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Sydney Foster

Dr. Gutierrez
20 November 2015
Annotated Bibliography
1. Harrison, Haley. "Some Kansas Districts Can Hire Unlicensed Teachers." KMBC, 16 July 2015. Web.
This source relates to my topic because it is talking about the unlicensed
teachers that are being allowed to teach in Kansas schools. It supports the new
law because it is talking about how it will benefit the districts that are allowed to
use this. It has direct quotes from several school districts who this will really
benefit from it. The source is accurate because it does touch bases on the positives
of it. The article comes from a credible news source in Kansas City. Direct quotes
came from people in the districts and are free from errors. The source is current
because it is from 2015. It was published a few months ago so it is more credible
than articles from years ago. There is no evidence of newly added material to this
source. The authority from this source has the credentials to research on this topic
because of working for the news station. She had to have gone directly to the
people to get the information to write her article. She wouldnt have been able to
make up the quotes from the people. The purpose of this article was to inform the
state about the recent changes. These changes are bound to help several districts
who are struggling form the lack of teachers in their district. I rate this source a 5
because it gives an insight on the benefits to passing this and how helpful it will
This source is about Kansas districts hiring unlicensed teachers. It is in
effect to benefit the schools who are enabled to use it. I will use this to show how
unlicensed teachers are being used in Kansas.
2. Haycock, Kati, and Candace Crawford. "Closing the Teacher Quality Gap." ASCD.
Educational Leadership, 1 Apr. 2008. Web
This source relates to my topic because it is talking about the teacher gap
in education. It doesnt support the law change because the unlicensed teachers
dont have the important aspects to be a good teacher. They didnt go to school to
get the education that most educators did so they wouldnt know how to handle
every situation. The source is accurate because it focuses on the impact that
teachers have on students. It supports that this shouldnt happen because of the
downfalls to students educations. The article is also free from errors. The article is
not up to date, as it is from April 2008. However, the date doesnt effect the
information because the quality gap is still a huge factor today. The evidence has
not been newly updated. The authority from this source is from ASCD, an
educational leadership. They are qualified because they strictly focus on topics
that effect our educational system. The purpose of this article is to inform people
about the teacher quality gap that we have. With it coming to a close, it is

important to understand because it does affect our children. The intended

audience is for adults. I rate this article a 4 because it talks about the importance
to having a good quality teacher and not just a person teaching in a field that they
went to school for.
This source is about the teacher gap. It doesnt support the new law
Kansas passed because of how important quality teachers are to our students. I
will use this source to show that good quality teachers are important to have and
Kansas schools will be lacking that with unlicensed teachers.
3. Brenneman, Ross. Districts Face Uneven Supply of Teachers. EBSCO Host, 5 Aug.
2015. Web.
This source relates to my topic because it discusses fewer teachers in the
states now. It touches base on the new law that Kansas passed to allow districts to
hire unlicensed teachers if they could not hire credentialed ones. With the demand
for teachers growing and the lack of teachers being produced, this is what has
been come up with. This source is accurate because it focuses on this is something
that really does happen. It has become a problem and with the Kansas laws that
are constantly changing with the education system, it is really being effected. It
supports that schools are facing a shortage so we are needing to come up with
back up plans. This source is current because it was written this year. It has not
been updated or revised, so it is still the original document. The authority of the
source has come from an administrator of education programs. It has been written
by somebody who strictly writes about education. It has come from the academic
search premiere so it is very credible. The purpose of this article is to inform the
audience of shortages with educators. It presents many facts about the lack of
teachers and we should learn about this because of its significance. The audience
this is directed towards is adults. I rate this article a 3 because it relates but mostly
focuses on shortage in general.
This source is about having fewer teachers in the states now. We are facing
this problem because of the growing demand for them and the lack of teachers
being produced. I will use this to show where the teacher gap is.
4. Lowry, Bryan. Brownback Signs Bill Changing School Funding Formula. The
Wichita Eagle. Eagle Topeka Bureau. 25 March 2015. Web
This source relates to my topic because it discusses the bill that
Brownback signed which changed the funding for school districts in Kansas. It
discusses which schools will lose funding for the year. It really effects schools
with the current years funding. This source is accurate because it focuses on a
main factor that keeps Kansas from being able to get teachers. Kansas has really
good universities for producing teachers and with the educational system that we
have, our teachers are going to other states. Without funding, schools can hardly
operate, especially when they are having to continue to make budget cuts. This
source is current because it was written and published this year. It has not been
edited or updated. The authority of this source is from a write for a news station in
the Wichita area. I find this write to be credible because he is writing out of a city

