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McLaughlin 1

Jaylan McLaughlin
Professor Cassandra Blandford
UWRT 1103
26 October 2015

Annotated Bibliography

"Gender in the equation." Press, The 15 Aug. 2013: 6. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 19
Oct. 2015.

This source is an article about three women who have chosen to be engineers. Abbie
Napier is the one who speaks to these women. She tries to get an understanding on how
these women handle their personal lives and their careers while in a masculine job. The
women tell her why they got the job and how they manage keeping it.

My purpose for choosing this source was to get a professional articles point of view on
women in mens jobs. This article showed me how women are very proud to be working
in masculine careers. It also showed me the measures they go through in order to keep
their jobs. This added to the information my interview gave me on what its really like to
be a woman in a male dominated workplace.

I know this source is credible because I found it using the UNCC library Points of View
Reference Center database.

McLaughlin 2

Harding, Thomas. "Original Research: The Construction of Men Who Are Nurses As Gay."
Journal of Advanced Nursing. 60.6 (2007): 636-644. Print.

This source is an article about how male nurses being considered gay in society affects
them and their work life. There was a study done to analyze the treatment of these men. It
touches on the fact that this misconception causes male nurses to experience homophobia
from employees and patients in the hospital. It hinders them from being able to physically
take care of some male patients because they dont want to be touched by a gay man.

My purpose of choosing this article is to get an understanding of the challenges that men
face in a career that is socially considered to be normal for women. The study that they
conducted in the article was very helpful in helping me understand the challenges that men
face in a feminine career. They have an unshakeable label which causes their job to be
harder than it should be. This article can aid me in forming my interview questions to see if
men who choose feminine careers are aware of these challenges and why some still choose
a career despite them.

I know this source is credible because I found it using the UNCC library ArticleFirst

Hopson, Nichelle. Personal interview. 24 Oct. 2015.

McLaughlin 3
The interviewee is my mother related by blood. She is a person who ignored the gender
gap when it comes to careers. She is an electrical engineer and works for IBM. She has
been at IBM for approximately 22 years.

My purpose for interviewing her is to get a females perspective on why a woman would
make the choice to be in what is considered a masculine career. My big question is,
what goes through the heads of people when they decide to be in a career outside of the
gender norm?. Her answers gave me insight to the mind of someone who would go
outside of the social norm as far as careers are concerned. I was also able to understand the
challenges that she faces as a female in a male dominated career and her reasons for
staying in the career despite these challenges.

I know she is a credible source because she is a woman who works in a historically and
currently predominantly male career.

McCaffrey, Paul. "New Perspectives On Fatherhood." Points Of View: Reference Shelf - Family
Structure (2014): 6. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 19 Oct. 2015.

This source is about how the role of fatherhood has changed over the years. It went from a
large absence of fathers in the home to having some dads turn into stay at home parents.
The article analyzes how high divorce rates and working mothers influenced this shift. It
also touches on how it affects the men and their children.

McLaughlin 4
This article helped me understand another way that men are going against gender norms in
society and the challenges they face in doing so. I feel like it lead me to understand why
they decide to go against the norm in the first place. It also opened my eyes to the fact that
there are other factors that influence why men tend to go down a feminine route.
Sometimes it isnt just solely on the fact that they want to. There could be other pressures
that push them down this route.

I know this source is credible because I found it using the UNCC library Points of View
Reference Center database.

McLaughlin, Curtis. Personal interview. 24 Oct. 2015.

The interviewee is my father related by blood. He had the desire to be a nurse for a
significant period of time of his life. However, he did not follow through on this career
path. Later in his life, he changed his mind and decided to be a specialized mechanic.

My purpose for interviewing him is to get a males perspective on why a man would make
the decision to be in what is considered a feminine career. My big question is, what
goes through the heads of people when they decide to be in a career outside of the gender
norm?. I would also want to know what influenced his decision to stop pursuing a career
as a nurse. His answers gave me insight to the mindset of someone who goes against the

McLaughlin 5
social norm. He was helpful in sharing why he initially wanted to be a nurse. However, he
wasnt very helpful as far as why he stopped trying to be nurse and changed his mind. This
is because his reason had nothing to do with the gender gap. It didnt help further my
understanding on how the gender gap influences decisions around careers.

I know he is a credible source because he is a man who for a long time, was working
towards a career in a historically and currently predominantly female career.

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