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Media Kit

The Amazing Time Machine

The Amazing Time Machine Inc.

The Amazing Time Machine Inc. Advisory

For Immediate Release
Nov. 3, 2015
The Amazing Time Machine Inc. releases first time machine
Dr. Sheldon Cooper, president of The Amazing Time Machine Inc., will present the first
time machine at 11 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 1, at American Science and Surplus.
Cooper, inventor of The Amazing Time Machine, will present the time machine. He will
be accompanied by his team who helped him invent the machine. His team includes Dr.
Leonard Hofstadter, an experimental physicist; Howard Wolowitz, M.Eng, an aerospace
engineer; Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali, a physicist; and Dr. Amy Fowler, a neuroscientist.
American Science and Surplus is at 5316 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Ill. The
Amazing Time Machine Inc. will hold the release in the center of the store. The area will
have sufficient lighting for cameras.
The presentation will begin at 11 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 1, and will last 15 - 20 minutes.
Cooper will be the presenter. Cooper and the rest of his team will be available for
questions after the speech.

The Amazing Time Machine Speech

I remember the first time I saw Captain Kirk travel through time in Star Trek. I was amazed! A

man was able to travel to any time and place at the push of a button. From that moment on I

made it my mission to follow in Captain Kirks footsteps and boldly go where no man has gone

before, to be the first man to travel through time.

Today I am proud to announce that traveling through time is no longer a fantasy, but it is now a
reality. I present to you my invention, The Amazing Time Machine, the worlds first time


With this machine you will be able to travel to any time you desire. Do you dream of going back

and revisiting your childhood? (PAUSE) Let The Amazing Time Machine take you there. Do you

dream of seeing what the future has in store for you? (PAUSE) Let The Amazing Time Machine

show you. Do you dream of walking with dinosaurs? (PAUSE) Let The Amazing Time Machine

transport you.

My team and I have created a safe and reliable way to transport people to any time, past and

future. This will go down in history, and I welcome everyone to take this amazing journey with


I am proud to start this journey at American Science and Surplus, a store I hold close to heart.

When I first came to this store to purchase equipment to create my time machine American
Science and Surplus was the only store that didnt laugh in my face. The staff believed in me,
and if it werent for them, The Amazing Time Machine would not be. Therefore, it seems fitting

to release the Amazing Time Machine here. I want to personally thank the owner, Patrick

Meyer, for helping make this dream a reality.

I have been asked many times if I think this is a safe enough product to release to the public.
Now more than ever, after extensive testing, I can positively say absolutely! [PAUSE] I, along

with my team, have traveled to the past and future and, every single time, every single one of us

has arrived home safely.

The Amazing Time Machine is a dream that became a reality and spread throughout the stars.

[PAUSE] A great Star Trek quote said by Captain Kirk. This quote has always stuck with me,

and I knew when I started this project, that one day it would ring true for my invention.

I hope you all enjoy this amazing machine; enjoy your journey to the past and future. Boldly go

where no man has gone before. Thank you!

News Release
Nov. 24, 2015


Penny Hofstadter
Director of Media Relations

The Amazing Time Machine Inc. releases first time machine

PASADENA, CALIF. With the release of the very first time machine right around the corner, time travel
wont just be a dream anymore. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, a theoretical physicist, along with his team of
scientists, has invented historys first time machine.
Cooper and his team will release The Amazing Time Machine at American Science and Surplus,
Pasadena, Calif., at 11 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 1.
We have been perfecting The Amazing Time Machine for so many years, and I am so proud to say that
we can finally get this out to the public, Cooper said. The machine was put through rigorous testing to
ensure it is safe and reliable to use.
The entire team has used the time machine to travel to the past and future, and we have all arrived
safely home. The Amazing Time Machine is safe and reliable; we can guarantee you that, said Leonard
Hofstadter, an experimental physicist on Coopers team.
The Time Machine will be able to transport its owner to any time he or she would like without
negatively impacting the past, present or future, according to Cooper.
You are able to go to a time and watch everything happening like its a movie, but a movie that you are
standing in. Its absolutely incredible, Cooper said. Once travelers arrive at their desired time, they are
able to walk around unseen.
With some easy pushing of buttons humans will be able to do the unthinkable. The Amazing Time
Machine Inc. has made history, and we are lucky enough to be living it, said Patrick Meyer, owner of
American Science and Surplus.
At the release, Cooper will speak about his invention and his entire team will be available for questions
afterward. The time machine will be sold at select science stores around the country; the first one being
American Science and Surplus. Cooper will announce the stores at the conference, along with the price
of the time machine.

Nov. 27, 2015


Penny Hofstadter
Director of Media Relations

Dr. Sheldon Cooper, inventor of historys first time machine

Sheldon Cooper is the owner and president of The Amazing Time Machine Inc.,
Pasadena, California, and inventor of historys first time machine.
Cooper was born in 1983 in Galveston, Texas. He was recognized as a child prodigy
and entered college at the age of 11. By age 14, Cooper graduated from college summa cum
laude and went on to get his Doctorate of science and Doctorate of philosophy. Cooper was the
youngest person to ever win the Stevenson Award for exceptional work in applied mathematics.
By the age of 20, Cooper became the senior theoretical physicist at the California
Institute of Technology. Although he studied as a theoretical physicist, Coopers main focus was
time travel, which he began researching at the age of 11.
By age 26, Cooper brought a team together of four other scientists and created the
company, The Amazing Time Machine Inc. to help him design the first ever time machine. His
team included Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, an experimental physicist; Howard Wolowitz, M.Eng, an
aerospace engineer; Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali, a physicist; and Dr. Amy Fowler, a neuroscientist.
On Nov. 19, 2014, Cooper and his team finished creating The Amazing Time Machine.
On Nov. 20, 2014, Cooper used The Amazing Time Machine and was the first person in history
to time travel.

Fact Sheet
Nov. 27, 2015


Penny Hofstadter
Director of Media Relations

The Amazing Time Machine Inc. releases first time machine

The Amazing Time Machine is the first time machine in history. It can transport humans
to any time they would like, past or future. Each time machine sells for around $5 million.
The purpose of this machine is to provide humans with the opportunity to see how the
world has changed or will change. The Amazing Time Machine has been put through
rigorous testing over the past year. Each person that has used the time machine has
come back safely. Tests have shown improved life decisions once time traveler returns.
Dr. Sheldon Cooper is the inventor of The Amazing Time Machine. His team includes Dr.
Leonard Hofstadter, an experimental physicist; Howard Wolowitz, M.Eng, an aerospace
engineer; Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali, a physicist; and Dr. Amy Fowler, a neuroscientist.
There has never been an invention like this before. Cooper wants to provide the world
with an opportunity they never thought possible. The Amazing Time Machine Inc. is
proven to be a safe and reliable way to travel through time and help improve life

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