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Monika Perry
Mr. Padgett
ENG 101
04 December 2015
Genre Remediation Assignment
For my genre remediation I chose to do a BuzzFeed list as I have dedicated more time to
these BuzzFeed lists than I am willing to share. BuzzFeed is an internet media company that
describes itself as a social news and entertainment company. It produces daily content composed
of lists, articles, videos, gifs, and fun quizzes to help you decide things like Which
Thanksgiving Food You Are Most Like and Which Katy Perry Song Matches Your Zodiac
Sign. The website tries to maintain a popular, fun and entertainment-oriented content site for the
enjoyment of the public. I chose to make a list of Ten Reasons Why Youre just like Malcolm
X. The expectation of a BuzzFeed list is to be a little bit humorous and also provide fun facts
and pictures about the subject of the list. Aesthetic appeal is also a factor involved in creating a
successful list. The list is supposed to be decently short, engaging and most certainly
entertaining. The goal is to have the title grab the viewers attention where they will want to click
on your list and figure out how in the world am I similar to Malcolm x? Another expectation
that comes along with BuzzFeed is it could be bias because it is social media based. It is
ultimately trying to get headliners and the most hits/visits to the website, questioning its
reliability some of the time. I have conformed to these expectations by taking my historicalcultural analysis paper and turning it into a list. I originally wrote about how history shaped
Malcolm Xs Message to the Grass Roots speech, and then converted it to a funny list of how
someone could be similar to the civil rights activist. By converting my paper to a BuzzFeed list,

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it gained humor and a little more excitement than it initially brought to the table as a boring
historical-cultural analysis essay. However, it did lose some content along the way. It lost some
important quotations and facts that helped formulate my original argument. It was far more
informative in essay form rather than list form. The essayistic genre is different than the
BuzzFeed genre. The essays expectations are to be comprised of more content giving the reader
copious amounts of information. Essays are usually formatted in a more formal and educational
style. The style is not just the construction of the words, sentences and paragraphs of the paper
itself but the physical style including MLA formatting as well, versus a numbered list in the other
genre. With the formal style however comes the long, boring and tedious feeling toward reading
it. Where as the BuzzFeed article is fun and exciting to read and you do not want the hilarious
pictures and comments to end. Being so used to writing in an educational style, it was a little
more difficult writing the BuzzFeed list than I expected. I had to make sure I could add to the
contagious media website and my list could stand on its own. I also had to figure out my target
audience and alter my paper in a way to fit the genre. For the past semester our audience has
been written for a college audience and/or college professor. Luckily I think that BuzzFeed
targets mainly college students and young adults so I just made my list as if I had come across it
on BuzzFeed myself. Overall the two genres are very different and each have their own strengths
and weakness, whether that is informative content or humor, they both are unique and achieved
my goal of delivering information regarding Malcolm X during the Civil Rights Movement.

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Ten Reasons Why Youre Just Like

Malcolm X

1. Your message was most definitely to the Grass Roots

-No matter the situation, your message is dedicated to the Grass Roots.
What does that even mean? It means you take the more extreme, radical

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approach to get your message across. You do not waste your time beating
around the bush- your statements are direct and clear, similar to Malcolm X.
He was, for lack of a better word, straightforward- just like you.

Yes, those are grass roots.

2. Your childhood plays a role in who you are today

-Whether you were fostered as a child, just like Malcolm X, or grew up living a
luxurious lifestyle it still impacts who you are today. Your upbringing plays a
heavy role in your opinions, approaches and view on life itself. Your parents
involvements throughout your childhood also helped formulate your views
over the year, practically genetic inheritance. Besides its easier to follow

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what you know like supporting the Black Nationalist Leader, Marcus Garvey
right? Thats what all the 21st century kids are doing these days.

3. Youre a natural born leader and POWER house

-You have never had a problem leading or having power over others. Malcolm
became the spokesman of the Nation of Islam gaining power as a result of
his idea of unity for blacks- and you do the same- well you may not gain
power for those exact opinions but lets face it- you gain power through your
leadership. You are the POWER house at work, school and home, no doubt.

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4. Youre highly independent
-From day 1 you have not needed help from others. Whether it be simple or
complex youve got it under control. You may not have relocated where you
live twice before your 4th birthday due to a constant stream of threats forcing
you to take care of yourself at a young age, but almost. But seriously, youve
got everything handled without additional assistance and that makes you all
the more powerful in your pursuit. Props to you, Malcolm.

5. Youll challenge the popular movements anyway

-Youre not afraid to deviate from the norm. It may be the latest fashion trend
or biggest political controversy and you do not care. The Malcolm is coming
out in you. You are not following the typical I Have a Dream, because that

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would be a nightmare. Yikes!! You may want the same things as your peers
or leaders around you but youve got a different plan of action.

But we know your dream is a slightly different

6. Its your way or the highway- Lets be honest

-You know in your head what way will work and its your way or the highway.
Am I right? Who cares if youre on the opposite end of the spectrum, your
experiences outweigh the opinion of others. Thats what makes you so
extreme. We are hitting the nail on the head, arent we?

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7. Your words inspire others

-Speaking of the difference between the Black Revolution and Negro
Revolution and the ultimate promotion of black pride and self reliancethats your platform right? Okay, kidding. Your words may not necessarily
inspire others to set up their own schools, churches, or support networks, but
hey, they still inspire others. People value your opinion and take your words
and out them into action leaving them feeling nothing less than ultimate

With Steve Jobs staring at you like that How could you not be inspired?

8. Your feelings are stronger than your peers

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-Your thoughts and feelings toward a revolution are strong, and I mean
STRONG. You are the one constantly encouraging your peers to unite for a
common purpose. Maybe its dinner and shopping and you offer a little more
insight on where you WILL be going, instead of coming together to share a
common enemy- but its practically the same. You and Malcolm are

9. You will leave your mark in history- one way or another

-You may not give one of the most memorable speeches of all time and it
may not be during the Civil Rights Movement, but youll leave your mark one
way or another. Remember X marks the spot.



By any means necessary

- By any means necessary, one of Malcoms most famous quotes and the
motto we know youre living by. It may not be for equality among blacks and
whites but it could be to get your coffee in the morning you will follow this.
Even if the Starbucks line is out the door by any means necessary you will
get your coffee before work. See the resemblance yet?


Nice to meet you Malcolm.

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