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Second Chakra Meditation

As we step up from our

individual base in the First
(root) Chakra we move into the
aspect of relationships. This
area is linked to creativity for it
takes two to continue with
It is for this reason that the
element associated with the
Second Chakra is water,
because we need to learn to
flow with our relationships and

emotions. We cannot control,

nor can we follow we need to
find balance. An imbalance can
cause rigid emotions or
irresponsible relationships.
This is what Tantra works
towards using sexuality as a
way to experience the spirit, the
merger with the infinite, with
others. That moment of
forgetfulness in the ecstasy of
sexual release is a taste of the
much greater bliss available to

us as we let go and merge with

the infinite.
In order to calm the emotions
and work from a heart centred
perspective one where we
operate in the best way for
ourselves and others we need
to still the mind. This meditation
helps with that.

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