Enlgish p240 Voc Text

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This dialog is between 2 friends after school

Andrew: A
Iura: I

A: Hi iura, what is going on with you today?

I: wut ? what do you mean ?
A: Something has gone wrong with you. You look so tired, what do you do this
I: ohh youre right, I dont know why its happen with me but I think because I am
loaded with too many activities.
A : Really ? So tell me what is your daily activities what do you do
I: Ok. Lets begin with morning. Every time when I wake up from the bed I hate the rest
of the world because I want to sleep yet a little bit. Firstly what I do after I awake is to
go in the kitchen to prepare something to eat. I turn on the gas and make a wonderful
breakfast. After that I go in the bathroom and take a bath and clean the teeth. When I
realize that its time to go at university and its too late to prepare the clothes Im
falling in the stress situation. I do this as quickly as possible and go to university. There
I go by bus. The trip takes an hour. At university I try to be often a good boy. I clean the
blackboard, listening to teachers; learn about something new and other things
A: MMM, I'm amazed by you. I didnt know that you are so responsible student
I: I didn't know nor I about me. (Nu tiam nici eu despre mine.)
A: You are funny man. So continue the story
I: After the classes I practice the basketball with friends. It doesnt take a long time but
after that I feel tired.
Once when I got home I fell asleep. I felt terrible because I had a terrible headache.
Then I was a first year student. I didnt have so much experience like now.

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