Evaluation of Sources

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Jsaquan Alexander-Riley

Evaluation of Sources
This information was posted in 2005 all together, but there are all the different
references that were found and posted at the time of dates they were published but
this document or article was published in 2005. I assumed it has been revised but
not updated because this was published in 2005. This will give good information I
believe because it is talking about the main topic and what the affects of it is. This
link is a good one and functional.
It does relate the topic I chose because it shows and tells what causes and what can
become the outcomes when you are stressed, the injuries that can come to this. Yes
the information is at a appropriate level that would be good to use for school
projects, Im not sure that elementary children could comprehend this. Yes I would
feel comfortable citing this in my research paper for the amount of information and
sources it comes with.
Gregory Wilson from University of Evansville and Mary Pritchard from Boise State
University are the authors of this journal or sponsors that put all the information
together. They are professors for the studies of exercise science. I believe they are
qualified to writ this or this wouldnt have been a creditable source to post. It gives
the phone number for Gregory Wilson at (812) 479-2847, Fax: (812) 479-2717, and
E-mail at gw3@evansville.edu. The URL is .com but not about the author.
This is information that comes from other sources and it is copyright from the
Athletic Insight, Inc. it is supported by all the other sources and from the sources
they researched on their own to create this journal. Yes you can tell because they
give you all the sources that they researched to get some ideas of what the topic is
about. The language of how they are presenting this seems like it is something that
has emotion but its not something they thought off the top of their heads it is
actual researched material.
The purpose of this information is to compare the stress from a college athlete and
a non- athlete. It is to inform of what happens to each and what is caused as an
outcome on each. They are both fact and opinions where they received their
sources. It seems to be impartial because its comparing them. There are some
institutional and personal biases with the people that are involved.

Jsaquan Alexander-Riley
Evaluation of Sources
This source I would give a 4 because it answers the topic question and it gives a
point of view of other ways to look at it.

This was published from 2006 to 2015. Yes this has been updated because it has
been posted and published this year so it is only around the one year old period. Yes
this information will work towards the topic I have picked out. This like is functional
and can help with what my purpose of the topic is to help understand it better.
This does relate to my topic and it does help answer my question with some good
details toward it. The audience is college athletes and also society and the world to
show what type of stress they have while in school. This information is at an
appropriate level for this topic. Yes I have but I like this one because of what it
targets. Yes I would be comfortable citing this source in my research paper.
The author and or publisher is Terry Hurley, who is a award winning writer. Has her
degree from Long Island University. Yes this author is qualified with the experience
and education she has she is more than qualified to write about this topic. No there
is not any contact information for the author. The URL is .com and doesnt seem to
be anything about the author just what and where she wrote her article.
This comes from the page and article of love to know which the topic is about
stress. This is supported or this wouldnt be published but there are sources and
background on the author stating she is legit and this is good evidence in the topic.
I am not sure if it has been reviewed or referred but im sure many people have
reviewed it and commented what they think about this. From a personal knowledge
point of view this information I would agree with being a college athlete. The
language is professional and it is well set up. No errors that I can see.
The purpose of this is the stress of student athletes transitioning into college and
what they have to deal with and how they can deal with it in their life. This is a clear
purpose and it is easy to understand what you are reading. This is propaganda
because it has fact and opinion in it and is used to inform people what is happening
with college athletes. This is a personal bias because I know what it is to be stressed
as a college athlete.

Jsaquan Alexander-Riley
Evaluation of Sources
I give this a 5 because it explains everything well and answers the topic question to
meet the standards Im looking for.

This information was published in 2012 but with sources found that were posted in
their assigned dates. I dont think it has been updated since it has been posted
because there is no posted date to the present. My topic can use either it would be
better to have current information on an athlete then one back in time but both can
work. This is functional and can give great information.
Yes this relates to my topic and helps answer it in a more scholarly way. The
audience is whoever is reading it and targets college athletes in schools and non
athletes. This information is at an appropriate level to help understand this as a
whole. Yes I have looked at other sources this is a good one so I chose it. Ye I would
be comfortable citing this a s a source in my research paper.
Frank Jing-Horng Lu and Ya-Wen Hsu from graduate institute of Physical Education
and Yuan-Shuo Chan, Jang-Rong Cheen and Kuei-Tsi Kao from the department of
adapted Physical Education both from the National Taiwan Sport University. They are
credited with the schools of which they study and work from. They are qualified to
writ this journal or article. There is no contact information. This URL is .com and its
a pdf viewed.
This information comes from the Taylor and Francis Group where the authors posted
this information. Yes this is from a academic database that I searched, so this is
supported. It is copyright by the authors so it is refereed from them onto this article
that is presented. There is the cited sources that are presented on this article at the
end to show where all the researched information comes from. This is a scholarly
source and the language and grammar is academically wrote.
The purpose of this is that college athletes and non athletes are understress in
school from the pressure put upon them and mainly athletes are more stressed with

