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TEAM TWO: Sally Miller Ministries (Sam, Beth, Brandon \iAlléy) Objective: to create a cohesive and consistent ministry that encompasses Solly's personality, roles, ‘and goals Succinct version of the plan: provide a branded “umbrella model for Sally's multifaceted work as @ chaplain, speaker, writer, and woman and showcase it via Vlog, MailChimp, and emails. Rationale for the plan: While she needs to prioritize her ministry, Sally doesn't need to build an extensive platform to do so and in fact is antithetical to her strengths, Rather, she can maximize her professional image through a more effective online presence that incorporates weekly videos that are personal and time-efficient. The latter eliminates the need for regular blogging or constant mediated updates, which she dislikes. Logistics for implementation: Sally needs to hire two teammates that can coordinate ministry efforts and maintain her web presence. Some cost estimates of labor and software were given, but this wasn't complete (e.g., they will need a digital camera) and perhaps a low-ball figure for personnel (e.g, paying minimum wage for a web specialist seems unrealistic). Some guidelines for creating the benchmarks were missing: while number of views and subscribers are important, the things that generate income (e.g., book sales, speaking engagements) aren't measured or evaluated, Timeline for implementation: Once the two hires are in place, brainstorming for 2015 podcasts would establish a theme and production could begin. The timeline is loose after that initial burst of energy and productivity. Benchmarks would be established and used for review of the effectiveness of this strategy, but it's not clear when these would be measured and who would collect/analyze this information. Statement of how “success” will be measured markets 20+ year old women, but wouldn't Sally need to have more accurate information about who actually reads her books, too? Additional Comments: ¥ This was the most thorough proposal, well tergeted and well communicated to the client ¥ The idea of a “cohesive ministry” resonates well with the fragmented and inconsistent efforts she's made to date: Solly needed a new vision ond cogent plan, and you delivered! v Your team was attentive to details; seemed to work thoughtfully through statements/cues she dropped in the first meeting and listened to what was not always said (e.g., orgonization). “The comprehensive written plan is offset by a somewhat verbose proposal and subtitles that could distract from your key ideas (e.g., "first guiding objectives" has many ideas packed into each item, some loosely connected, and fairly dense), The reader hes to work at getting to a bottom line. The business report itself covered relevant information and was most forthcoming in terms of labor, costs, and training, Besides, it was very clever and original work! ¥ Interesting that you changed the slogan that Sally was so proud of; while I like “captivating, contagious, compassionate” better than her signature “Peace and Spark", does she want or need this change? Rationale is not as straightforward here. Y Tneluding step-by-step diagrams for how to use these platforms wes brilliant. Clearly, she was not familiar with any of these things, but you made it plausible and doable and implicitly understood that ciming a little bit above the client's head is the better strategy. Y Inthe oral presentation, you scored major points for the “minimalist” approach and spoke directly to her fears as well as her needs. Also motivated me to watch "Fault in our Stars’! Y Interesting choice of slide template in your PowerPoint presentation; still thinking about whether it added to what you were saying, or was just striking visually. [By the way, darkly colored backgrounds are very difficult to read as you get older so demographic beware..] Chaplain Sally Miller, Author/Speaker Girl Talk . .. God Talk Ministries 1N135 Farwell Street Carol Stream, IL 60188 November 28, 2014 Dr. Lynn Cooper é& The Students of Organizational Communication ‘The Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College Wheaton, IL 60188 Dear Wheaton College Students in Organizational Communication Class, Ithas been a pleasure and a gift to work with all of you and your professor, Dr. Lynn Cooper. ‘Thank you for taking time to get to know me, for your active listening and extraordinary (and sometimes unexpected) questions. And, ultimately, thank you for your investment of time, talent and creativity as you developed marketing proposals for my growing author/speaker ministry. First of all, I'd like to compliment all of your on your professionalism, your polished and clear communication skills and your organized presentations. When you are all in the working world ‘you will represent Wheaton College — and more importantly Christ — well! As an alumna I felt impressed with each of you and also, somehow, felt some kind of (perhaps maternal) pride in experiencing you as you are working toward graduating from Wheaton, Before I reveal the group I have chosen, I'd like to offer some general feedback and then, some feedback to all of your groups. Mostly I'll be focusing on the elements of your proposals that I found particularly brilliant: General Feedback ~ Using a timeframe and a specific timeline was helpful in catching the ‘marketing vision of each group. Groups that included well thought out evaluation measures were particularly compelling. The groups that included data driven evaluations for the success of their plans generated credibility. As I believe it is quintessentially important that I get a new website up and running soon, I also favored groups that had website design as part of their marketing plan. I agree with Group 1 as they wrote, “A well-designed website can project the image of professionalism and speaks volumes about your company.” Group 1 (Ellen Egerton, Sue Sullivan, Leah