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Clay Middle School

Dear Parents,
Your student is bringing you this permission slip because theyre interested in a new club that is being
started at Clay Middle School.
Primarily for 8th grade students, Reel Talk is a club where students watch and talk about movies. Why
did the director use that camera angle? How does this music contribute to the mood of the film? What
themes were developed? Why was the film good or bad? While we try to answer some of these
questions and learn how to talk about movies intelligently, the club is also a place for students to find
people who have similar interests, and develop friendships.
Clay requires parental permission for your student to view movies that are used in our curriculum, or
selected by our teachers, which are rated PG and above, and this policy extends to our club as well.
The following are some examples of films that may be analyzed:

Godzilla (2014) rated PG-13

Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) rated PG-13

Karate Kid (1984) rated PG

Princess Mononoke (1997) rated PG-13

Super 8 (2011) rated PG-13

Signs (2002) rated PG-13

Goonies (1985) rated PG

Lady in the Water (2006) rated PG-13

My Neighbor Totoro (1988) rated G

Jaws (1975) rated PG

Pacific Rim (2013) rated PG-13

Jurassic World (2015) rated PG-13

While this list is not exhaustive and only represents examples of the types of films we will watch, it is
typical of the types of films we will analyze. Students will be asked to bring $1 on the first day of a
viewing. This helps offset the cost of buying the films as well as the cost of any snacks.

Thank you for taking the time to read and sign this permission form.
Brandon Britcher
8th Grade Language Arts

Student Name____________________________________________

Team Name _____________________________________________

____ Yes, I approve my childs viewing of movies rated PG-13 or below for Reel Talk film club.
____ No, I do not approve my childs viewing these films and I understand they will not be able to
participate in Reel Talk film club.

Guardian signature/date__________________________________________________________

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