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Name: Jessica Stallings

Date: October 7, 2015

T.P.R. (Total Physical Response) Lesson Plan
CELP/WIDA Standard(s): The language of language arts
Content Area: language arts
State standard, substandard & evidence outcomes:
1. Identify and sort common objects, events, pictures, words, colors, shapes,
and textures into various classifications

Topic/Focus: Taste
ESL Level: Level 1 (This lesson plan is designed for beginners only, they are NOT
expected to talk. They show what they know through gestures.)
ELL Objectives: Students will be able to know the difference between sweet, salty, sour
and spicy tastes.
Target Vocabulary
Taste the chocolate it is sweet. Taste the sauce it is spicy. Taste the chips they are salty.
Taste the lemon it is sour.
Vocabulary words:
sweet chocolate, sour lemons, spicy sauce and salty chips
Materials/Props Needed:
I will have printed colored pictures of sauce, lemons, chocolate and chips. I will also have
an actual lemon, some sauce, chocolate kisses and chips that they can taste.
Anticipatory Set:
I will show pictures of the different foods to the students.
Direct Instruction/Modeling/Demonstration:
1) I will give the cue taste I will say this 3 times and point to my mouth/tongue as
I do it. I will also point to their mouths and repeat the word taste

2) I will then cut the lemon, taste it myself and make a sour face.
3) I will repeat sour while making the sour face and tell the students, taste the
lemon it is sour
4) I will point to the flash card of a lemon and make a sour face.
5) I will watch students make the gesture as they taste the lemon and I will repeat,
sour lemon, it taste sour while pointing to my mouth and making the face.
6) I will repeat steps 1-5, introducing sweet,spicy and salty in the same way,
repeating the words plenty of times and modeling the gesture that goes with it.
7) Once students seem to master the vocabulary I will move on to individual
Checking for Understanding:
1) Students will point to mouth when I say taste
2) Students will close eyes and make face gesture when I say a command.
3) Students will slide the correct flash card my way when I make a face gesture.

Extra practice and Assessment:

Together (if small group) students will not only match each flashcard with the correct
food but also point to mouth and make face of at least one flashcard.
Students will make face gesture when I hold up either a flashcard or the real item in order
to review the terms.

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