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Scene 1

The scene begins on a wide shot of a hallway. Noting is heard but the sound of
footsteps/door creaking. In the corner of the shot you are able to see a hand and
already we see we are at our mystery persons point of view.
Person: *says fearfully* Hello?
All remains silent for a moment.
(Suspenseful non-diegetic music starts)
A light switches on, at the end of the hallway and a girl wearing a white dress
appears; she is looking down at the floor with her hair covering some of her face.
The light switches off again
(Childish laugher laughter is heard in the distance)
The light switches on once again and the girl is slightly closer than before and
you are still not able to see her face.
This repeats 2-3 times then on the last time of the light switching on you can see
a close up of her face <jump scare>, however her eyes are scratched.
The light switches off once more and the girl lies on the floor with blood around
her head and her eyes are still scratched out.
Scene changes as subtle non-diegetic music plays through.
End of scene

The scenes fades in on someones mouth
(Blocked out sort of underwater sounds)
Woman underwater: *muffled, drowning screams*
(Non-diegetic, suspenseful music starts)
Lights flicker slightly, woman tries to get out of the water but struggles.
(Music intensifies)
She acts as if something is holding her in there, however there is nothing.
She reaches out of the bath to find something to grab onto, her attempts fail.
Blood stains her fingertips with subtle amount on palms.
The shot cuts back to the top of her neck.
Camera slowly pans down to her feet.

Scene fades out to white whilst she struggles

End of scene

Scene 3
Scene fades from white into a shot of her feet again, however she is no longer in
water. There is a window behind her and it is daylight outside (diegetic sound of
birds tweeting signalising morning)
Shot slowly pans from her feet to the top of her neck again. You can see her
hands and there is not blood but there are some scars.
Shot cuts to close up of just her eye when she sits up after waking, her
expression is calm.
Woman puts her legs over the edge of the bed. Shot pans down to half her body
and you can see her torso and hips as she sits there
Woman: *sighs tiredly then rubs her eyes.* <out of shot>
Woman gets up and walks off, camera doesnt follow.
Behind where she was sitting, you see a small doll with no eyes and blood on the
sheets were it is. There is a calendar on the wall with days crossed out until the
day where it says Therapy today in a circle.
Shot zooms slowly to the doll and calendar. (non-diegetic high stringed
instruments play)
Screen cuts to black
[Film title Psychosis appears then fades to black.]
End of scene

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