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Sample Letter to Principal

Casey Monroe
7313 W. Willow Ave
Peoria, AZ 85381

Dear Mr. Duguid,

I am pleased to present you with my resume for the position of the eighth grade
mathematics teacher at Oakwood Elementary School. I am a recent graduate from the
iTeachAZ program at Arizona State University, where I was deemed highly qualified to
teach mathematics. I have recently interned at Apache Elementary School during the
2015 spring semester, where I discovered my love for middle school.
My classroom experience has consisted of two internships in the Peoria Unified
School District, the first at Sunrise Mountain High School in fall 2014 and the second at
Apache Elementary School in the spring of 2015. My first internship in the spring of
2014 was at Desert Heights Preparatory Academy in a seventh grade classroom. I have
also been a Sunday School Teacher at Knotty Oak Baptist church for a number of years
where I have worked with a variety of age groups. I also was a Building Manger at the
Sun Devil Fitness Complex, where I was in charge of our student staff as well as the daily
operations of the complex. These experiences have strengthened my leadership ability
and my love for helping people.
It is my belief that every child deserves the best education. I have made it my goal
to allow all students to flourish in my classroom. I firmly believe that all students have
the ability to succeed, and I will provide differentiated instruction and individualized
support to ensure the success of all students.
In closing, I look forward to hearing back from you soon and having the
opportunity to discuss my future at Oakwood Elementary. Thank you for your
Casey Monroe

Sample Letter to Parent

November 26, 2015

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,

Hello, my name is Miss Monroe and I am Jacobs mathematics teacher this year.
Jacob is a delight to have in class thus far. He actively participates in classroom
discussion and is on task while in the classroom. However, I have become concerned
because Jacob has not been turning in his homework as of late. In the past two weeks
there have been eight homework assignments and Jacob has only turned in one. I have
asked Jacob for the assignment and he has said they have been finished, but he cannot
find them to turn them in. This is a new issue with Jacob and I do not want it to get out of
hand, which is why I am contacting you with my concern.
To help Jacob start turning in his homework on time, I would like your help in
creating an organization system with him. I have a folder that I can give him, which will
allow him to keep all of his papers in one place. Jacob can use the left side of the folder
for incomplete assignments, and the right side for papers to be turned in. I also will assist
him in writing the due date for each assignment on the top of the paper before it is handed
out. I will confirm with him that assignments are handed in initially. With your assistance
in helping him to stay organized with the new folder I think he will have no issues
returning to being one of my most successful students.
Please do not hesitate to call or email me with any concerns you have regarding
Jacobs success in my classroom. He is an extremely capable student and I know he
wants to do well and be successful and this organizational tool will help do so. I will
contact you again after a week to provide an update on Jacobs progress in my classroom.
Once again do not hesitate to contact me with your concerns and thank you for your
support in this matter.
Casey Monroe
Eighth-grade Mathematics

Sample Introduction Letter

November 29, 2015

Dear parents and guardians,

Hello! My name is Miss Monroe and I am your students eighth grade

mathematics teacher this year. I am looking forward to an exciting year where I can
watch your child succeed and learn in my classroom. This is my first year teaching in the
Peoria Unified School District. I hold a bachelors degree in Secondary Education with
an emphasis in mathematics from Arizona State University. Teaching mathematics has
always been my passion and I cannot wait to share my passion of with your child.
In my classroom I believe creating a welcoming environment is essential for all
students to be able to learn, explore, and question mathematics. This is a crucial factor in
promoting learning and encouraging diverse learners to bring their own unique abilities to
the class. I expect all of my students to contribute to this environment by being respectful
and welcoming to all of their fellow classmates.
Eighth grade mathematics is a challenging class, but I will provide your child with
all the support they need in order to succeed. There will be tutoring available before or
after school depending on the day. I will not accept late work unless there is an
extenuating circumstance, as your child will have ample time and assistance to complete
assignments and turn them in. My class will prepare your child to be successful in their
high school mathematics course.
I would like to thank you in advance for your assistance in helping your child to
succeed in my classroom this year. Again, I am very excited to be able to spend this year
teaching your child eighth grade mathematics. Please feel free to contact me by phone or
email at any time if you have questions and concerns.
Casey Monroe
Eight-grade Mathematics

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