that houses a district that utilizes this new plan. Without it, they wouldnt have the
teachers they need to teach the students so the writer was able to talk with
authorities in this district to find out how it effects them. The purpose of this
source is to inform its audience about the struggles with the funding being cut.
Schools are facing new trials and tribulations to be able to get through the school
year. The is triggered to catch an adult audiences attention. I rate this article a 5
because it goes to show how difficult it is to be able to run the schools with this
restriction. It is getting more and more difficult because of increases in
This source is about how the funding in schools have changed. Governor
Brownback has changed all of the funding in schools so Kansas is having a hard
time succeeding with the budget cuts. I will use this to show how Kansas teachers
may be leaving due to lack of funding and extreme budget cuts.
5. Sutter, Lexi, and Andres Gutierrez. "Kansas Facing Major Teacher Shortage in Weeks
Leading up to School." KSHB. KSHB Kansas City, 14 July 2015.
This source relates to my topic because it discusses the shortage of
teachers in Kansas. This became an issue right before school started. Some
districts never got all of their positions filled for this year. This source is accurate
because it is written about the struggles Kansas is facing with this matter. This
article is supporting what is going on. It is also free from errors. This article is
current because I was written this past July. It has not been updated or changed so
it is still in the original format. The authority of this source is from a news station
in Kansas. Therefore, it knows the issues first hand and is able to report on them
to bring awareness to families. The purpose of this article is to inform the
audience about the shortage of teachers before the school year started. There is a
nice quote in there from Julie Wilson who is the coordinator of statewide
recruitment and retention about the problems they were facing. The audience this
is intended for is the adult population. I rate this article a 5 because it really shows
how difficult this is on the school districts since budget cuts in Kansas.
This source is about the shortage of teachers in Kansas that districts faced
in the weeks leading up to the semester beginning. It was supposed to be solved
by allowing unlicensed teachers in the schools. I will use this source to show why
Kansas is struggling with this issue.
6. Childre, Amy L. Preparing Special Educators Highly Qualified in Content:
Alternative Route Certification for Unlicensed Teachers in Rural Georgia. Rural
Special Education Quarterly. Spring 2014.
This article relates to my topic because it talks about unlicensed teachers
working with students who have high education needs. Basically, if a student has
a disability, he or she deserves to have a teacher who is trained to work with them
and teach to how they can learn. With that being said, unlicensed teachers are a
huge disadvantage to students. This source is accurate because is focuses on the
needs of students with special needs. It supports that they shouldnt be allowed to
work with students who need more help than most. This article is also free from
errors. This source is current because it was published in the Spring of 2014. The

information is not effected by the day because this is still true to this day. The
information in this article has not been changed or altered since being published.
The authority of this article is from somebody who works very closely in the
special education field. Therefore, she can first hand see how it can harm students.
I think it is a good idea to have teachers with a strong education to work with
students with extra needs so they can have a style that helps them to enjoy school
just as much as somebody without a learning problem. The purpose of this article
is to inform the audience how having an untrained professional can hurt a students
learning. Highly trained professionals are the best for this job because they have
the knowledge to teach their students. I rate this article a 5 because it focuses on
the importance to having trained teachers in the classrooms.
This source is about having unlicensed teachers in the classrooms and how
it affects special needs students. If these teachers are working with these students,
then they most likely do not have the proper training to handle a students with
these needs. I will use this source to show how unlicensed teachers should not be
allowed in classrooms with these students.
7. "2005 Spotlight." The Condition of Education. National Center for Education
Statistics, 2005. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.
This article relates to my topic because it talks about the amount of new
teachers that are hired in a year. Basically, in 2000, about 580,000 new teachers
were considered new hires for the school year. They filled in the gaps for the
turnover among teachers during the previous years. I do not detect any bias,
unsupported claims, or dubious support in this source. The data all comes from
the National Center for Education Statistics which is a government website so the
information presented is more accurate. The important is written free of errors.
The source is 15 years old so it is not up to date. However, it does not ever the
relevancy because it is still a pressing issue. It is still relevant despite the date.
The article is written by folks with focus mainly on educational statistics. They
are qualified because it is in their area of expertise and research. The National
Center for Education Statistics published the article. The purpose of this article is
to inform. It is presented from one point of few. The author omits both important
facts and data. I would rate the article a 3. It is accurate in the way it portrays how
many teachers are hired a year. However, it doesnt mention how many teacher
spots are open a year to be filled.
This source is about how many teachers are being hired each year. There
are about half a million new teachers being hired each year to fill the turnover
from the previous year. I will use this source to show how many new teachers are
being hired each year.
8. "Fast Facts." Fast Facts. National Center for Education Statistics, 2013. Web. 20 Nov.
This source relates to my topic because it gives statistics about teacher
trends. It doesnt match every point but it does support a few points. This is a
source with different information than what I have previously researched. I do not
detect any biases, unsupported claims, dubious support, or faulty reasoning within