DeMoss, Mark Savenok) I appreciated your idea for the tag line More than Just Words instead of Words that Reveal and Heal. Your offering is more accessible, more vernacular and warm, Nice idea! I also agreed with your approach to focus on digital marketing and personal speaking engagements. I particularly liked your idea of creating an Instagram account that would, ultimately, be run by an assistant, Your idea to use AdWords was great, too! Lastly, I liked your use of 4 Holy Experience as a case study. Nice touch! Group 2 (Sam Epley, Beth Loudon, Brandon Gray, Alley Kammer) ~ Your use of humor in calling me an ‘interpersonal junkie” was effective. Your sense of my strengths and weaknesses ‘was presented in a way that invited me to use your services. The idea to create a Vlog seems fit to these strengths and weaknesses. MailChimp is new to me, and | appreciate your recommendation of this resource. Your idea of hiring an administrator for email updates, booking engagements as well as a video, and website specialist is also good. Ideally, I wonder if this person could be one in the same? The images you used in your sample YouTube footage were very appealing to me. Having visual examples was helpful, too! Nice job! You mentioned ‘Sit down and stay for a while...” I thought this invitation captured the spirit of what I'm about, as well as your title ‘Woman to Woman’ and your adjectives were right on (captivating, contagious, compassionate). 1 think one of you also mentioned ‘warming hearts and hands like a good cup of coffee.” This was also resonant language and an approach that fits my ministerial and authorial hope. Group 3 (Jon Thornton, Fallin Dennen, Allison Cho) —I appreciated the language you used in your proposal, specifically, “Her authenticity and compassion are revealed in her desire to enter into the brokenness of those around her by speaking life and peace.” I also felt that you had a g00d sense of the books I have written (content and genre wise). Your description of media presence as ‘creative and easy to maintain’ hit the nail on the head! As mentioned in class, I disagreed with your idea to open my audience to men, Though I serve men in the hospital, most of my writing is directed to a female audience. That said, I really liked your mock ups of the website, and pamphlet. (If these templates are available, I'd be honored if you'd be willing, to share them with me. Thanks for considering that!) The ‘clean, crisp, yet vibrant website was really well done. Thank you! 1 also liked your idea to create a video archive from my speaking engagements, another great role for an intern! This group had a great listening ability. You listened well and you heard what I was saying. That isa rare gift. I hope you continue to employ it. Group 4 (Ethan Cooper, Mandi Duncan, Sarah Kelly, Celia Leibow) ~ I appreciated your “3- dimensional marketing technique’ including: person to person, podcast, and social media. I also agree with you that I need an intern. ‘This acquisition of an inte is, to quote you, ‘crucial’ and it remains one of my hopes and prayers. Though I really liked your idea of creating podcasts three per week seems a little bit too much given my busy (even frenetic) schedule. Your concept of a speaking tour was great, too! I experienced your presentation as a bit left-brained, which simultaneously appealed to me and deterred me from completely buying in to some of your ideas. 1 did like the idea of podeasts linked to a Facebook or iTune connection. Thanks for that reat idea! Group 5 (Grace Gibson, Andy DeMoss, Kendall Eitreim, Taylor Calaeei) ~ Your strategy was good. I particularly liked your idea of a topical monthly video. I also agree that T should have a ‘professional’ Facebook page with “cohesive color schemes, fonts, andl images that, support’ my personal brand. And, of course, I agree with you that I need an intern with responsibilities like building this Facebook page. [ also agree that I need to ‘narrow my focus to books, chaplainey, and public speaking.” I do not, however agree that I ‘do not need an extensive social media presence.” If want to continue to keep writing books, publishers really want me to have an established ‘platform’ (as we discussed in class), Your idea of posting ‘snippets of encouragement and restoration’ was brilliant. ‘That felt very much in line with who I ‘am as a person, writer, and chaplain, Your invitation to ‘tell people a story’ was extremely resonant with me. Inviting people into a broader story of hope and restoration is what I hope to be about. I appreciated your recommendation that an intern would be involved in this. As I remember you presentation, I also remember really appreciating your color choices. They were inviting and appealing. Thank you! Given the really great work each of your groups did in creating a marketing plan for me, it was very difficult for me to select one group which I would like to represent me. Therefore, I have chosen (wo of the groups that I felt understood my ministerial profile and my personal professional goals: Group 2 and Group 3. I felt that Group 2 best understood my heart, and Group 3 used the most compelling and engaging images for marketing Don’t hesitate to write me: with comments or questions. Again, please know that I appreciate all you have done in creating these marketing plans. You have been a gift in my life. If any of you, or any of your classmates are looking for a spring or summer internship that would entail creating a website, a pamphlet and an Instagram or Twitter account as well as some Vlogging, I would be very interested in connecting. Blessings on each of you as you continue on your path with Christ and with each other. And, special thanks to you, Dr. Cooper. This experience has been hope espousing and encouraging! T hope all of our paths cross again. Peace & Spark, Chaplain Sally P. Miller, Author/Speaker

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