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Jacob Driscoll

Professor Raymond

UWRT 1103
November 5, 2015
Video games: your casual conversation
The conversation that I held with my friends about my topic was slightly harder to
moderate. It was hard for me to hold a lengthy intelligent conversation about it. Our topic is very
specific, that being the evolution of videogames. I held my conversation about my topic in the
Student Union dining hall, Crown Commons over lunch after class last thursday. In general most

of the thtngl that we talked about in our conversation were topics that I had already thought


, such as the progression of video games over time(the name of our project) and better

graphics. To get more diversified informatiorr I asked some questions that were related to
games, but did not have a direct connection. The questions that

I asked vrere: do you think

that video games have helped to pushed technology along in terms of better graphics, processors,
and etc., the next question that

I asked is the heavily

debated inquiry into

if violent video games

negatively affect human behavior, the next ttring that I asked was if the thought there were any
positive effects of video garnes! and the last question that was brought up was what they thought
the future of video games was going to be like.
To the first question most of the people in the grCIup said that they thought that it was a
give and take of hoth the video game and technology industry. That neither one or the other
drove the other to get better, and that they both grew and advanced at the same time. To the
second question my friends that

I were talking to were very mixed about how they felt about it.

people. One of my friends

They said that they could see how violent video games could affect
more than adults because their
brought up a very good point in that it would probably affect kids
group that said no, that he didn't
mind is still growing and developing. Another psrson in the

point that kids when they are

think that video games changed someone's emotion brought up the
aggressive and
very little will usually come up with games themselves that are somewhat

when you are a little kid' Many

competitive in nature, it would be similar to playing football
there are any positive
people in the group answered the uext question about whether or not
stereotypical parental answer that
effects to video games with a resounding yes. I brought up the
To that they responded that there
video games keep you inside and separate you from the world.
are always options like the

Wii frt, and they

made many friends over the internet that they are

games are such

still in contact with today. Also they said that if the video

a problem then

on whatever game system'

wouldn't it be the parents jobs to manage how much their childrer are

of the oculus Rift, which had

To the very last question the responded rnultiple times in mention
surprised me because ,

it. They told me that the oculus Rift was a virtual

u9 , .::n]ggy49l!

would allow you to contol

reality system where you put a set of goggles over your eyos and it
system would be the future as well
character point of view. They said that advancements on this

open-world-games( this is where

as definitely more advanced graphics and continually freeing
are not tied to a
you can control a character in a world in game where you can move freely and
was how deep it got
certain path through the game). What surprised me about this conversation

focus and concentration on

when I talked about the negative effects of gaming and the media's


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