this source. This author give statistics to support the information. The information
is presented as fact and is written free of errors. The source is up to date and only
a couple years old. The age of the source does not affect it relevancy. The
information is updated and relevant. The article is written by people with focus
mainly on educational statistics. They are qualified because it is in their area of
expertise and research. The National Center for Education Statistics published the
article. The purpose of this article is to inform. It is presented from one point of
view. The author omits both important facts and data. The intended audience is for
adults. On a scale, I rate this article a 4. It is easy to see the difference
demographics, ratios, salaries, and more. I believe it is accurate with the statistics
it presents based on teacher trends.
This source is about statistics in teacher trends. It shows the demographics
and ratios for the years. I will use this article to show what is going on among
teachers these days.
9. Jasper, Kathleen. "Why Half of the Nations New Teachers Cant Leave the Profession
Fast Enough?" Conversation Ed. N.p., 29 Dec. 2014. Web. 20 Nov. 2015.
This source is relevant to my topic because it discusses why teachers are
wanting to leave the field of education. People are tending to do this within five
years of graduating. The rapid turnover is due to the lack of development and
training they received while in college. This is a source with different information
than what I have previously researched. I do not detect any biases, unsupported
claims, dubious support, or faulty reasoning within this source. This author give
facts to support the information. The information is presented as fact and is
written free of errors. The source is up to date and within the last year. There is
not evidence of newly added or updated information. All information is still
relevant. The author has experience writing about teachers and education because
they have done numerous articles regarding it. They work through Conversation
Education. They also published the article. The purpose of this article is to inform.
It is presented from one point of view. The author omits important facts. The
intended audience is for adults. I rate this article a 4. I think it will be perfect for
showing how we are losing teachers because they are not interested in the
teaching field after a few years.
This post is about how many of the teachers who are fresh out of school
are already ready to leave the profession after a while. They are leaving due to
lack of development and training they received while in college. I will use this
source to show how the education field is losing teachers due to lack of interest
after a while.
10. Brown, Emma. "Study: Far Fewer New Teachers Are Leaving the Profession than
Previously Thought." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 30 Apr. 2015. Web.
20 Nov. 2015.
This source is relevant to my topic because it talks about where teachers
are going. Teachers are leaving the profession for numerous reasons. It matches a
few points regarding my topic. This is a source has similar information to what I
have researched before but it just reiterates where teachers are going. I do not
detect any biases, unsupported claims, dubious support, or faulty reasoning within

this source. This author gives facts to support the information. The information is
presented as fact and is written free of errors. The source is up to date and within
the several months. There is not evidence of newly added or updated information.
All information is still relevant. The author has experience writing about teachers
and education because they have done numerous articles about it for the
newspaper. They work through the Washington Post. They also published the
article. The purpose of this article is to inform. It is presented from one point of
view. The author omits important facts. The intended audience is for adults. I rate
this source a 5. It just goes to show the truth behind where some of our teacher
may be going and why we are needing to hire unlicensed teachers.
This source shows where teachers may be going. With the information and
charts presented, you are able to see where the need for teachers are and where we
are lacking. I will use this source to show that teachers are leaving for more than
one reason these days.

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