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By: Aleyka Ramirez

It was a regular Sunday night in June, just me and my mom. We usually have talks at

night in her room.

I had occasionally asked her for a dog. Every time I asked was every time she said
no. So I thought,
Ehh, might as well give it another try.
Mommm.., I said cheerfully.
What do you want now?, she replied in a joking manner.
So you know that thing that Ive wanted for a while?, I questioned.
You better not be asking me for a dog again, her tone suddenly serious.
Well why not? I told you that i will take really good care of it and take it on lots of
walks and play with her a lot., I went on for about a good five minutes.
When I first started this conversation, I was just asking her just to ask her and wait
for the no she always gives me. So I was pretty surprised when she actually said that
one word that I would never ever hear her say; yes.
Hell had frozen over.
I thought
referring to what my sister told me when I told her that I want a dog. She said hell
would have to freeze over.
Can you guys please hurry up? We need to be there on time! I told my sister
impatiently. About a month had passed since my mom said I can get a dog. We were
on our way to get my new puppy. My mom had found someone that was selling some
german shepherd mix puppies. I was immediately in love with her when I saw the
pictures of her.
We were driving for about half an hour. Finally, we arrived to where we supposed to
meet the lady.
After looking for ten minutes I found the lady. She was with her daughter and on the
floor next to them was the most cutest, prettiest and perfect dog I had seen. She was
small about the size of a baby pig, had small brown eyes, had blackish/brownish fur
and blonde on her chest and legs, ears down because of the labrador in her, she was
smelling the ground with her tail wagging furiously, and falling over her own chubby
legs. It was my dog.
Hi, you must be here for her?, the lady questioned us.
Yes, we are. And is this the dog?, my sister asked.
Yes, this is., the lady answered.
She is so adorable, I said bending down to pet her.

She definitely is. We call her pretty because she is really pretty., the lady said in a
to us. Well, we should get going. Be a good girl., the lady said to the little puppy.
Well, come on. We got to go home now. I said to the puppy, picking her up.
Mali, please be quiet. I said shakily to my puppy, which I named her Mali. It was
one day into her having Mali with us and it was stressful for me already. Mali would
cry at night, Im guessing because she missed her previous owners. She woke me up
every single night, each hour, and would wake up at six in the morning to eat. I was
tired. I worried that she would eat something she was not supposed to, get sick, or not
even get used to me as being her new owner. I took care of her 24/7, not really having
time to do things I had to do. All of this was new to me. I got overwhelmed.
Mali, I cant keep you no more, Im sorry I cried to her. Im really tired. I dont
know what to do, I dont know how to keep a dog! I cried harder. I was physically tired
as well. I struggled just to keep my eyes open throughout the day, my eyes would burn
and turn blurry, I got headaches, I got dizzy whenever I stood up, and I could barely
even talk because I would forget what I was talking about. It was weird actually crying
over something I wanted in the first place. There were two to three days that I couldnt
actually breathe because my heart would beat so fast.
We need to get rid of her, right now! I can tell youre not happy with her being here.
my mom said to me. You barely get enough sleep!
I sleep! I take my naps when she is sleeping. I can handle her. I told her, with only
some truth to it.
I told you, having a dog is like having a kid. My mom told me.
I can handle her.
You need to think about giving her away seriously. Youre going to school soon and
you are not going to have time for her. My mom had reasoning when she said that.
When I go to school, who will watch her? Will I actually not have time for her? Can I
actually handle having a dog?
I know. Ill think about it, okay? I told her leaving to my room.
About a week has passed, and things got better. Mali doesnt wake me up every hour
each night so I get more than three hours of sleep and she doesnt really cry anymore.
She got used to us. She knows what and what not to do, she listens, eats good, and she
behaves. I think I can really handle doing this. Im really not that tired anymore and
really enjoy having her here. She makes me laugh a lot when she chases her tail like it
was the last piece of food on earth and we play and run outside everyday.
Mom, can you come here? I yelled to my mom. She came in. So I decided about
And? Are you gonna give her away? She asked.
Well, no actually. Mom, it got easier looking after her, I promise. Im not really tired
anymore. I want her stay. I explained to her.

Huh. She sighed. Whatever you say but my house better not smell or youre
giving her away! She told me.
It wont, I promise! I told her honestly.
Mali ended up getting used to us as being her family. She is extremely playful and
energetic, loves anybody who starts playing with her, and loves eating. I got used to
her being with me all the time so I dont get stressed all the time and my sister
watches her when Im gone. Keeping her was one of the best decisions Ive ever made.

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