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Paul Driftmier

Newton's Laws
Newton's first law of motion!

"An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in
motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by
an unbalanced force." This means that if you were to set a ball rolling, it would continue rolling
forever unless something stopped it, like friction or gravity. And if you stopped the same ball
rolling, the ball would never start rolling on its own without something to start it up again, like a
gust of wind or a kick.!

Newton's second law of motion!


"Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object
being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object)." This
means that in order to make a car move, the engine of the car has to create enough forward
force to make the car accelerate at any reasonable speed. And to stop a car rolling, the brakes
have to create enough friction with the wheels so the wheels will have enough backward force
to accelerate the car in the opposite direction.!

Newton's third law of motion!


"For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action." This means that a boat is able to
move because the propellers are not only pushing water backward, but the act of pushing the
water backward also propels the boat forward, and a bird flapping its wings doesn't just push air
backward, but the air being pushed backward in turn makes the bird move forward.!

Paul Driftmier

hLet's explore Newton's second law



Suppose we have an object

that is perfectly spherical in
nature and weights 142kg


How much force would we

need to get this object
moving at 12 meters per
second, per second?

The answer is very simple: 1704 Newtons, or about 383.1 pounds in that direction. This
answer is given to us by the equation F=M*A, or, The force required to accelerate an object is
equal to the mass of the object, multiplied by the speed at which you wish to accelerate. This
can also be used in the reverse manner.


The new 2015 Corvette Z06 can go from 0 to 60mph in just 2.95 seconds, and weighs
anywhere between 3,298 and 3,582 lbs. First, for us to be able to complete the calculations,
these figures need to be converted to metric. 60mph is about 26.8 meters per second, and
we'll assume this car weighs at the low end, at 3,298lbs, making it equal to 1495.9kg. If we
take the the change in velocity (26.8mps) and divide it by the change in time (2.95 seconds)
we get the acceleration: about 9.1mps^2. This can be used to figure out the force being
exerted by the engine on the wheels by multiplying the mass of the car (1495.9kg) by the
acceleration rate (9.1mps^2), which gives us 13,612.7N.

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