How is your individual
education preparing you for your professional aspirations as you currently understand them? How
will you use the rest of your time at Wake Forest as a result? In other words, what is next for you in
this process?
Look at your ePortfolio as a whole. How has the creation of the ePortfolio impacted your thinking
regarding yourself as a young professional, as a student engaged in preparing for a career and the
career development cycle?
What has surprised you in the process of completing informational interviews, networking, exploring
resources and evaluating your options? What has been most valuable in light of your goals? How
can this process be helpful to all undergraduates?
Youve done a lot of work this semester! This project gave you the opportunity to develop concrete
action plans for your future and also to think about what youve learned throughout the course. Post
both your Action Plan and Meta-Reflection (you can use this document as a template) in your e-

Portfolio under the Research and Career Exploration area AND bring a copy to class. Please
review the rubrics on the following pages to make sure youve met all the assignment
requirements. Please note, there are two (2) rubrics, one for each part of this project. Each
is worth 25 points.

Personal Action Plan
25 points total

Action plan
short-term career
goals and
(7 points)

Action plan
use of long-term
goals and
(7 points)

Action plan
includes name of
partner, potential
obstacles and
resources to



Not Yet Competent

Action plan has two

both academic or
career-related goals
listed for next 1-3
months (short and long
term) and includes,
action steps,
rationale/source from

Action plan has both

academic and careerrelated goals listed for
next 1 or 3 months and
has rationale for some
but not all or rationale
unrelated to coursework

Action plan has only

academic or career
goals but not both;
rationale missing or

Action plan has 2 goals,

time-bound action steps
created and cites more
than three references
from projects,
experiences or
information gained as
part of course

Action plan has 2-3

action steps that
created and citing 6-8
references from
projects, experiences or
information gained as
part of course

Action plan has 1-2

goals or action steps
but does not have both;
or, does not cite
learning from course as
rationale for action

Name of accountability
partner is listed,
obstacles/barriers and
resources to overcome
obstacles/barriers are

Not located in ePortfolio

and/or does not have
accountability partner

(3.5 points)
Action plan
answers prompts
growth or
perspective from
start of course
(3 points)

Action plan includes

answers to prompts to
questions listed for preplanning for document

Action plan includes a

few but not all answers
to prompts/questions
listed for pre-planning
for document

Action plan does not

include answers to
listed for pre-planning
for document

completes career
appointment to
review plan

Student attends
coaching session with
career coach to review
action plan



Action plan added to

ePortfolio and turned
into class on time



(3 points)
Action plan
added to
ePortfolio and
printed copy
turned in on time
(1.5 points)

25 points total


Reflection on
experience of
(5 points)

Reflection includes 4-6

specific references of,
and reflections on,
aspects of ePortfolio

Reflection on
(5 points)

Reflection includes 3
references to actual
process of selecting
artifacts, creating
ePortfolio and editing
portfolio for a targeted

Reflection on
growth and
(5 points)

Reflection includes 3-5

examples of students
specific learning and
growth achieved during
class through specific
experiences and

Reflection includes 2-3

examples of students
specific personal
learning and growth
achieved during class
through experiences
and activities, not

Overall reflection
indicates consideration
of topic and planning

Reflection indicates
some consideration of
topic; feels rushed

Reflection meets
writing conventions;
virtually zero
punctuation, grammar,
formatting errors
Meta-reflection added
to ePortfolio and turned
into class on time

Reflection meets some

writing conventions;
contains 2-4
punctuation, grammar,
formatting errors

Not Yet Competent

Reflection includes 1-2
references of, and
reflections on, aspects
of ePortfolio creation;
lacks specificity in
terms of examples or
Reflection includes 1
reference to actual
process of selecting
artifacts, creating
ePortfolio and editing
portfolio for a targeted
Reflection includes 1-2
examples of students
specific personal
learning and growth
achieved during class
through experiences
and activities, not
specific or tied to
projects, experiences or
Reflection indicates
consideration of topic
and no planning;
rushed quality to
writing and thought
Reflection does not
meet writing
conventions; 5 or more
punctuation, grammar,
formatting errors



Quality of
(5 points)

(2.5 points)
(2.5 points)

Reflection includes 3-4
references of, and
reflections on, aspects
of ePortfolio creation;
lacks specificity in
terms of examples or
Reflection includes 2
references to actual
process of selecting
artifacts, creating
ePortfolio and editing
portfolio for a targeted

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