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Morning Intervention

Mary Gates, Amanda McKay, &
Emily Trucks

The Goal of This Meeting

To discuss the progress made in Morning Intervention by
Ibrahim, Sebastian, and Stephanie in the Fall of 2015.

What the Data Shows Us




We find Ibrahim to be a bit of a fuzzy spot in our

observations. We have realized, unfortunately, that we do
not know him that well. Achievement wise, he falls in the
middle of Sebastian and Stephanie. He enjoys reading, but
is intimidated by read-aloud opportunities. Ibrahim is very
soft-spoken. We worry about classroom participation. If he
gets overlooked in a group of three students, we imagine
that he gets overlooked quite frequently in a group of
twenty-plus. We want to find a way to boost Ibrahims
confidence in his abilities. We also want to find a way to
get him to speak with us!


Sebastian is a confident conversationalist, though ironically

he is a timid reader. Our interactions with Sebastian have
revealed that he is influenced by the Spanish language that
is spoken at home, though he is not considered to be ELL.
We find that Sebastian is reading slightly below level, and
his struggles lie in fluency of automaticity and prosody. He
enjoys reading but his comprehension is a little broken.


Stephanie is a student who is in Morning Intervention

because she is behind in math, but she is on-level in
reading. She will often fly through the assessments and
does very well on them. This is why we wonder why she
was in intervention this semester. She is frustrated with
being there because she is ahead of the other students.
She is missing valuable instruction time. She also does not
come much on Thursdays because she does First Priority.
She is very quiet, and is not conversational. When we ask
her questions, she will only respond with short sentences.

Each of the three students have warmed up to us over the
time we have spent with them this semester.
We look forward to next semester and getting to know these
students more!
We think that this experience has been beneficial for us as
pre-service teachers to work one-on-one with students and
follow their progress.

Throughout our time in Morning Intervention this semester,
we have discovered three areas of concern: time
management, the teacher-to-student ratio, and failure to
make a true impact on these students.
How do you feel these issues would be best addressed?

Points to Remember
These students should be measured by far more than their
performance on assessments.
They are students who we love!
We want to see them succeed!

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