B777 by Ramzzess - T7 Tutorial Route Creation

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Boeing 777 Automatic Flight Tutorial Route Creation Instructions

Boeing 777 Automatic Flight Tutorial

Route Creation Instructions


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Boeing 777 Automatic Flight Tutorial Route Creation Instructions

The Automatic Flight Tutorial for the Boeing 777 Worldliner Professional from Ramzzess Aviation includes 2
FMS route files for the tutorial flights. This supplemental document describes the procedure for re-creating
those route files. This document is not intended to be a flight planning and route creation manual but it will
enable the reader to create the simple flight plans used in the tutorial if it becomes necessary to do so.
This flight plan is a very simple takeoff, loop, and land route at San Francisco from and to runway 28R. This
procedure assumes that the FMS has been initiated and the POS INIT step has been completed.
Follow the procedure below to enter the route:

Go to the RTE (route) page on the FMS

Set L1, Origin, = KSFO
Set R1, Dest = KSFO
Click R6, Activate
Click EXEC on the FMS keypad

Go to the DEP/ARR (departure and arrival) page on the FMS

Click L1, Dep
Click NEXT PAGE on the FMS keypad
Click R3, 28R
Click R6, Route, to return to the Route page
Click EXEC on the FMS keypad

Click NEXT PAGE on the FMS keypad to bring up the route information. Initially this page will be blank. Enter
STINS on the FMS. This will put STINS into the FMS scratchpad as shown in the left hand image below.
Click on button R1 (the line where the dashes are) to enter STINS into the route under the TO column. The
FMS screen will then look like the image on the right. The DIRECT indication is automatically entered by the

Enter HADLY in the FMS scratchpad and then click on button R2 to enter HADLY into the route. Continue this
procedure until all the following waypoints have been entered. Click on NEXT PAGE if you fill up the current
page to get a new blank line.

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Boeing 777 Automatic Flight Tutorial Route Creation Instructions

Click EXEC to save route changes.
If you make a mistake during route entry, there is only one edit function that you can use. Clicking on DEL on
the FMS keypad will enter DELETE into the scratchpad area. Clicking on one of the right hand buttons will
cause the corresponding route entry to be deleted. The following route waypoints will be moved up to
eliminate the space. Unfortunately, you will not be able to modify a waypoint name or insert a new waypoint.
At least, I haven't discovered a way to do this. If you click on L6, ERASE, the entire route will be deleted!
When finished entering the waypoints, return to the first route page, enter an appropriate route name and
click on Save Route.
This route requires that we define VNAV constraints for the route legs. The VNAV information consists of a
target speed and an altitude constraint separated by a forward slash character '/'. During the flight, the FMS
will attempt to satisfy the speed/altitude constraint at the time it crosses the waypoint. This means that it will
start changing the speed and/or altitude prior to reaching the waypoint. Depending on current aircraft speed
and altitude, it may take some time to achieve the desired speed and altitude and you should expect that the
aircraft may not reach the new settings until late into the leg or perhaps not even by the start of the next leg.
It all depends on the length of the leg and the amount of change required.
Altitude constraints are entered as a numerical altitude followed by an optional alpha designator. The
designator 'A' means that the aircraft should be at or above the altitude specified. The designator 'B' means
that the aircraft should be at or below the altitude specified. If there is no designator, the FMS will hold at the
specified altitude. See page 319, section 11.31.18, in the Operations Manual for a complete description. See
page 332, section 11.31.35, for data entry rules for altitudes and speeds. Enter the VNAV information as

Go to the LEGS page on the FMS

Clear the scratchpad
Enter 220/6000 in the FMS scratchpad. Be sure to enter the slash character / between the speed
and the altitude.
Click on the right hand button corresponding to the PUDBY waypoint.
Repeat the above procedure to enter the following:
MEHTA 220/4000A
DUMBA 175/4100
AXMUL 175/4100

When finished, return to the RTE page, enter an appropriate route name and click on Save Route.


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Boeing 777 Automatic Flight Tutorial Route Creation Instructions

This route is a simple flight from Saarbrucken to Stuttgart and uses stored departure and arrival procedures so
we don't have to type in a bunch of waypoints or VNAV data. This feature is one of the many reasons why this
type of FMS is so powerful compared to the default X-Plane FMS.
When entering the arrival route information for EDDS, Stuttgart, we must select the landing runway. In this
case, we will be landing on runway 07. However, we have several options including D07, I07, etc. Which is the
right one? As it turns out, this is a very important decision. The leading letter (D or I, in this case) indicates the
type of approach to be used. These letters have the following meanings which may be different for other
airports by the way:

G = ?? (some approaches have this designation but I don't know what it means)

Since we want an automated landing, we must choose the ILS precision approach to runway 07 which is I07. If
an ILS is available but not listed, you can select a different type of approach but that will require that you either
enter the ILS frequency into the FMS NAV RAD page or manually activate the frequency during the approach if
one has been entered in the Park mode.
Create the route as follows:

Go to the RTE (route) page on the FMS

Set L1, Origin, = EDDR
Set R1, Dest = EDDS
Click R6, Activate
Click EXEC on the FMS keypad

Go to the DEP/ARR (departure and arrival) page on the FMS

Click L1, Dep
Click R1, 09
Click L5, ZWN7E (this is the departure SID)
The EXEC light will be on but do NOT click on it at this point
Return to the DEP/ARR page on the FMS
Click R2, Arr
Click R5, I07
Click R3, KRH (this is our transition point or the point where we enter the arrival route)
Click R6, Route, to return to the Route page
Click EXEC on the FMS keypad

Enter an appropriate route name and click on Save Route.


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