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Jacob Driscoll

Professor Raymond




Further In-quirY Required.. ....

One of the biggest reasons why the writing prompts, daily writing, literacy narrative, and

family tree project pustred me to find out more is the amount of content that most of those
assignments required. Almost all of those assignments required a more in depth look into
topics that were being covered. A great example is the Family Tree Project, most of the

information required to complete the project is not common knowledge inside your family and
therefore ptrts forth a necessity for further research. History from over two generations in

family is probably very cloudy, especially with details required for the project. Another
reason that those assignments would push me to look into more information is



self-made /


curiousity. As I was saying before the Family Tree Project requires a lot of digging, and alonf
the way I found myself being very curious about my family
\anted leil;n
more. Through the daily assignments that we have done so far, I think that I have




about myself and my thought processes. Those daily mitings have required me to think more
deeply through my opinions and the way that I write than ever before.
One of the last components that required me to find out more is that it helped to kick start

my own imagination. Not in the sense of gorng beyond ttre project or assignment, but in the

of getting my mind to go in different directions that it had never gone in before. It got me

to ask questions that I would never have thouglrt to ask before. This not only helped me to come


up with nsw material to cover in my assignments and projects, but also made the work that I
completed rnore dynamic aod interesting. A11 of these components together have helped me to

build more on my ideas and content, thus directly affecting my semester long project, and
hopefully will continue to expand my poject and its dyuamics. Not only will these changes that
have been made to my thinking proce$ses help me with this class but also future classes and even

my current ones.





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