Jsaquan Alexander-Riley
Evaluation of Sources
what all has been put on them in life throughout school. This is a clear purpose and
it explains what they are trying to present. This is both fact and opinion because
some may think that athletes can man up but the fact is that there are athletes and
even non athletes that are dealing with stress while in school. This is more as a
society or the world as a whole bias and what is happening and what some think.
This I give about a 4.5 with all the info provided and what the topic is. I know that
this is a scholarly data.

This was posted and or published in the year of 2010. Not that I know of been
updated or revised because of the last date that has it as posted. This is good for
the topic that can be both current and older sources to work with as well. I would
think this is functional as the information that is supplied for this as a topic in whole.
This branches off of the topic to help support it, not really answer the question
directly but it helps answer the question. This is intended for the audience of college
athletes and everyone that is studying about this topic. This is a an appropriate
level to understand and to research. I have looked at many other sources and like
this as a branch off of the topic that still supports it. Yes I would be comfortable
citing this in the research paper.
Romualdas Malinauskas, studies at and from Lithuanian Academy of Physical
Education. The author is credited this is a scholar data I found so this should be a
credited source. Author is qualified to write on the topic because it is the area in
which was studied. There is not any contact information that I am aware of or seen
on this article. This was a .com URL and came as a pdf.
This came from the Society of Personality Research Inc. and the department of
education that the author is established at. Yes there is sources of the information
that are cited on this at the end of the document. I am not sure if it has been
reviewed or refereed but it seems like it from the author that published this. This is
cited and sourced with others and I have been injured and this could be personal to
me as well. It all comes scholarly and this would be proper in language and

Jsaquan Alexander-Riley
Evaluation of Sources
The purpose of this is to examine of injury of the athletes and the stress and
support they have in their life through the sports and school. How athletes react to
all the stress put on to them. The author is very clear with what they are talking
about in this topic. The information I both fact and opinion and is a personal bias bit
also involves athletes around the world.
This I give a 4 with all the information that is presented and that it helps with and
supports the topic.

This book was published October 2014. From what the original sources were I think
it has been edited and revised not sure if it has been updated to this present. This
topic can be both current and old sources but I think it is mostly current that would
help the best. These are functional link that are being used for this.
Yes this information does relate to my topic and does help with answering some of
the questions I have on it. The audience is the people reading the book or someone
that may be studying and needs this information, also the athlete and coach this
would be for. Yes the information is at an appropriate level. This just stood out at me
and I picked it so I didnt really look at other sources for this. Yes I would be
comfortable citing this in the research paper.
The author is Gary T. Brown and is credited with the NCAA. Yes the author is
qualified, he wouldnt be able to write this book if he wasnt. for the author there is
not any contact info but for the NCAA there is some info for where the book is
published and where it was published at. The URL is in .org, so this is an
organization that this was published from.
The information came from the NCAA and the studies of the editors that reviewed
this as a topic in whole. Yes this is supported by evidence because of the main
source of where it came from and the association it came from. Yes it has been

Jsaquan Alexander-Riley
Evaluation of Sources
reviewed and edited. This does has some free of emotion tone in it but not a lot.
There are no grammar or typing problems in it because its an book that has to be
edited before published.
This purpose is to show the student-athlete experience from a mental health
perspective. How everyone around them affects the way they handle all the
situations in sports and school. The author does make the purpose clear to where
you do understand what it is like, showing a personal point of view and the studies
of the views. The information is both fact and opinion because the studies of it and
from peoples personal perspectives.
I rate this as a 5, for how it was put together and how clear it was to understand.

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