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DMICC – 130508 DMICC08/03/04


Course BA (Hons) Design for Moving Image (formally Moving Image Design)
Faculty Communication Media
Course Leader Liz Friedman

Issues/Risk Source of Issue Planned Action Lead Target Date Progress 2007-2008
Fewer EU students Stats Identify & Target SL & Marketing End Nov Have spoken to Jill Hogan (H
schools/colleges within a 2007 of Marketing), who has
Identify broader markets broader spectrum agreed to pay for the printing
& mailing of flyers, to be
designed by course team.
Longer time needed for Tutor feedback Review hours for SL Oct 2007/ Completed - Extra days
tutorials, critiques, marking at level 3. terms 2 &3 added to timetable
Review hours for tutorials SL Oct 2007/ Completed - Extra days
and critiques at level 3 terms 2 & 3 added to timetable

Continue to encourage Level tutors ongoing Discussed with students

students to attend during end of term one to one
language classes in the tutorials.
LRC Completed
External examiner External Review all comments SL ongoing See External Examiner
feedback Examiner Report and discuss with 2007-8 Action Plan
cohort Completed
Assessment marking Continue marking Course Core ongoing Ongoing
pragmatically Team Completed
Transferring of work for Lateness of DVD hand-ins as Core team to Oct ‘07 Completed - Implemented new
critiques problematic delivery & quality opposed to mini dv relay Spring ‘07 delivery as described on briefs.
of transfers
Animation line testing & H of F & ICT Completed - New area now available
scanning area and in operation.

Quality Team Updated May 2008

DMICC – 130508 DMICC08/03/04

Outstanding Issues from 2005-2006

Time allocated and Stats from Adjust tutorial timetable CL + Core Ongoing No action at present. CL will continue
budgets remaining Applications and to accommodate Team to pursue with the HoF
constant Admissions numbers A meeting has been scheduled in
November with the CL and HoF.

Completed - Meeting has now taken

Extra time given for level 3 tutorials
and critiques, due to higher numbers
on that level.

Quality Team Updated May 2008

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